Jan 31, 2010

Recipe: Tater Tot Casserole

I tried this recipe today. I have had it for years and just never got around to trying it, and this turns out to be my loss because it was really good. And for another snow day like what we have today (even church was cancelled), it was a perfectly warm and hearty meal to break up all the snowman making and snowball tasting that was going on outside. A real meat-and-potatoes dish.

Tater Tot Casserole

1 1/2 lbs. ground chuck
1 medium onion
1 can cream of celery soup
Tater Tots
1 can cream of mushroom soup, diluted with 1/2 can water

Crumble meat over bottom of large flat casserole pan. Slice onions on top of meat. Add the celery soup and spread over onions. Put on a layer of tater tots. Mix the mushroom soup with 1/2 can of water and put on top of tater tots. Bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

If you don't have onion, you can use onion flavored tater tots.
I used lean ground beef instead.
I used minced onions instead.
I used the bottom of a broiler pan. Cookie sheet would work also.
I wasn't sure so I browned the meat first. But after looking at similar recipes online, I think I wasn't supposed to. Now I know.

Snowman Upgrades

Jan 30, 2010

For the Record

Our last home study visit was supposed to be three weeks ago. Because of the snow we had then, it had to be rescheduled. Josh was out of town for most of January, so our next available spot in his schedule for Alisa to come again was yesterday. And, as luck would have it AGAIN, it was postponed AGAIN for snow. And since I went into this adoption planning and counting on waiting and set-backs, I am very at peace with it. So, pending some other reason for a cancellation between now and then, our case worker is coming on Wednesday to meet our chilluns, catch us up on one class we missed and, in doing so, complete our home study. Which means we are looking at having an approved home study by the end of February.

In the meantime I have found an organization that has lifted my spirits and given me hope and encouragement about finding a prospective older child for our family. The Heart Gallery of America. This site and its state links have sucked up a bit of my time in the past week or so. I love this group's mission and the effect they have had on adoption.

Snow Pile/Man

Success at last!

Snowed In

So of course all of Nashville shut down the day BEFORE the snow ever really made an appearance, which was yesterday afternoon. This morning there's about 4 inches (?) outside which is more than Noah's ever seen at once. And the snow is still coming down. Sadly, the snow is still not the good and sticky kind for making snowmen. Josh has it is his mind to go out with a spray bottle to make enough of it sticky for that project. I'm crossing my fingers it will work. Noah's hopes were so high when he went to bed last night. He is just itching to get one built.

Some snow shots so far...

Jan 27, 2010

Weigh In

I took Anna to her one month follow-up weight check today to see if any of the diet tweaks I have tried since her last visit have worked. In the last four weeks I have gotten so discouraged over how little I can get Anna to eat that I even told the nurse before I put her on the scale today that I was worried she might have instead LOST weight.

But no - that girl gained TWO POUNDS! I'm just amazed! I'd had no confidence in any of the things the doctor asked me to do, but I did them anyway and now I am just tickled to find out they worked and they worked well.

She is still a featherweight, but at least now she is over that 20 lb. hump. So relieved!

Jan 25, 2010


Just giving a shout out to my handy hubby for making this shelf for Noah's room so I wouldn't have to spend money on one. Turned out great! Thanks, babe!

Custom built with love:

Idea from Pottery Barn Kids catalog:

Sweet 16 between Siblings

Anna turned 16 months old today which isn't a really notable milestone except for the technicality of the date. But 16 months was a big deal for Noah as this is when he started walking. And since I wasn't blogging by that time in his life, I feel compelled to dedicate Anna's 16 month post to Noah's 16 month milestone. It was a terribly exciting time for Josh, Noah, and me.

Happy 16 month birthday, Anna!
Happy walking anniversary-of-sorts, Noah!

Jan 24, 2010

Sunday at the Circus

Guilty! We may have looked like we were pulling out of the driveway and headed to church this morning, but really the Browns were Barnum and Bailey bound. To hear Noah tell it, though, he was headed to the cotton candy and the popcorn.

We attempted a pose with a clown at the pre-show but Noah turned out to be a little anxious about those guys. He much preferred the view from our seats instead.

