Jul 31, 2008

This-n-That with the Moving Process

As we pondered what sorts of things we would want to find in our househunting experience, it became obvious that there were some things on our list that had not been there before we moved to Alabama. By some happy chance, we got some things in this house that we did not realize we would become so attached to. And it is quite lucky that we found another house that could accommodate those specific things that we would most decidedly miss right away. And so, a list, of some things I have grown accustomed to without realizing it (and some are not necessarily house related things).

Stuff I (we) Would Sorely Miss

A TV in the Kitchen

A Front Porch

A Playroom

A Backyard Shade Tree

Alarm System

Mother's Day Out/Mom's Morning Out

A Baby Video Monitor

Internet, Cell Phone, Digital Camera


Caller ID

Noah’s Sound Machine

Noah’s Dan Zanes and Fernando Ortega CDs

Crock Pot

This week we have done much to get ourselves started on the moving process. But a few of the things that I am most relieved to have accomplished are finding a doctor to deliver the baby, finding a pediatrician, finding a prospective church (Bluegrass Baptist Church), getting Noah enrolled in a Mother's Day Out program, getting appts. made for installation of various things at the new house, making travel arrangements for closings and movers and such, and even starting packing. If I keep packing a few boxes a day, it should be no problem at all to be packed well before the movers get here on the 26th - which just feels good - to know it is a doable task. Because when you first start packing it sure seems to be quite a giant endeavor.

Unfortunately, with the timing of the move, the hospital classes offered, and Josh's work schedule, we won't be able to do a childbirth class - which scares me just a little. What can you do though...read a book I guess. :) I am 31 weeks today, and also found out this week that I am NOT gestational diabetic which was a welcome surprise given my family history.

Other than this stuff, we are just trying to soak up every one of these last hours/days of our time left when it will be just us and Noah. He has become very independent and verbal lately (although that does not mean you can understand half of what he says). In the past few weeks, some of his new tricks are holding the phone himself, a number of new recognizable words, climbing the stairs all by himself, sippy cups without a spout, a number of new foods, much courage when playing with Jake (our dog), playing catch (and actually catching!), singing along to songs, identifying and using on/off switches, and not being afraid of the jets in the bath tub. Big times!

Jul 23, 2008

WPTM #2: Tantrums

What Parenting Teaches Me #2: Tantrums

As I endured one of Noah’s tantrums the other day, I thought to myself…what do I do that from heaven’s perspective comes off looking like a temper tantrum? I must look as silly, my expended energy as futile, and my behavior as indulgent as Noah during any one of his spells. Ouch! When I followed this thought process to the end, it really motivated me to knock it off. Things like impatience, exasperation, irritability, complaining, getting angry, pouting, arguing, or even saying a certain d word I tend to like to say when something frustrating happens. Yikes. Nothing like a toddler to make you take a good long sobering look at yourself.

Jul 20, 2008


I borrowed this blog title from my friend Alison because I think it is so witty, and also because today, my husband, Josh, joined the ranks of those in their thirties. Go easy on him when you see him...he is still grieving in his own way. He keeps saying "thirty" out loud with a dazed look in his eye and shaking his head like it can't be real. :) To mark the occasion for his birthday and our 6 year anniversary a week from today, I have compiled a list (surprise, surprise) of some little-known trivia about my husband, of whom I am so proud.

Joshua on his 30th Birthday:

Never goes without shoes and socks…Never.

Sleeps so hard he doesn’t hear earthquakes or crashes in the house

Is not lazy

Is not selfish

Is VERY handy around the house (and helpful as well)

Is going deaf … medical confirmation still pending :)

Is a woodworker

Likes Bluegrass Music

Used to have a lawn business

Used to lead worship

Used to teach 3rd grade

Proposed after we dated only 4 months

Cleans the bathrooms

Plays World of Warcraft (although he is on a hiatus at the moment)

Drives Noah on the 4 wheeler, builds a LOT of towers with him, gives him all his baths

Changes diapers dutifully

Likes selling stuff

Sings and plays piano (Piano Man is my favorite of his songs)

Takes more showers than I do

Will have a zillion windows/sites open when he is online

Reads on the front porch a lot lately

Talks to himself

Follows stocks, investments, and money matters closely

Makes balloon animals

Is afraid of being outside while it is lightening

Brings me and Noah treats and surprises when he gets home from a trip

Jul 16, 2008

Gallatin or Bust!

