Sep 29, 2023

September's Stuff

September's notables include me completing my first month as a working woman again.  I am sincerely loving my job and can see that love growing as the months go by.  Noah bought a car and installed subwoofers and thumps tunes all over town with such giddy joy.  Anna chopped her hair off again, turned 15, and got her driver's permit.  Anna attended an Apologetics Conference at Union University.  Mimmie and Papa came up for a weekend visit right before Anna's bday.  They were also here for the 2nd court hearing for this wretched divorce I am still walking through the fire of.  I am making myself stay connected to dear friends and some sort of social life - lunches with Cathy, women's event at church, and even Bunco on a school night! Speaking of school again - y'all, I get up at 5:00 now.  As in 5 am.  As in, who the heck am I anymore???  Truly, I don't know.  Lasa is enjoying third grade ... struggling with reading and math some, but I am not gonna fret it right now.  I just can't.  The name of the game is Survival until further notice.  On several levels.  Please keep praying for myself and the kids.  The Lord is moving and did some really special things for me this month.  Gonna plant my mind there going into the next three. Our final hearing is now set for Dec. 15. 

Sweet Rock Scapes in September

September's Quotables