Anna's favorite part was the horses.

Then she zonked out and did not wake up until the closing act.

Noah's favorite part was the elephants.

My favorite part was the tigers.

Josh's favorite part was these guys but I don't know what you call them. Acrobats?

All in all, not a bad show. I was a little underwhelmed with the lack of energy I sensed from the performers, or maybe it was the crowd. And for some reason the acrobats, clowns, jugglers, tricks, swing/rope acts, and all just didn't impress me like I thought they would. I don't know. Maybe it's just not the same as an adult. Noah was scared of the cannons and explosions and noise, but still asked to come again. We might. But I think it's safe to say we have the circus out of our system for awhile.

Jan 22, 2010

Taking Names and Notes

Let the commitment to discipline begin again. Let's call it Project Anna. We'll date it at almost 16 months. Baby Doll - I'd love to excuse you on the basis of being so cute and little and still a baby, but really, it's on. I'm onto you and it is clear you are old enough for some hand smacks, time-outs, correction, and/or a bootie swat. I know you know what I am saying to you and I can tell by your response that you know you are not obeying. Gotta nip that in the bud.

As I changed your third poopie diaper today, I started thinking about what it will be like when you are old enough to wipe your own bootie, you know, when you are an almost-grown teenager who is all attitudinal with her momma. I started thinking about how I will remind you that I was the one that wiped your poopie bootie like a million times and then you will roll your eyes at me like I did with my mom when she said those things to me. It's alright. I wipe your bootie because I love you (and because it stinks to high heaven) and I don't really expect you to pay me back with being an angel child all your life. I love you all poopie now, and I will love you all poopie-moody later. That's just what mommas do, I think. Take care of you regardless, clean up your messes regardless, and love you regardless. And if you are my-kinda-mommy, you take notes along the way.

Recent Anna Notables:

Anna put her pretty little fingers on a smushed worm in a puddle in the cul-de-sac today. Shudder! Noah avoids them at all costs (except to run them over with his car) but Anna is all hands on. Same goes for grasshoppers, ants, and any other critter that's creepy.

Anna in the last month or so has finally attached to not one, but two, loveys. A super soft stuffed piggie from Kohl's and that bunny we all made at Build-a-bear. I love that she has some comfort objects now.

Anna is fixated on pulling open my filing drawer and pulling papers out! And gnawing on the side of the trash can and pulling things out of that, too. Still.

Anna has gotten pushy, literally, with Noah. In Anna's defense though, Noah has started doing things to make her want to push him so that he can alert me to the fact that she is pushing and grabbing. You know, so she can get in trouble.

Anna recently added to her repertoire of words. Chee (cheese) and Dih (again).

Anna totally digs Ring Around the Rosie with me and Noah. Hence the new word "Dih".

Anna insists on using a fork for these foods that don't really need forks: marshmallows, french fries, jelly sandwiches, bread, and cheese.

Anna is indeed still napping twice a day. We had that funny (but mostly painful) stint around Thanksgiving where we thought it was phasing out. She changed her mind about that though...clearly.

Anna is very cooperative with having her nose aspirated. That comes as a huge relief. With Noah it was always such a screaming struggle (him, not me) to suction and/or wipe his nose. Anna's pretty chill. For once.

Right now as I type, she has Noah's stethoscope around her neck and her toy phone to her ear. Earlier I stepped into the playroom and found her attempting to put a Potato Head ear in her diaper. So far, she is not coordinated enough to pull of such a feat, but she is close.

She is always pulling her socks off. She just learned to unzip her jacket. She's kinda unpredictable about whether or not she wants to wear a hat. I can tell she's gonna be the kind of toddler who likes to strip down. And Josh and I predict she will be pretty easy to potty-train.

Anna has this love affair with the humidifier we keep downstairs. She likes to hear and see the tank refill with water as well as lean her head over it so it blows her hair around. And a few weeks ago, her curiosity got the best of her in Noah's room when she pulled the little table over that held Noah's bedroom humidifier and it all fell on top of her. Shocked us all pretty bad. Oddly enough, Noah cried more about it than she did. And she was the one under the fallen table and tank!

