Mar 28, 2022

March's Many Things

 Oh, you know ... just some art and decor by Anna made of animal bones she found near her fort. She even created a really neat xylophone out of a set of bones laid out just right.  She calls it a "xylobone" and I cannot stop laughing at the perfection of that witty name.

Baby chicks arrived this month.  15 of them.  All still in my bathroom tub.  They grew fast and aren't this little and fluffy anymore.  Still lovely though!

Another month at Bunco.

Puzzle that about drove us crazy.

I turned 43 and got surprised with such sweet goodies.

Vintage 1979 shirt I got myself.

Josh on TV during the Intermission Report when he and I went to a Preds game with free tickets gifted to him by the friend of a friend from work.  Was such a fun time because these seats were down front and up close and because Josh met that guy beside him at long last that we always see on TV and have taken to calling Willy.  He is not named Willy, in fact, but TJ.  We love TJ.

Another drop of snow before winter hit the road.

Josh is so happy that we are back to longer days again.  He has been getting so much done outside and getting good and dirty and sore on the daily. Planting, repotting, finishing chicken coop details, tearing down the deck at last, and getting ready to build a much needed shed/greenhouse from those boards.

He even whipped up a new weighted blanket for Lasa.

Cannot NOT melt at Lasa's Pledge of Allegiance art and spelling one Saturday morning.

Finally remembered to snap a pic at one of our Friday lunches.  Suzanne, Heather, and I meet up every few months or so.  I. LOVE.  THESE. WOMEN.  Their wise counsel and steady support and candor and love and prayer and tender care held me up during the worst couple years of my life and I will never not hold them in the highest regard and thank the Lord for their friendship.

Lasa meets rollerskating for first time ever.  Fun/sad fact ... I fell down and rolled my ankle just {walking} with her in my regular shoes like Josh here.  Why can I not even walk anymore?????  Aging is the pits.

That giant grin.  I die from the cuteness.

Also during Spring Break, Lasa got to finally finally finally ice skate.  Noah and Anna were so great at it, thanks to their inline skating skills.  Josh enjoyed it for a solid hour til he fell and hurt his knee.  I did at least put on skates and step onto the ice before deciding it was a terrible idea for me and stepping right back off the ice. HA!

Other Spring Break fun - tennis in the sunshine.  And bonus - I did not fall and roll an ankle!

Musical performance at school for Lasa with all the other Kinder/1st grade students. Adorable.

Josh got a bunch more peach trees in the ground.  Slowly growing his orchard/dream.

Other Spring Break highlight - cousins came to town again!

We took the chickies on a field trip to test out the coop for a few hours.  Baby steps!

I keep on walking and am ending my Faster Way membership after a solid year of it.  Gonna go it alone now and tweak some of the pieces to see if I get better results.  ANY results.  Ha!  Trying not to be discouraged.

And finally, some more outside work getting done to finish up the month ... the final deck pieces being moved into place to repurpose for a shed. 

The view without the deck in the way now.  Love!  We have already moved that stepping stone path, too.

Thanks for the fun and sun and snow and smiles and productivity, March!