Apr 30, 2010

I Heart 4

I'm thinking about Noah a lot lately -

what I adore about him,
what I think about him,
what I love about him,
what I treasure about him,
what I hope for him,
what I perceive about him,
what I worry over him,
what I pray for him,
what I will say about him in his birthday letter tribute.

I can't quite seem to find my words. I do, though, readily find


The words will come, but for the moment, the pictures come easier.

Reminiscing about my birthday boy's earlier days...

FOUR. The boy is turning FOUR this weekend. And while words may escape me right now (despite my several months' worth of listing for this very occasion), what is very evident is how excited I am, we are, to celebrate my baby, my big boy, my heart, turning that four.

Be still my heart.
My boy is almost 4.
I heart 4.

Apr 27, 2010

Words, Words, Words

One of my favorite things to read or hear is a well-chosen word. This is another installment of just those sorts of things that I came across in the latest book I read, An Echo in the Darkness. Several of the words at the end of the list, however, I have just collected along the way from different things I've read.
  • unrest
  • oaf
  • frenetic
  • heady
  • tigress
  • subtlety
  • furor
  • tome
  • discomfited
  • damnable
  • parchment
  • bone-weary
  • inertia
  • carbuncle
  • cloying
  • insouciance
  • defection
  • uppermost
  • acerbic
  • squelch
  • unbidden
  • populace
  • lithe
  • warbling
  • caustic
  • ponderous
  • adamas
  • hirelings
  • maudlin
  • specter
  • obdurate
  • elfin
  • doddering
  • environs
  • quietude
  • lax
  • enmeshed
  • gossamer
  • disuse
  • roughhewn
  • surfeit
  • spirit-spent
  • discordant
  • strident
  • expeditious
  • baffled
  • fetid
  • ruminate
  • camaraderie
  • gale
  • penury
  • lolled
  • fractious
  • bade
  • tenuous
  • gourmand
  • maven
  • thunderstruck

Media of Mine

Favorite Parenting Books I've read so far (most faves in bold):

Creative Correction
Family Driven Faith
Don't Make Me Count to Three
Wise Words for Moms (more of a reference chart, than a book)
Shepherding A Child's Heart
Everyday Talk
The Strong Willed Child
The Girlfriends Guide to Toddlers

Favorite Scripture CD's for the kids so far:

This is the Link from a blog called Passionate Homemaking that a special friend, Elizabeth, pointed out to me awhile back. This specific post describes a number of recommended Cd's, several that I have since gotten and absolutely love for Noah and Anna.

Songs for Saplings - My favorite! Noah really responds to it.
Seeds Family Worship: Seeds of Faith (how cool that they tour, too?)
Seeds Family Worship: Seeds of Courage
Sing Over Me: Worship Songs and Lullabies
Noah's honorable mention: Wonder Kids: Kids Sing and Read The Creation
I also just ordered the Songs for Saplings Questions and Answers CD series (catechism set to music)

Piano Solo Performances only - no words, good for bedtime
Fernando Ortega: Meditations of the Heart
Fernando Ortega: Encore Meditations of the Heart
Chris Rice: Living Room Sessions

Let My Heart be After You

I recently downloaded this song and it's stuck in my head, particularly the chorus.

Garden by Needtobreathe

Won't you take this cup from me?
because fear has stolen all my sleep.
If tomorrow means my death
pray you'll save their souls with it.

Chorus: "Let the songs I sing bring joy to you.
Let the words I say confess my love.
Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune.
Father let my heart be after you."

In this hour of doubt I see
who I am is not just me
so give me strength to die myself
so love can live to tell the tale.

Chorus: "Let the songs I sing bring joy to you.
Let the words I say confess my love.
Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune.
Father let my heart be after you."

Father let my heart be for you
For you
For you
For you

Chorus: "Let the songs I sing bring joy to you.
Let the words I say confess my love.
Let the notes I choose be your favorite tune.
Father let my heart be after you."

Next week we'll start sending adoption inquiries about specific girls we've bookmarked during our online searches. So my prayer is that the choices we make and the leanings we have during this next step of the adoption process would only be a function of our hearts being after you, Lord. We're looking for You while we look for her. So, please direct our steps. As Corrie ten Boom so perfectly put it, "Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will! Don't let me go mad by poking about outside it."

Apr 26, 2010


It has been a matter of actual tears and desperate prayers for a certain little boy in our home that the ice cream man come and come soon. Yesterday, he did just that for the first time of the season. Noah was one delighted boy. He flitted around the yard and leaped into the air, giddy to be hearing that musical van come around the neighborhood. He gobbled his fudge pop right away and with a drippy, stained shirt and a chocolatey face he handed me back the sticky stick and told me he felt sick. Ah, childhood.