Anna can now use her little scoot-and-ride trike that does not have wheels and I love to see her get it. What cracks me up is that she likes to scoot backwards better. And then get immediately off it and push it backwards in circles.

And now, Anna is on the couch pointing the remote at the TV. But it's backwards. But no, wait, apparently that works because she just turned on On Demand.

Gotta run.
Love this girl.
Keeps me on my toes.

No wait, now she's watching Hillary Clinton on C-Span. Yikes.

Jan 21, 2010

Psalm 19

I grew up (literally and spiritually) reading the NIV Bible. For the last 5 or so years, I have kept in the New Living Translation. Two years ago I worked my way in a year through a One-Year Bible, also NLT. For the last few bible studies I've been a part of I liked Beth Moore's preference of the Holman Christian Standard version as well. This year, I'm starting reading a new translation (two actually) of the Bible - a NKJV/The Message Parallel Bible and I am really digging it.

Most recently, Psalm 19 from the Message jumped out at me and I can't help but share the translation. (verses 7-9, 11-14)

The revelation of God is whole
and pulls our lives together.
The signposts of God are clear
and point out the right road.
The life-maps of God are right,
showing the way to joy.
The directions of God are plain
and easy on the eyes.
God's reputation is twenty-four-carat gold,
with a lifetime guarantee.
The decisions of God are accurate
down to the nth degree.

There's more: God's word warns us of danger
and directs us to hidden treasure.
Otherwise how will we find our way?
Or know when we play the fool?
Clean the slate, God, so we can start the day fresh!
Keep me from stupid sins,
from thinking I can take over your work;
Then I can start this day sun-washed,
scrubbed clean of the grime of sin.
These are the words in my mouth;
these are what I chew on and pray.
Accept them when I place them
on the morning altar,
O God, my Altar-Rock,
God, Priest-of-my-Altar.

Josh and I have somewhat set a goal this year to start teaching Noah exact Scripture for the purpose of memorization. We are still working out how this will look in our family, but I think these verses would be an excellent place to start with him. Maybe check out the wording in some kid-friendly translations...



Why is the train whistle so much more audible in winter than in summer? Less leaves to break the sound waves? Drier air?


Toy Story, Lion King, and Peter Pan didn't have "shut up" and "idiot" in them.


I can start sleeping without any sleeping pills. Last night was night 2 without them. The first night I was sick and throwing up so I figured it was a good night to try to go solo since I wouldn't be sleeping much anyway.

Looking Forward to:

The Circus. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey are in town this weekend!

Encores and More North Children's Consignment Sale - I signed up to work some shifts and I am looking forward to meeting lots of people and seeing more of how consignment works from the inside. Also looking forward to the $50 gift certificate and getting to shop before all the consignor's and the general public.

Starting a new bible study next week. Believing God. I missed the first session last night (too much trouble to get the kids out at night and have them missing their bedtime when Josh is out of town), but I think I am going to join in next week.


I got caught up in some Waiting Children websites this morning and ended up getting my own waiting children to school late because of it. :0

I have had "Clean the ceiling fan" on my to do list for about a month. I just can't seem to make myself do it, and that's bad because the fan in our bedroom needs it desperately.

I don't want to know how many calories are in a Chick-Fil-A chicken biscuit. I am not willing to give them up. And in a year when I am giving up french fries (again), that is just going to have to be ok. Check back next year.

Laughing at:

How unnatural it felt to drop Noah and Anna off at school in their pj's even though today was a designated PJ party day.

The latest political news. Oh really, John Edwards did father his mistress's baby? That's news? Are we really surprised to find this out, or just surprised that he is telling the truth now? Gimme a break. What a joke.

Barbara Walters acting gaga on The View for Lady Gaga. Does she think we don't know how old she is? Do I really believe Lady Gaga is her thing? Um, no. Do I believe she tries to appear younger and cooler than she is? Uh, yeah. Does Barbara Walters just bug me anyway? Yes. Don't most liberals bug me? Yes. Yes.


A good book called "Everyday Talk" by John A. Younts.


