Apr 30, 2021

About April

 April kicked off so brightly because cousins came back for a visit!

That followed up with Anna's first camping venture on our property and Easter in the same weekend.

April's been jam packed with hockey, hockey, and more hockey for Noah.  As well, it's been full of a lot of driving to said hockey, hockey, hockey games and practices.  Ha!  Noah has really enjoyed having several buddies come out to watch his games - so far William, Colman, and Everett have come to cheer him on.  Cousins even watched one practice while they were here, too!

As was to be expected, April has welcomed some lovely spring days and, with them, some forward progress in different gardens and farming plans around here, including finally getting a mower that Josh pulls behind the truck ... til we get a farm vehicle of sorts.

Farm Status approved!

Speaking of farmlife, our neighbor cows keep coming back to munch our tall, tall grass.  So far we are up to 5 at once.

Pretty tulip blooms by the front porch.

April brought another lost tooth for this missy and I cannot get enough of that view.

Her music teacher at school coordinated their wearing their matching dresses one Friday.  So precious!

A Chuck-E-Cheese run with Daddy while Noah and Anna were at a youth bonfire one weekend.

April brought back a long-lost pasttime (thanks, Covid!) - a field trip!  We met up with Amy and her crew to visit the sold-out Picasso exhibit at the Frist.

April took me to the beach again with a group of friends from church (basically most of our Bunco group) and it was SUCH a treat.  So. Much. Laughter.  So many dolphins.  A lot of rain, but still several hours of beach time each day.  I even tried crab, a fish I forget the name of, and shrimp!  Had my first ever margarita, too. So yum!

This girl and her bunny love.  Here was a hysterical venture into trying to get them all in one shot.

I am doing an intermittent fasting and nutrition program this month and am trying so many new foods and approaches to food.  This little breakfast treat is one of my favorite new faves.  I do other crazy new-to-me things now, too - like protein smoothies, low carb days, tracking macros, buying collagen peptides, and eating a lot of turkey.  Ha!

Anna's friend, Addie, and her brother, Gavin, spent a day with us and we did alllll the thingsssss to pass the time.

How cute is this girl on her bike finally?  She got it at Christmas ... but then we moved and there has been very little weather and time for trips to the park since.  Until April!

Bought myself this pretty, just because.  Its message means a lot to me. And I need the reminder!

More April bunnies.
Last lunch date with my girl while Noah was at his co-op.  Next year, they will both go to a new co-op opening in the area (Legacy Enrichment) and I will even be teaching a class there myself (middle school language arts).  Kinda crazy to be taking a "job" of sorts!  But I think I can manage the commitment of just one class.  And we could sure use the extra cash around here!
We are clawing our way to the end of our school year - 3 weeks left now - and starting to gather a list of summer bucket list items to fill June and July. Cannot believe we are almost to summer.  And on a fledgling farm!  Still. Sinking. In.  A few more pretty Sweet Rock Farm views from this month in closing ...