Since spring has sprung and we've been outdoors, Anna has suffered from a little "helmet envy" watching Noah ride with his gear. This weekend, she scored a helmet of her own. And to say she is delighted with it would be an understatement. She will not let me take it off her head without a TOTAL meltdown. She's pretty sure she's hot stuff now. And really, folks, how's a girl to part with such a becoming look?

Apr 24, 2010

Post-Placement Weekend

The Brandon thing was a jolt to our system and we were sort of left with a real unsettled feeling. So we laid low this weekend and just spoiled ourselves and the kids with sweets, attention, movies, games, balloons, chasing and squealing, and some watery fun to wash away the blues that we couldn't quite put our finger on. It is, after all, a good thing that Brandon's family chose to keep him. And it's good that they realized it almost immediately after letting him go. It's just taken US a little time to settle back down. It's a jolt, but it's alright. Given a few days worth of distance, we're cool with it and not scared off from what we set out to do. On the upside of this brief stint with fostering, we certainly got a reality check into the world of troubling family situations, taking custody, transitioning our kids, and having 3 little ones at one time. We now have time to reconsider how we would approach things next time. And to consider what ages might be too much of a stretch for us right now than we thought they would be. And to know NOT to put too much work into a placement right away if indeed a foster-to-adopt case presented itself again. So this experience was like a built-in buffer for us. It's gonna be ok, it IS ok, and we thank the Lord for his care in the situation, even though we can't say for sure we recognize just yet what that was. We just trust that it was. Thanks, y'all, for your kind words and for praying over this with us. It's more of a support and encouragement than you know and we don't take that lightly. It means a lot. Thank you.

So. Moving on ...

It has been raining like crazy, storming actually, and it's been a nice distraction. We sat on the back porch and oohed and aaahed at the lightening and thunder and raced around downstairs looking for the best view of the downpours and the flooding of the street and our neighbors' yards. Afterward, Anna had her first puddle stomping experience and totally dug it.

Noah used a plate as a boat and watched it ride the so-called rapids in the cul-de-sac.

We have this bad (but oh so fun) habit of sneaking in birthday gifts before the actual birthday. This year, this week, that seemed even more in order than ever. So that means Noah got fish today instead of waiting til next weekend. And now we have all week to look forward to getting a few more fish for his real birthday. :) (this was an easy spur-of-the-moment decision to make since we'd set up the tank early thinking we wouldn't have the time after Brandon came)

I just realized that these little guys (Mickey Mouse Platy fish - see the silhouette on the tail?) make us official pet owners again. That's a step in the right direction. We still look forward to getting a dog again one day in the coming years. But we are waiting til we are a family of 5 to do that. So these fish will have to fit the bill til then.

Apr 22, 2010


Well. We just went through our second whirlwind day in the world of foster/adoptive care. Except today this whirlwind blew itself out.

Say Hello to Brandon - a sweet-natured, even-tempered, bright-eyed, imaginative, playful little boy.

And then say Goodbye - because that's about all we did, too.

A time line -

Got the call about prospective placement at 11:00ish.
Decided by 1:00 to accept the placement.
All afternoon/night, we made calls, purchases, prayer requests, and plans.

All morning, we busted bootie to rearrange, set up, prep.
We left Noah and Anna with a new sitter at 1:00.
We met with Brandon's step mom at Agape at 2:00.
We left Agape with Brandon and garbage bags of his stuff at 3:00.
We got home with Brandon at 4:00.
We played outside for awhile and came in for dinner at 5:00.
We were called back at 6:00. Stepmom changed her mind.
We gave Brandon back at 7:00.
At 7:30, stare blankly at the wall and wonder what just happened. Try to process.

And, well - That's that. It is what it is. I won't go into retelling all the emotions and details of a day like this, yesterday, too, for that matter. It has left us winded on a couple levels and I think I'll just leave it at that. Given the nature of how this came about and fell apart, it might very well all change again by the time I would finish getting it all out anyway.

We feel ok. We feel exhausted - emotionally, physically. We feel a little jerked around, but we don't feel surprised. We walked into this foster-to-adopt case knowing it had risks. Josh feels a little disappointed. I feel a little like we just had a very close call. I feel unsure if I should feel guilty, relieved, upset, anything. We feel confused about how to understand what the Lord meant for us in this boy's situation. We are sad for him to return to the chaotic shamble that is his home situation, but we also respect the rightness of a child's best situation being with his family. If nothing else, we have an afternoon of pictures with a sweet little boy and we know him and his family by name and we can pray, pray, pray for them. Indeed, we will.

As a result of our brief custody of Brandon, we do feel a renewed perspective on the life we have with Noah and Anna. And as we process what just happened, we will continue to focus our hearts on pursuing the girl we hope (once again) will be at the end of this road for our family.

I think, I THINK, though, that we'll take a week off to regroup and get back to the business of adoption after Noah's birthday next weekend.