Having a screened-in porch! It's raining, raining, and raining some more but the kids can still go outside and play. Anna is mesmerized by the sound of the rain once she gets out there.

The bar we had built into the kitchen when we installed the counter tops last year.

Publix. Their slogan is really true. It IS where shopping is a pleasure.

Olay Dual Action Cleanser and Toner - the new face wash I am trying.

The new backpacks I got Noah and Anna from Pottery Barn Kids. Uh-dorable.

Jan 20, 2010

Brotherly Love

Noah made up this song about his sister after hearing me make up a similar song about how much I loved him:

I wuv Anna
My baby sither (read sister)
I wuv Anna
Joy Joy Joy
I wuv Anna
Booghee, Booghee (read bootie, bootie)
I wuv Anna
Booghee, Booghee

What's a little love and joy from a big brother without some poetic rear-end likeness to wrap it up?

And then promptly serving a time-out for knocking her over and making her cry.

And even as I type this I hear him burping from his time-out spot and telling Anna that he is tooting.

I've said it before and I'm sure I'll say it again: Boys.

Jan 18, 2010

Sign Language

Josh just left to take Noah to his allergy shot. Anna had a meltdown because the boys were leaving without her. So I scooped her up, dramatically ran her to the front porch, and we waved bye-bye like fools to Daddy and Noah as they honked the horn and waved back at us. Anna's tears disappeared into grins and giggles amidst all the waving and bye-bying. And I swooped Baby Doll on upstairs and put her down for her morning nap.

After I plop her in her crib, she doubles over her legs and lets me cover her up with her second blanket while she pulls her piggie or bunny close. When she cooperates like this you know she is ready to zonk out. And this got me thinking about all the other cues she gives to express one thing or another in a day. I can NOT wait to hear her talking in the coming months, but I also treasure the bit of sign language she uses to express her little self in these, her early toddler days.

Bathtime, please: She puts both her hands on her chest and rubs her shirt side to side in a scrubbing motion...and then she heads for the stairs.

I want to color: She stands under the crayon shelf at the computer and says "uuuh" and points to the colors and her coloring book.

I'm hungry: She tries to climb up the chair to her booster seat. Or she tries to pull the fridge open to get to her milk.

Come with me: She will come around the corner, make sure she has our attention, point at us, and then walk out.

Move!: She will grab Noah's shirt and pull/push him forward to try to get him out of the big red chair so she can sit there.

Brush my teeth: On my way upstairs at her bedtime, she opens her mouth, makes the uuuuuh sound and sticks her finger in her mouth and waves it all around in there.

Can I have some sanitizer?: She stands by the Germ-x and pats and rubs her hands together, a hopeful look in her eye.

I'm sleepy: Her little body collapses on our shoulder and she lays her head down and tucks her arms under her body. Or if she is not in our arms, she crawls around on the floor with her head scooting on the floor in front of her.

Shoes/Jacket/Socks, please: She brings these to us or points to them if they are too high to reach.

Do me, too: When I put on chapstick, she rubs her fingers on her lips to get me to put some on her. When I put cheek chapstick on Noah, she rubs her fingers over her cheeks until I put some on her, too. When I put on my make up, she watches longingly and waits for me to dab her with powder or blush.

Banana, please: She reaches from her booster seat to the counter beside her where the bananas are...even if we are out of bananas.

I'm uncomfortable or nervous: When we set her down in a room of new people, she will stand there and not move and barely look around or respond to anything, me included, even if we walk away from her. She just stands there and bats some serious puppy dog eyes at the floor or up from under her down-turned face. Sucks. People. Right. In.

I'm excited!: She shrieks, runs, waves her arms all around like the most adorable little crazy person you ever saw.

Oh, no! Help!: If she has messed with something and broken it, or knocked it over, or almost knocked it over, she freezes, holding whatever it is in that frozen spot and cries out all upset until we come and save the moment and fix it back like it was. This happens with tree ornaments, Santa figurines, stair gates, books, stacks of stuff, and her shoes and socks when she is in the car seat and is about to drop them.

