Nov 13, 2016

Termination Talk

So, as of our last update, we had spoken to Angelique in October about our intent to adopt.  And I mentioned we had contacted Lasa's lawyer to get the termination of parental rights paperwork started.  Since then, Angelique has been arrested twice, charged with four different offenses, dismissed of two, charged a lesser charge of the third, and then, after those, was found found guilty of a probation violation and sentenced to serve her original jail time of one year.  I was stunned to see anything actually stick!  Watching these trials and hearings come to nothing over the last year+ has not instilled much confidence in us for how the system works.  :/  But, as I said, then this!

The timing is so interesting for several reasons.  We are SO glad we were able to see her in person last month to have had the conversation we did BEFORE all this happened.  She will be there for at least 5 months as we understand it.  After Thanksgiving, we are gonna get in touch with the jail to see how we go about getting approved to visit her, if she will allow us to come at all.  I have no idea what comes next of our relationship with her now that she is locked up for awhile.  Just tryin' to do the next right thing and not worry about beyond that. 

Tomorrow we have a meeting with Lasa's attorney/ad litem, Lisa, to go over the termination details.  So ready to see what that involves and what timeline we can expect.  Will update soon!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Let me know what she says!!!