Mar 21, 2009

Highlights of Spring

Some things I love about Spring:

Everything in bloom
Cherry Blossoms
The hum of lawnmowers outside
Seeing sweet baby feet go bare
Yard sales
More daylight
Warm days and cool nights
Wearing flip-flops
Neighbors spending time outside
Bradford Pear tree petals blowing all over the ground
Being one season closer to football season!

I know I am forgetting some things...feel free to add to my list!


Emily said...

all all the playtime outside! Not having to be cooped up inside anymore!!!

Memaw said...

The smell of orange blossoms in the
Florida air and still a touch of cool before the summer begins for real - buying a new bathing suit and thinking about the beach - picking up some new shorts and shirts for Hannah and Holly - looking at clothes for Anna and just not sure what to buy - getting
Easter Egg baskets for my girls
group to put together and auction off for the Annie Armstrong Easter
Offering - writing some plays for the girls to perform at church.
Seeing Aunt Kathy and Jakob in Walmarts in Mulberry and being told
"I want to come to your house for
Easter". Remembering sweet hugs and kisses from my Noah boy and
enjoying pictures and videos of my
little Anna girl.Going to a little
antique shop and finding something
"neat" for a teenage Rebeka and not
knowing what in the world a fifth-
grade Aaron is into right now. Buying new silk flowers for the cemetery and remembering good times
with parents now gone to be with the Lord. Practicing Easter music
with the choir - watching the seeds
I planted growing fast and waiting
for the blooms to appear. Wow, you
got me on a roll, girl! Love you.

Kimberly said...

Wow, Carol! You lists KILLS my list!