I'm not happy: As I have said before, she collapses into a little puddle on the floor and cries and wails and turns all red and splotchy. And then checks to see if you are even watching her dramatic rendition of agony and disappointment at not getting her way.

That's not what I wanted: If you offer her something that was not what she was trying to communicate that she wanted, she will take it, scowl real hard, and THROW IT DOWN! (this little behavior is so frustrating to behold...one, because it's ugly, and two, because SHE is so frustrated at not being able to communicate, poor thing)

Night, Night: She blows kisses to Daddy and Noah as I carry her from the room. The kisses come complete with that "mmmmmmmwaa!" sound and a toothy grin and yet another bye-bye wave.

Jan 17, 2010

Circle of Life

Oh man. I said it today. As Noah pestered me with yet another "Why?", I simply closed the matter flatly with that hallowed parent's trump card of a phrase that always annoyed the fire out of me as a child. And with it my life came full circle.

"Because I said so."

I caught myself just as the words came out and at the same moment I wanted to suck them back in. But since you can't unsay what you've said, I was left with no other choice but to just laugh at myself. Noah was confused about the laughing so he of course just asked me "Why your waffing, Mommy?" to which I just sputtered through my chuckling, "Because, baby. Just ... because." It's a vicious cycle really.

He'll understand "why" one day ... when his life comes full circle, too.

Jan 13, 2010

End of an Era

I just ended a wonderful era in my life, and by "era" I mean the last 16 months. Since just before Anna was born we have hired out the cleaning of our house, although more recently that only consisted of the deep cleaning of our bathrooms and kitchen every 3 weeks. Lately though the cleaning has not been up to par. I've tried to drop hints and point out what isn't getting done that should be getting done, but the lady that cleans our house, we feel like, has just gotten lazy and careless, very comfortable with the friendly, relaxed relationship we have when she comes over. As the quality of cleaning has continued to decline, so has our tolerance for it. So yesterday, we finally decided to just let her go.

I'm the one that had to tell her on the phone (which, c'mon is a huge feat for this phone-a-phobic) and I am still keyed up about it. She could tell, as well I knew, that this was not so much a "letting go" as it was just a flat-out firing. I did use the excuse that we are tightening up our budget and that it's time for us to take back over our own cleaning - both of which are true and have been on our radar for several months. So Tuesday when I got home and saw the same sticky spots on the kitchen floor and the same grime and urine on 2 of our 3 toilets (memo to Josh - work on Noah's aim), I'd had enough. I just couldn't let it go again, so I let her know things were not cleaned right and asked her to come back to finish or let me pay less next time to make up the difference. She offered an excuse of not feeling right that morning and said she would call in the afternoon about coming by to finish. Being the on-time kinda girl I am, when she called at 4:30 I was tired of waiting on her and just plain had had enough of being disappointed, on top of being irritated by not getting what I was paying for! So I fired her - I mean, let her go.

And I guess my only point right now is this.... I am still just so keyed up about it. It is just not comfortable having to tell someone they did something wrong and then having to let them go as a result, even more so because I know how the lady needs the money. We are completely within our rights and reason to expect to get what we paid for, but I still feel so ick over the whole thing.

Conflict is the pits. And that's my rant and moan for the day.

Mommy Moments

Cooking with a toddler body wrapped around your legs, between you and the cabinet. Toddler is moaning, groaning, and crying to be picked up.

Listening for your preschooler to call from the potty "Done, Mommy".

Picking up the same toys/books strewn all over the floor multiple times a day.

Shaking your head at the sight of your kids' crooked pants...a true "Daddy dressed me" sign if there ever was one.

Catching drool dead-on in your mouth because you were flying baby above you on the couch.

Finding your Tupperware cabinet emptied all over the kitchen floor.

Having no privacy in the bathroom. And even if you closed and locked the door, toddler baby girl bangs and pulls and screams the whole time for you to let her in.

Playing Candy Land, Memory, Hide-n-Seek, Go Fish, horses, Big Bad Wolf, trains, kitchen, Legos, and puzzles.

Holding and doctoring stuffed animal loveys because your preschooler swears they are sick.

Putting toys and/or children in time-out.