Apr 21, 2010

Just Breathe

I don't even really have time to type this and I especially don't have time to capture all that is happening at this very moment.

But I had to post this post to say...

That today our home study was approved. It's completed at last. And we are officially approved to adopt up to 2 siblings in the age range of 2-8.

And tomorrow, as it suddenly turns out, we bring home a little boy, 2 years old, named Brandon.

I can't even believe it.
I can't catch my breath.
I can't still my heart.
I can't see past tomorrow when we will meet him. Wow.
Kimmie's To Do List: A million things....for now, just breathe.

The tears come and I can't tell if they are from fear or joy or just the jitters. This situation is happening way faster than we'd expected. It is a foster-to-adopt case. So technically, we are, for all immediate purposes, fostering.

Anyway. Just wanted to say so to you our friends and family:
It's a boy!

Please pray... that I remember to breathe.

Apr 19, 2010

Weekend Highlights

Taking Noah to the library for Story Time, just me and him.

Recognizing (mommy-bias aside) that my son was the best behaved boy in the room.

Not being able to help myself when this happened:

Spending hours and hours outside fixing things, playing, watering, playing, mowing, playing, reorganizing the patio, playing, and getting sunburned. And playing.

Adding a few things to the swing set: Rails on the slide, Extra handles on the ramp, A tether tennis ball to the side, Steering wheel to the top thereby turning it into a pirate ship.

Melting when, after recovering from a very emotional time-out fallout, Noah looked up at me with tear-stained cheeks and wide-open eyes and said "I still wuv you, Mommy. And I not do dat again."

Mobilizing supplies into an arts-n-crafts tackle box.

Inadvertently winning a giveaway on Robin's Chicks: $40 gift certificate for Ribbons and Curls

Scoring a sand/water table for the backyard for only $7 from a yard sale.

Finishing a long and VERY rough draft retelling our experience with our first adoption.

Watching Up in the Air - excusing a certain scene and a handful of ugly words at the beginning, it sure was well-written, well-told, well-shot, and well-acted. Good story.

Not necessarily a highlight, but certainly mentionable - Getting hooked on 16 and Pregnant episodes after channel surfing Saturday night. Oh my word. I couldn't look away. And WE can't stop thinking about all the thoughts, issues, emotions, and reality checks that a show like this brings up. Wow.

Apr 15, 2010

90 Minutes of My Day

Start a laundry load of stuff needing special attention
Need formula for removing a burnt smell from new jeans
Recipe is on file on the computer
While at the computer, I notice our bank statement is available
Download and print it
Run upstairs to get print out, irritated it didn't print....again
Head back down to start laundry I forgot about
Call to Josh about the printer not working
Josh brings print-out down, so I set down to balance checkbook
Noah decides he wants to do Play-Doh (which I have to get)
Get Noah situated and Anna decides she want to play, too
Get Anna situated -booster & buckles, make sure she doesn't eat it
They do Play-Doh, I go back to checkbook
Noah hears the trash truck so he jumps down to go watch it
Anna must go, too, of course
On way back to table, Noah decides he needs to brush his teeth
So Anna does, too
Then he must wash his hands
Finish Anna's teeth brushing/spitting, Noah goes outside
I call him back to clean up his Play-Doh if he's done
Have to spank the boy for not obeying right away
Go check on rinse cycle with special laundry load
Noah is MIA from Play-Doh clean up - "Noah, where are you!?"
Relax but groan, he is on the potty. Can't complain about that one.
Anna exits bathroom with handful of Noah's underwear
Return underwear, oversee Noah's pick up, Get back to checkbook
Stop balancing checkbook, start this list of distractions instead
Anna melts down - must be naptime
Slow down and follow her piggie, baby, blanket nap routine
Notice it's cold upstairs and hot downstairs
Go around to close windows and then adjust AC
Mental note to praise Noah's clean-up job
Rewash jeans and skirt according to detergent recipe
Return to checkbook
Notice Noah's cup is left outside
Remind Noah to get his milk off the porch and back in the fridge
He falls coming in - screams, yells, insists he's bleeding (he's not)
Stop to soothe boy and then check email as I pass computer
Decide NOT to read campus pastor's 8th email in 3 days
Return to checkbook
Noah plops down at video game and doesn't need me for next hour
Finish balancing the checkbook and the laundry at last

Apr 13, 2010

Notes from Play Today

Anna discovered the delight of blowing dandelion seeds off the stem. While I didn't have my camera in hand, I took so many in my mind as I watched her in a yard of green spotted with fluffy white flowers, her lips all pursed out in front of her as she got the hang of blowing, her eyes so focused on what she was doing, she never once cracked a smile, but I knew she was satisfied with her work.

