Oct 31, 2022

Oh My, October!

Goodness, October held a bunch!  I didn't realize it until the month finished and I came back to post the month.  First up,  Fall Break relaxing with buds, going to the park, Jackson's Orchard visit for Josh and the kids with our church, and a day trip for us all to AL.  Also, I worked three days with Melanie at two different organizing/unpacking jobs and that about killed me; that is some PHYSICAL work.  Glad for it though - good exercise and some much needed extra money!

Josh and I also hit up a Preds preseason game thanks to some tickets a friend offered us.

More pickleball got played.  This day, Noah played with kids from youth and was dubbed "obnoxiously good" after beating everyone soundly.  Ha!
Slim Chickens has become a frequent stop for the youth...

One Saturday, Josh got an itchin' to go hiking, so we loaded up and headed to Burgess Falls.  We might have complained about having to get up early to beat the crowds and also having to pack lunches to save money while out, but we were glad for it all in the end.  It was a great morning together!

Our friends who bought our house in Cambridge Farms sent me a pic of my beautiful tree out front.  We have had a stellar slow sweet fall and the trees are singing - SINGING - about it.  This made my day, this pic.  Personal greeting card to my heart.

Halloween Bunco ... that I did not go to this month because I was so wiped out that night and fighting off the start of a cold I really wanted to beat before some company got to town.  How cute are all these costumes?  Good thing I missed in the end because I would have been the only stick in the mud NOT in a costume.  Guilty!

Lasa's Fall Fest at school ... Josh took her since I wasn't feeling well.

These lovely ladies slowed down BIIIIIIIG time on the egg production when the temps cooled off this month.  We went from 14-15 eggs a day to about 4-7 a day.  One day we only got 2!!  Anyway, that marked the end of selling eggs for this season.  Now we get just enough to cover what we need here at home.

Halloween costumes were hunted down and/or put together ...  Noah hit up Bloody Acres with his friend, Colman.  Josh hit up a Men's Fall Cookout at church.  Mason and Maddy came over for a bonfire.  All manner of fall fun ...

A cat door and a box with a heat lamp were set up on the porch for keeping kittens warm this winter.  They ADORE being able to come and go as they please now.  Those stinkers have even figured out how to force the door open when we lock it at night, so we are going to have to finagle a fix for that here soon.

Oh yeah!  Noah got into his first car accident and it was a whole thing.  Hate it!  Quite a learning experience, though, and a fitting wake up call as to how serious this driving thing is.  We are so thankful it didn't have to involve anyone getting hurt.  Also thankful for how terribly kind the officer was as well as the other driver.  Nothing but gracious and reassuring and helpful.  Regardless, Noah and Anna were QUITE shaken up by the entire experience and had some interesting trauma responses in their bodies for the next 24 hours or so.  All is well now and now we just wait to see how much Noah's insurance goes up and if he has to drain his savings to cover any repairs on the other driver's car.  Hard life lessons!

These cats still.  We wuv them.  Finnick is still only good for snuggles and purring.  Bane, though, is earning his keep and has killed (and eaten! blech) multiple mice, a frog, and some grasshoppers.  He's awesome.

The last week of October, Josh's middle brother, Jason, and his wife, Bonnie, came for a visit along the way of their road trip with their new camper.  It was so great to meet Bonnie in person finally!  We enjoyed nice weather, slow easy days, lots of chats, and a little trip to Amish country together.  A lunch out, a good warm fire one night, and hike or two around the property together was just right.  Also, Bonnie helped us out by getting us a family pic for this year while they were here.
Family pics courtesy of Bonnie ...
More of Bane, because - holy cuteness!

A hike for Noah and Anna at Bledsoe Creek State Park with some bible study friends, Ava and Jada.

An 80's themed Fall Jamboree for the youth group.  Josie, Maddy, and Mason here have become such faves for Noah and Anna.  We are thankful for these friendships!  Anna entered a homemade pumpkin pie into a contest.  She got 4th.
A morning of airsoft shooting and, as ever, more pickleball for Noah and Jonah one Saturday morning.
First puzzle of the fall/winter finished!
And finally, Halloween!  Noah ended up coming down with a hot fever and dizziness and had to stay home.  That was sad after all the work and money he put into his Cad Bane costume.  I worked with Melanie in Nashville all day and was BEAT by that night, so Josh took it for the team and got Anna to chili at her friend, Mallory's, and then walked the girls around our old 'hood for trick or treating.  It ended up raining some, but goodies were got.  It was a good night for them still!

In other October news, Josh sold a ton of plasma again this month and has been killing it in the running department.  He runs 3-4 times a week before work.  Noah started with a counselor and is liking how that's going, as am I.  As for me, I got - alas - another skin cancer diagnosis.  This time, I get to add MALIGNANT MELANOMA to my resume.  My new dermatologist spotted it on my left elbow just weeks after my last derm did a full body scan and said I was fine and sent me on my way.  Sheesh!  So, expect to see me in a sling next month after another surgery.  Sigh.  Thankful that it is able to be dealt with with a Moh's procedure at least. Wish us luck!  Also, Anna entered a writing competition and is very hopeful for a win.  Wish her luck, too!