Wiping toys, faces, hands, booties, counters, trays, walls, windows.

Hearing what a "great idea" it would be to watch Toy Story or Mulan or Peter Pan...again.

Being requested by a grinning and expectant preschooler to smell his feet.

Emptying a dishwasher full of plastic cups, straws, silverware, plates, and lids. And sometimes Mr. Potato Head parts.

Stepping on a plastic mushroom and a Buzz Lightyear as you get out of the shower.

Listening to a little boy hum "The Wheels on the Bus" while he plays XBOX.

Always keeping an eye out for that long, lost puzzle piece that disappeared months ago.

Grinning at how the girl always goes for the white crayon to color her white paper and how the boy always stacks the Candy Land cards with the candy cards on top before we play.

Hunting with a concerned preschooler for a missing peanut card from Candy Land, but secretly not wanting to find it on principle - he's got a peanut allergy, remember.

Pretending to gobble imaginary soup that baby girl is spoon feeding you after stirring and stirring the air in her bowl.

Trying in vain to keep a straight face when the kiddos accidentally toot.

Jan 11, 2010


Josh left this morning for the week. When he goes on trips this long and that far away (AZ this time), I check and recheck and triple check to make sure I haven't locked us out of the house, or locked my keys in the car, or forgotten my cell phone while we run an errand. I check the gas gauge a lot more too. Something about knowing he isn't within reach to help if we needed it just puts me ill at ease.

I took the kids to Noah's allergy shot visit this morning. While we waited the required 20 minutes before we left, a hefty, scruffy, older man in a big black leather jacket came into the office and looked around in an uncertain manner...like he wasn't sure what he was going to do next. Why? Why? Why must my gut reaction be to chant in my head, "Please don't pull out a gun. Please don't pull out a gun."

As I get us 3 to the car in the parking garage, I turn it on to warm it up (it is STILL below freezing here) and go around the other side to buckle Anna in. On my way around the car I am scoping out anything and everything that moves (or not) to make sure that no one is going to jump out and steal my car with my babies in it.

I read an article the other day that said we shouldn't leave the Brinks Alarm System sign in front of our house because it only helps thieves know better what alarm system to deactivate. How scary is that?

I am always, always on high alert when I get a phone call when Noah is at school. I am so on edge that he'll come in contact with peanuts one way or another.

These are just some of the ways I feel weighed down on a daily basis keeping an eye out or just plain fearing what might could happen. And that's not even mentioning all the broken bones and busted out teeth I worry might happen every time Noah or Anna stumble, or play on the couch too close to the edge, or run too fast.


I dread the kids getting sick too. I probably make them use sanitizer way to often. Same goes for me. When I have been anywhere public, I can't relax until I have cleaned my hands. Just thinking about all the possible sick germs out there makes me tense right now.


Jan 8, 2010


Fluffy snowflakes are still coming down all around outside. It's so pretty and soothing to see. BUT, it's also fuh-reezing out there. It's 15 degrees with a windchill of 0! So, no, the kiddies will not be going outside to play in that business. However, yesterday they did get to steal some moments in our meager snowfall to play with snowballs, sleds and snow angels.

A Decade in Review

I just realized the other day watching a Fox News photo reel that not only did we turn over a new year with 2010, but we turned over a new decade! Wow! I started recounting what all has come in my life over the last 10 years, and, well, it's a lot of big things. I guess your twenties will do that to you.

A decade in review:

2000 - Junior in college at Liberty University

2001 - Graduated college, Moved to GA, First Job, First Place, First Cell Phone, Met Josh

2002 - Engaged and Married, Moved into Josh's place, Got Jake

2003 - Bought first house together in L'ville, Josh new job, Got Charlie

2004 - Josh new job - Pearson

2005 - San Diego trip, First digital camera, Started adoption process, Josh promoted

2006 - Last minute adoption switch-Noah!, Moved to AL, Josh new job, masters degrees

2007 - Family of 3 in AL, Major home improvement project, House on the market, Noah's medical issues

2008 - Pregnancy, Started blogging, Sold House, All 3 dogs gone, Moved to TN, Anna born

2009 - Survived Anna's first year, Started next adoption, DISNEY!