Noah discovered that you can twirl around and the seeds fly off just the same. Trouble was he kept getting them in his mouth and then he'd look to me a little shocked and start sputtering to get them off his tongue. He also collected dandelion bouquets with Brandon and would shake the seeds wildly and watch them look like a cloud coming down. Noah played Tag, You're It (never Tag, but always Tag, You're It according to him) and Brandon was a good sport about giving Noah chase and pretending he couldn't catch him as easily as he could. It was pleasing to watch Noah run and run and run and squeal and giggle and talk. He was so positive about never being able to catch Brandon - he just followed my example and would say it was his turn after awhile.

When I took Anna's shoes off to come inside, she fell apart crying at the sight of the red imprint of the sandals on her feet. She sort of pulled away from her feet like she could get away from them. And once I washed them off, she was all antsy because they were wet. Just stood and arched her back and froze like she couldn't move. She is so funny about a mess or anything foreign on her body. She got uptight about the spray-on sunscreen earlier today, too, now that I think about it. I so wonder what these tendencies will translate into later in her life - maybe she will be squeamish about blood and needles and such, just like me. I bet she won't like touching raw chicken either.

Oh my word. Noah talks a lot. A. Lot. And it doesn't help that before he will say anything he insists on your responding first to his query for your attention. It always goes, "Mommy, guess what?" And then I have to say, "What?" And then he starts answering and loses his focus and then starts again with "Guess what?" Or if he gets to a really good ending, he says, "THEN, guess what?" Heaven help me. I told Noah several times today that he talks too much. And then I grinned at my saying so - at being in that place in life where a preschooler is talking my ear off and I can't think straight. While momentarily annoying, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I spent 3 small chunks of the day today watering the new grass Josh planted by the patio. Usually, Josh would do this, but since he is out of town, I am the watering deputy. And I was surprised by how calming it is to stand and water grass. I quite like it.

Today, also, I used an entire can of wasp spray hunting and harassing ... well, wasps, obviously. We have another can that I am sure I would have used as well had it not been, ironically, stored in the deck box that is now their current nest location. Whose bright idea was that?

Apr 12, 2010

A Voice in the Wind

I finished this fantastic book today and I am thanking my lucky stars that the first chapter of the next in its series is included in the back. Maybe that will hold me over til the second book gets here .... tomorrow. Please be tomorrow.

I collected a lot of words while reading this book, it was written so well. Francine Rivers created a vocabulary treasure trove in the telling of this story. Even the name of the protagonist rolls beautifully off the tongue. Hadassah. What follows is the latest installment of words for my Word Junkie collection. My love affair with well-chosen, strong, descriptive, and/or poetic words continues:
  • inarticulate
  • hobnailed
  • bespoke
  • dulcet
  • throng
  • quay
  • obeisance
  • vitriolic
  • manacles
  • chieftain
  • unpardonable
  • auspices
  • visage
  • denuded
  • disquieted
  • canter
  • devilment
  • rankled
  • reverie
  • unreasoning
  • rancor
  • drolly
  • roiling
  • squalid
  • writhe
  • loathsome
  • mirthless
  • intemperate
  • catlike
  • countenance
  • acumen
  • dictate
  • coiffure
  • sorrel
  • swarthy
  • charioteer
  • cosseted
  • foolery
  • alacrity
  • wastrel
  • dalliance
  • goblet
  • beatific
  • foisted
  • regale
  • satiation
  • sojourns
  • histrionics
  • morose
  • tremulous
  • ardor
  • hauteur
  • harangue
  • feral
  • soulless
  • personage
  • finality
  • citizenry
Word that Rivers uses too, too often: Sardonic

Apr 11, 2010

Random, But Honest

Today began my official hiatus from church. It's a bit of an experiment and a last ditch effort to shed my frustrated and cynical heart towards all things relating to the Sunday morning roles and routines that go on there, or give the appearance of going on. It's sort of a long story, but in the end I just need a break so I can hopefully come back clear-minded and refreshed. And not so easily irritated, doubtful, and skeptical of everything at our church. I have low expectations right now that this will help, but I just don't know what else to do.

I have a hard time throwing away shoe boxes. I tend to want to hold on to them in case we might need them one day. I only ever need those boxes again about 2 times out of 10, I'd say, but I can't help myself. Along those lines, I have also begun saving toilet paper rolls, empty plastic containers, and other sorts of emptied cans and tubs. My summer goal is that I can put them to some creative and crafty use with the kids. I've started following some different blogs that have really good ideas and they have inspired me to tap back into my art-and-crafts self.

Besides grass, this weekend Josh planted carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, squash, beans, cucumbers, watermelon, cantaloupe, and corn. Yum! Noah served as his part-time help and/or audience and he planted his flower that he brought home from church a couple weeks ago. That I managed to keep it alive til now is nothing short of a miracle.