Last week we met up with our realtor in Nashville, hit about 20 houses northeast of there, and by the time we got home again had them narrowed down to 2. On Monday we headed back for a second, more detailed look at the 2 houses, and instead offered on a 3rd option that we noticed at the last minute. Sadly, those owners were not in a negotiating mood, so we had to walk away. But we mustered up the energy to quickly offer on our second favorite choice in the same neighborhood, and after some painfully tedious and frustrating counter offers (6 total), we have a contract on a pretty little place on a cul-de-sac, with a private and well shaded back yard, all the rooms we had on our must-have list, and it is within minutes from all the necessary conveniences! We are pretty excited that it worked out and really think it fits us well - it will feel like home right away. Without further ado, here is pic of our future home in Gallatin, TN. Ahhh, what a relief. Now bring on the change of address forms!

Jul 13, 2008

Let the Nesting Begin

Alright already...this third trimester is upon us (er, me) at last and I see I am running out of time. Now since I cannot prepare a nursery just yet, I can at least grab a couple steal of a deals I see in stores and my favorite consignment shop down the street. Just look at all the treasures we are collecting to welcome Anna to the family!

Got this bad boy at Big Lots for only $99! Fisher Price Duo Stand and Ride Stroller. Loving it already! Noah loves the freedom to get on and off. Coincidently, he chooses to stay on.
Now these, I did not buy - they were a wonderful surprise from my mother-in-law who is in town for a couple weeks. She is helping me get over my fear of (dare I say it) PINK!

Got this little BeBe Pod for only $15 at Kountry Kids Consignment.

We have ADORED the video monitor we have for Noah, so when I saw this one at Big Lots for only $85 , we snatched it up as well!

And my first actual PINK purchase is this little cutie I got for only $50 at Kountry Kids again. The pink only stung for a few minutes. :)
And finally, I have been hounded and hounded to put my big old pregnant belly on display here, so I have promised to post an official pregnancy pic of me sometime in this last trimester. Just give me a little more time... ;)

Jul 7, 2008

Independence Day X 3

What a wonderful 4th of July trip we had to Warner Robins, GA to visit with my sister Emily, Lee, and Brooklyn and meet our new niece, Natalie. She is my sister’s second baby…with Brooklyn not even 2 years old yet. And I was pleasantly surprised as how easy Emily made it look to have two little ones around. Noah and Brooklyn played like long lost best friends – a point in which I do not exaggerate. They were so much fun to watch interact. And Natalie ate and slept and ate and slept some more. We adults pretty much relaxed and hung out together. What better way to spend Independence Day. Sadly we did not brave the fireworks show (they did not start until 10:30 at night!) But I included above some of the fun the kiddies had over the holiday. First, the Huntville Air Show and then off to Emily's where we played, swam, jumped and ran and squealed at Monkey Joe's which is a big indoor inflatable equipment type fun zone.

Our second mini-version of a picture of independence we enjoyed is that Noah is now officially off soy milk. There is only regular old cow’s milk in our fridge now. No hypoallergenic formula, no rice milk, no soy milk! This is 25 months in the making – this is for sure a mark of independence that we celebrated over the holiday week! Also, on another note, the baby birds on our grill on the back porch took flight while we were out of town – Praise God! I was so worried about our dog Jake eating them during their test flights out of the nest. Instead, we left him at the kennel for the week, and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect!

And finally… my favorite Independence Day event….DrumRoll Please….
We got a contract on our house!! Oh, it feels so good to have a long-awaited hope met, to breathe that sigh of relief, to witness the Lord’s faithfulness which I clung to over the last year. I never once fretted this move or the sale of this house, I prayed persistently and without doubt, and now I get to say to one and all that the Lord did what he told me he would do. And I am just so glad I did what he told me to do in the meantime…which was wait, keep praying, and not worry. Check, check, check! So signed the contract today, will have an inspection on the house in the coming week, and we are set to move to Nashville on August 27. I will be 8 months pregnant by then, but hey…I only have to pack/unpack one box at a time, right?

Video of our 4th of July Monkeyin' Around