2010 To Do Lists

Some New Year's Resolutions, in listing format, of course.

To Do More of in 2010:

Gracious Speech

To Do Less of in 2010:

Screen Time,

To Maintain Doing in 2010:


Looking forward to in 2010:

Having our next child placed in our home
Anna growing some hair and starting to talk
Noah starting preschool

Notes from our New Year's

We flew down to FL on New Year's Eve and got there just in time to enjoy Memaw and Papa John's New Year's Eve party and fireworks. Noah also enjoyed his third wave of Christmas presents.

This is what Noah did for much of our time at Memaw and Papa's place. If not riding the Kubota and visiting with the cows and spotting alligators, he was playing with cousins Holly and Hannah. This new Bingo game from Memaw was a real hit and the girls taught him well. Holly did a fantastic job of keeping up with Anna every time she came over. Noah was a little taken aback by the girls' interest in Anna over him, but he was usually successful in getting Hannah to play hide-n-seek, or go see the kittens, or like I said, play Bingo with him.

When Noah wasn't playing with Holly and Hannah's kittens (or Memaw's cat, Kitty), he was asking about getting to see them. Amazingly, his cat allergies never flared up. Weird. I got in some good kitten cuddling time too while I watched bowl game after bowl game.

Papa sacrificed his office for Anna to have her own sleeping space after our first night of sharing a room with her backfired severely. I think she could smell my fear of waking her up. Noah, Josh, and I took in a trip to the flea market with Papa as well. We ate at Sonny's on the way home as Josh's Sonny-meter was dangerously low. On this particular visit, I drank too much Diet Coke and forgot to use the bathroom before we left for the 1 hour trip home. Suffice to say, I was literally in tears for fear of wetting my pants by the time we got home. Papa may or may not have been speeding for my sake, and I may or may not have seriously considered peeing on the side of the road. I was in that much pain.

Noah followed Hannah around like a puppy. In this shot they are both consumed with Nintendo DS. And once Noah got that game in his hot little hands he went into a zone from whence he could not be extracted. Memo to me, put off getting one of those for a long, long time.

Anna spent a lot of time in Holly's arms.

Memaw and I stayed home with Anna one night while the boys went to a chili cook-off. Anna got real fussy and then real silly and stayed up late with the girls...if late means 7:30. Then I watched some more football. :)

Noah got in lots of playtime with Memaw. There was lots of puzzle solving and Bingo playing.

kept Anna for us again for our overnight trip back to Disney. Anna may not have gotten in any theme park time yet, but she has met and exceeded her quota for love, snuggles, and spoiling! Thank you, thank you, thank you, Memaw! Papa, too!

Joyriding on the water taxi at Downtown Disney just hours after we arrived. If you can't tell, I am freezing my tookus off! We all were. The crosswinds on the water were just an added perk.

We ate at T-Rex and it was pretty cool. It's essentially a dinosaur version of the Rainforest Cafe. Noah loved it, but was pretty anxious at the same time. It was hard for him to eat with his fingers shoved in his ears every time the dinosaurs started moving or roaring.

So at the end of the night, he got McD's for his real dinner on the way back to the hotel.

The next morning we headed out to Magic Kingdom. This is my favorite shot. I don't have a picture of Tigger throwing his body into me and into Pooh and into Josh, too. But he did. He was a bouncy fellow indeed.

Right in front of Cinderella's castle with MY little prince.

This picture is funny to me because it catches Noah's strange but funny habit throughout this day. He would grab our faces, plant his mouth on our cheeks, and make that noise resembling big, ugly toots. A real prince. In this shot it was just before we finally got to redeem our Fast Pass ticket on the Peter Pan ride for which Noah felt like he had waited all day.

It was a nice surprise for us to see all the Christmas decorations still up at Disney.

Noah and Josh waving at Mickey and Minnie on the first float of the parade. We had a great view of everything from the second floor of the train station deck.

Goofy rounded out the parade, but Woody was the best surprise to see during the show.

Tuckered out on the shuttle back to the hotel.