Nov 28, 2016

Thanksgiving Things

This Thanksgiving, I spent the week at home with Lasa while Josh and the kids went ahead with our FL plans.  Glad we were able to take care of everything we needed, even if we had to split up to do it.

Firstly, Lasa girl and her surgery.  She got tubes on Tuesday - TUBESDAY!

The procedure went smoothly.  Her dr was animated as he retold how bad her ears were and how thick the fluid in there was.  He mentioned something called Glue Ear.  Said he drained it.  Gave us ear drops to continue using to help break up what was left.  Babylove woke up all out of sorts and loopy and angry after anesthesia.  Luckily, she drifted back off to sleep on the way home while I hit the pharmacy for her drops.

After that, she was back to happy and so was I.  She dealt with several days of gagging and draining out the nose, ears, and throat, but since we had nowhere to be anyway, it was easy to manage here at home.

She ADORED facetiming Josh and the kids in FL.

The night before Lasa's surgery, we had a little plumbing emergency.  I might have called Josh slightly hysterical.  This just HAD to happen while he was out of town.  He coached me through turning off water and calming down and called me a plumber first thing the next morning.  So within an hour of getting home from the ENT, we were hosting two guys from A&H Plumbing to fix it.  Several hours and $300 later, we were back in operation, minus the stain on the ceiling in our breakfast area, which Josh has already dealt with since getting home. 

Lasa and I also hosted a couple delivery guys that brought our new kitchen appliances.  We ordered three pieces.  After all was said and done, we got one and half.   😏  Fingers crossed we can get it all figured out pretty soon here.  Have a delivery guy and a separate repair guy both coming on Thursday.

Meanwhile, down south for the holiday, Josh and the kids hit up Legoland on their Homeschool Day with cousin Hannah in my pre-paid place.  She was great company!

While in FL, Noah got to spend two days visiting with his birthparents again, Tania and Justin.  He even got to meet Justin's dad, Eric.  So Noah's birth grandfather.  So neat!

This is my favorite pic from their time.  

Josh's mom is just my all-around hero with her kind welcome of everyone into her home and her ease at whipping up a feast every Thanksgiving/Christmas.  Everyone there included Carol, John, Josh, Noah, Anna, Tania, Justin, Eric, Jason, Holly, Hannah, Holly's boyfriend Robert, Elba (Tania's/Holly's/Hannah's grandmother/Noah's birth great-grandmother), and Elba's cousin.  Quite a crew!  Carol is simply the best.  ❤️

Other sights Josh took pics of for me from their FL trip...

Workin in Papa's train room...  Speaking of Papa, he loaded Noah up with Christmas surprises this year - a .22 rifle! and a skateboard.  Anna brought home a "beautiful angel ornament" that she loves, a couple books, some fuzzy slippers, and some sewing supplies.   Memaw sent Lasa the most precious knitted stuffed bunny and crocheted blanket to match.  Lasa carries the bunny around by its ear and it's just the most adorable sight. 

Some shots from the road.  There and back, they stopped halfway in GA at a hotel both times.  It's a lonnnnnnnng drive.

Josh and the kids were gone 8 days!  When they pulled in the garage, Lasa could not get to the door fast enough.  She waved with her whole arms and pointed in delight at the faces she kept naming to me from the pics on the wall all week.  She was so delighted to see her people again, as was I.  Glad for their successful trip, glad for Lasa's successful surgery, and glad to have Josh and the kids back home.  Ready to settle in for a peaceful Christmas season now!

Nov 19, 2016

FamPics2016: Family

Normally, we only get one or two family shots that I really love, which is fine because you really just need one good solid shot for the wall anyway. This year, however, there are a BUNCH I love.  Go figure!  So many, in fact, that I made 13 different Christmas card files today because I had so many great options.  HA!  Never fear, with Josh's help I have narrowed them down to three choices. :}  

There ya have it!  Next up, one or two of these five faces appearing soon in a mailbox near you this fine holiday season. :)