I'm reading a really good book right now. It's called A Voice in the Wind and it's the first in the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. I love knowing there are two more waiting on me when I finish this one. And I have a killer word-junkie list to post when I am done.

Water is amazing. I keep coming back to that epiphany lately. I won't go into all the reasons why I think so. I just feel like putting it out there. That I think water is just amazing. And also, along those lines, what a good word picture God uses when he describes himself as Living Water.

Why in the world is Enfamil sending me formula and coupons and other baby ads and such? They could not be more wrong about me and where our family is headed. Must be some computer glitch.

I got Noah several Christian CD's recently and my favorite among them for him is called Songs for Saplings. And as time goes by, Josh and I both remark how we benefit from hearing the scripture tunes as much as he does, if not more. Its quick and catchy verses put to song get stuck in my head and I find myself singing them aloud all day long. Down to the exact book, chapter, and verse reference.

Josh's company approved his expensing an iPad for work and he finally got it on Friday. You can only imagine the enamored awwww's, wow's, ooooooh's and look at this's that I have heard all weekend as he has gotten familiar with it. Boys and their toys....I mean, tools for work. Right.

Over the last month I have put together a number of things to send to Tania from us, from Noah. A drawing Noah made for her with a caption I got him to dictate (which ended up being real silly - about a sun drinking a coke - and closed with a "goodbye, dude"). A collection of some of his coloring/drawings over the past 6 months. Pictures with notes from the past 6 months. And some recent blog posts specifically relating to him. I have never sent her anything from the blog before and it made me nervous to include them, but I am trying to come up with ways to give her more glimpses into Noah, his personality, and his days. I also wrote Tania a letter, which I haven't done in awhile, and I swear I reread it a million times and pondered whether to send it for like 3 weeks before I just bit the bullet and had Josh mail it for me yesterday. I hope she doesn't think I'm stupid, but I'm willing to risk it in the name of showing her love and making sure she knows she is welcome to more contact with Noah if she'd like. A number of birth mother blogs I have started following have raised my awareness that she might, like them, long to know more, see more, hear more of her relinquished child but not feel empowered to say so. Tania has always been so quiet and sober, I have never gotten a good read of what she really thinks or feels, likes or dislikes where we are concerned. So I was compelled to just go with my gut and put it out there again that she is welcome, but that in the same token we don't want to push any extra contact on her that she doesn't want. I hope she doesn't think I'm stupid for saying so. That's really pretty much all that made me hesitate to send it in the first place. Worrying about looking stupid. Which is stupid, huh. And selfish. So anyway, that's that. It's in the mail now.

Noah's behavior, namely his outbursts in the face of disappointment and rejection, have gotten really bad lately. It's like the terrible two's waited til now, til almost 4 years of age, to put us to the test. We're having to tweak how we've handled this stuff over the past two years because it seems to not be real effective lately. I feel a little like we are floundering. It'll probably work itself out in time, but for the moment it's a little distressing.

Pics from some outside play this weekend:

In this last shot, my loves are having a "tea party" atop the swing set. Earlier today I watched Noah play airplane, doctor, trains and picnic with Anna. I love, love, love watching his imagination in motion. And I love watching Anna start to play along.

This past week I laughed til I cried at something Josh did. Noah told me to stop laughing at his daddy and through my amused tears I told him I couldn't. Noah then told me I should go to time-out. It was amusing to realize why he thought that was a solution. We send him to time-out on a regular basis until he can stop crying for whatever silly thing is at hand, so he must have thought I needed that intervention as well. :)

Apr 10, 2010

Welcome, Spring!

This morning was so, so chilly outside. But the sun kept shining and now it is bright and warm out. I watched the kids climb and fall on the swing set and play with chalk while Josh dug dirt and planted grass beside our new patio. Along the way of watch and play, Noah, Anna, and I were tickled to spot this nest in the tree in our backyard.

I had to pick each of them up and hold them just right around the branches for a better look at the pretty little bird eggs inside. And we quickly got away after stealing our glances so that we didn't make the mama bird fret at our nearness to her nest.

Is there anything so sweet, so natural, so fragile as little blue eggs nestled together in a bird nest tucked tightly into the crook of a tree, veiled behind fresh new leaves and blooming white flower buds?

Welcome, Spring!

Just Visiting

We've had a busy week this week.

First, wonderfully, the rainclouds parted so that we could squeeze in the laying of our patio. Observe.

Then Christy, a good friend/roomate/SLD partner from college and also one of my bridesmaids, came to visit with her new husband while they were in Nashville. I last saw Christy when I was pregnant with Anna and still living in AL, so it was fun to catch up again, considering all the life changes she and I have seen since then.

The next day, we loaded up and headed to AL to see my parents, grandmother, and aunt. My G'ma and Aunt Kaye are moving to Madison so that gives us a couple more roots and excuses to visit North Alabama outside Mimmie and Papa and our having lived there for two years ourselves.

Noah's agenda on this trip, however, was a much anticipated ride on his Papa's bus.

Then, yesterday we enjoyed the company of some friends from AL - Alison, Garet, and their 3 kiddos - who swung through our neck of the woods for an overnight stay after visiting their family here in Nashville. Noah particularly looked forward to seeing his old friend, Levi. (can you have old friends when you are only 4?)

As for us, Alison and Garet sure felt like old friends. It was a genuinely refreshing visit. As someone who is struggling to feel at peace and/or at home in our current church, seeing familiar faces from our last church home was just plain encouraging. And having conversation with people who have known us as more than just the new faces in town certainly sweetened the visit for me. I'm looking forward to catching up with you Fields again soon. Shame on me for letting so much time pass since we last got together.

Apr 9, 2010

Road Warriors

Some shots of how my little travelers pass the time in the car on the way to Mimmie and Papa's.

Apr 5, 2010

My First Piggie Tails

Look what we did!

I know, I know. It didn't take me long after my Anna post earlier today to go ahead and give the piggie tails a try. And now that I have seen those cutie pie tails on her cutie pie head, I don't know who's hitting the milestone bigger ... me or her! No wait - clearly, it's me. I am so proud of getting them in her hair!

Please excuse the back teeth teething pacifier. She is in a lot of pain. And her shirt is soaked with the drooling proof.

Three guesses how long she left the pig tails in: A little while, a long while, or not even long enough for me to finish posting about it. :)

Amens: John

Favorites translations from reading The Message.

John 1:1,2 - The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, in readiness for God from day one.

John 3:15 - ... it is necessary for the Son of Man to be lifted up - and everyone who looks up to him, trusting and expectant, will gain a real life, eternal life.

John 3:33 - He sets out the evidence of what he saw and heard in heaven. No one wants to deal with these facts. But anyone who examines this evidence will come to stake his life on this: that God himself is the truth.

John 13: 15,16,17 - I've laid down a pattern for you. What I've done, you do. I'm only pointing out the obvious. A servant is not ranked above his master; an employee doesn't give orders to the employer. If you understand what I'm telling you, act like it - and live a blessed life.

John 14:13,14 - From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I'll do it. That's how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I'll do.

John 15: 7,9,10 - But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon. ... Make yourselves at home in my love. If you keep my commands, you'll remain intimately at home in my love.

John 16:33 - I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace.

John 20:23 - "If you forgive someone's sins, they're gone for good. If you don't forgive sins, what are you going to do with them?"

Amens: Revelation

Favorite Translations from The Message.

Revelation 1:3 - How blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words, all the words written in this book!

Revelation 1:7 - Riding the clouds, he'll be seen by every eye, those who mocked him will see him. People from all nations and all times will tear their clothes in lament.

Revelation 1:8 - "I'm the Sovereign-Strong."

Revelation 1:17, 18 - His right hand pulled me upright, his voice reassured me: "Don't fear: I am First, I am Last, I'm Alive. I died, but I came to life, and my life is now forever..."

Revelation 2:7 and multiple other chapters - "Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches..."

Revelation 3: 2,3 - " Up on your feet! Take a deep breath! Maybe there's life in you yet. But I wouldn't know it by looking at your busywork; nothing of God's work has been completed. Your condition is desperate. Think of the gift you once had in your hands, the Message you heard with your ears - grasp it again and turn back to God..."

My Pink and Fluffy


I'll be honest. When I was pregnant with you and we found out you were going to be a girl, I cried a little to myself. So in love with your brother was I that I could only envision another little boy in our lives. However, the Lord saw fit to hand us a little pink fluffy love and I fell for you hook, line, and sinker. No sooner had I heard your first cry and held you in the hospital than my mind was made up. And every month of your life we have giggled to ourselves at the indulgent joy it has been to observe your personality, your femininity, and your heart as you begin to express yourself.

Here we are after 18 months of you and I find all I can say is that I am smitten still. Hopelessly and wonderfully smitten. You are my sweet treat and I can't believe I never knew what fun little girls could be. Indeed, you bring the little girl in me to life. I coo over you in your sweetie pie clothes. I adore how you push your shopping buggy with one arm and hold your other high in the air to keep your purse on. I awwwww when you hold and pat your baby doll. I feel such satisfaction when you play with your princess figurines and your tea set and kitchen. In that same breath though, I love how you go after Noah's trucks, trains, balls, and dinosaurs. I sigh at how you follow your brother into play or mischief and I am glad you have him to share your days. I always wanted a big brother/hero type when I was a girl, so it is only fitting that you should have it so.

I giggle at your prissiness. I relish how you walk tippie toe when you aren't quite sure where you want to go next. I memorize the shape of your extended finger and how you don't ball your hand up underneath it, how you instead point the rest of your skinny fingers down. I melt over your uncoordinated scamper. And I swell with pride at how smart you are, how boldly you go after what you want. I enjoy brushing your wispy hair and feeling your baby soft skin. I am eager to know what your reaction to this or that next thing will be. I wish I could be a fly on the wall to see what you are like with other adults and babies when I am not around. I like to just peek at you while you sleep and study how you play by yourself.

You are all of 18 months, in your mind I am sure you think you are more, but in size you are so adorably tiny. Yesterday, in fact, you were wearing capris sized at 3-6 months and a shirt sized 12 months (as is the rest of your spring wardrobe). At your well-baby visit last week, we were not surprised to discover you had lost weight over the last 6 weeks. You log in now at 20 lbs. 2 oz., which is only in the 3rd percentile for your age. You did grow 2 inches over the last few months, though, reaching 32 inches, in the 60th percentile. Other notes from your doctor's visit have to do with Dr. Holzen making sure your Daddy plans to get you some sunglasses, lots of sunscreen, and a sun hat. Your skin is so pale, your eyes so blue.

This weekend we were out buying you new shoes. You now wear size 4 1/2. And without fail, you always remove your shoes and socks in the car, no matter how sternly I warn you to stop or how many hand smacks you get. Thankfully, you carefully hold on to them and are sure to hand us each article of footwear before we get you out of your seat. You like hats and insist on wearing your pink "My First Fishing Hat" baseball cap when we go outside. It's from Bass Pro just like Noah's ball cap.

In keeping with Dr's order, we had fun putting a brand new floppy baby blue hat on your head two days ago and watching you glow with pride and ownership as you wore it the rest of the day. You got some pink sunglasses in your Easter basket, but they won't stay on your flat little nose unless we put them on you upside down, so it is back to the shopping cart for us on that one.

Other particulars that build your 18 month snapshot: Your smile is still hard to come by. In most pictures you only grin, if that. In public you still go all stoic and sober and people must think you are a poor mistreated thing at home to be so expressionless and still in the company of anyone new.

Your hair has finally begun to gain some length and a little bit of thickness. Although messy and hard to smooth at times, it is now about 1-2 inches past your hairline and I can't wait to try pig tails on you. One of my favorite things you let me do is play with or stroke your hair, so I have high hopes you will sit still long enough for me to fix it just right in the coming years. Your legs are so skinny, your knees seem knobby.

Aside from the pink hemangioma on your left hip from birth, we've discovered a few tiny moles on you - one on your lower left jaw, one on the inside of your left knee and the other on the outside of your left ankle. Your belly button is half in, half out and you work hard to pull up your shirt, point your finger in it and say, "bee bee". You also jut your lower jaw out quite often. I think you might have your daddy's under bite.

You are still easily wearing size 3 diapers these days and just this week you had another first. Your first hand down the poopy diaper! Lucky me. Thankfully, you do not like messes of any kind on your hands so I don't expect that to become a habit. Just last week you melted down about M & M dye on your hands. Other times, panic ensues when you fall and there is dirt or sand on any part of you. It's not uncommon for you to drop everything to sit in the floor to inspect the bottom of your foot if you feel so much as a crumb sticking to it. Another first you had just this past weekend was wearing your first pair of leggings. Being new to this girly-girl world of clothes, I was hesitant to dive into that sort of apparel for you, but that is a hurdle that was fun to jump. You were altogether precious in them and I wonder that my dad never saw fit to let me wear them as a little girl.

Your sleeping rhythm goes like so: You wake between 6 and 6:30, nap around 10:30/11:00 for about 2 hours, and then go to bed by 7:00. In the morning, we give you your sippy cup of PediaSure and turn on Blue's Clues until Noah gets up, whereby you do or don't watch Curious George with him. I always plop you on the couch while I doze first thing in the morning. Daddy says he sits you on his lap in the crook of his arm in his chair. In either locale, you sit in that spot til you have guzzled that cup. Usually takes only a few minutes. Then you head straight for your books.

You are not much for a good tantrum, but I think you think you throw some doozies. The best you ever manage is to plop on your bootie in the floor, arch your back out and slowly roll yourself backwards til you are lying down and then twist and fuss, but never for more than 10 seconds, if that. You must think you are so fierce, but your daddy and I just melt at how adorable your efforts are. You run through this little snit mostly when we tell you "No." You still obey, but you lodge your complaint that way. You have another way to object ... which is to take whatever is in your hand, yank it back behind your head, and then look us in the eye, threatening to throw it down. We are quick to tell you "No"; I usually bellow "You better NOT!" And for some reason lately, you test us every time - not exactly throwing it down, but dropping it sharply instead. This usually results in a spank. And that usually results in your falling apart in tears, hurrying back into our arms. And we grin to ourselves over this whole role-play as well. Just not when you are looking.

When you play outside, you pull out every last toy in the garage. When you wake after sleeping, you stand and bounce in your bed. When Noah builds a tower, you always knock it down. When you sit in your chair at the table lately, you want your bib even though you don't need it. When I get you ready for bed, you insist on kissing Daddy and Noah first. When I brush your teeth, you try to grab the toothbrush and then giggle when I tell you "I'm not done yet." You still sleep in a sleepsack though this will end by summertime. We don't have to put up a gate at the bottom of the stairs anymore; you just know not to go up them by now. You like to strum the vent on the air return in the hallway and today you got your fingers stuck in it. You also just learned how to blow bubbles.

You hurry to hug your Daddy when he gets home. You never dance or bop to music like Noah did. You know how to keep your snacks in the kitchen now. And you like when I sing you the ABC's. You love to be outside. Your favorite book is Raindrop Plop!, especially the back page that you scribbled on. You are terrified of dogs. And now you take a nap at school on a mat instead of being put in a crib. You also understand and participate in time outs. The funny thing is how you excitedly hurry to the time-out spot when told to go. I think, I THINK, you like feeling like a big girl going there now that you have seen Noah go there so many times.

My favorite moments with you are when you go limp in my arms, laying your head on my shoulder, sort of tucked behind my head. Or when you try to wrap your arms around me, too, except they don't even reach around my shoulders. When you receive these cuddly moments with me I melt like butter. Why? Why does it feel so good to hold you like that? Just to hold you, quiet and still? Feels like heaven. Like peace. Pink and fluffy peace.

I love you, baby doll. I can hardly remember what life was like before you added your touch to our lives. It's gonna be a wonderful summer. You'll get sweaty, stinky, and sticky keeping up with Noah, but somehow you'll still be my soft sweetie all the while. Loving loving on you.

Love, Mama

Apr 3, 2010

Easter: The Basics

What Noah will tell you about Easter, in bits and pieces.

Easter is about God.
And the Easter Bunny.
Jesus covered in bwud.
Those men frow him. (throwing motions)
They use hammers. (hammering motions)
Jesus covered all in bwud. (drawn out emphasis on blood)
Jesus died.
I went to the cave. (I believe they did this at MDO)
Jesus was not there. (eyes wide, expectant)
Katie was afwade of the cave.
I not afwade. Miss Bwitney take me there.
Jesus is in heaven.
Jesus is in my heart.

Noah really gets hung up on the blood part. Says it over and over and as many ways as he can. If we talk about the Easter story, we spend over half the conversation on the "bwud". He finds it quite noteworthy - just so shocking and exciting to his safe little world. I find I can't argue with his simple (and unknowingly profound) emphasis on the blood. My salvation relies wholly on that part of the story.

I also love how expectantly he says "Jesus was not there" when he speaks of the cave, or tomb. He says it as if you, his audience, should have a big response to it. And, again, I find that I cannot disagree. My worldview and my eternity rely pretty heavily on that, as well.

If you probe any further into the heaven and heart part, you can be sure Noah gets real silly - tonight, throwing himself around on the couch, grinning goofy while his eyes roll to the ceiling, spouting out "dude" and asking to be carried to bed like a tortilla. But before that breakdown in conversation, Noah really does cover all the basics, the high points, of Easter. And I marvel to hear the words coming out his mouth. I marvel at how much more there is for him to learn. I marvel at the thought of watching him grow up in the Lord as the years go by. But this Easter, mostly, I marvel at how a child's innocent little brain is wired to learn about the Lord. I marvel at how moving it is to behold.

As someone who tends to boycott fussy Easter Sunday mania at church, I really appreciate the simplistic celebration of Noah's Easter message: emphasis on the blood, wide-eyed wonder that Jesus is not in the cave.

Jesus' blood.
The empty tomb.
Beautifully basic.

It makes for a happy and whole Easter Day in our family.
Wishing the same for you all as well - Happy Easter!

Apr 2, 2010

Lost in Translation

Today we let Noah pick the place we'd go for lunch. He chose "Crapper Bauer." Sounds tasty, no? There's a Killer Translating Skills award for whoever translates that one first. :)

While Brooklyn and I chatted on the back porch this week, she cleared things up for me about her umbrella status ... and then muddied them right back up as well. She said, "I have an umbrella, too. But it's broken, but it's not."

Sometimes I swear Noah doesn't know what he is saying any better than I do. Here's an example of what I mean.
Noah: Mommy, Bookwyn say I dude.
Me: Ok. What's wrong with her calling you a dude?
Noah: Cuz she says dat!
Me, blank stare.

Josh was taken aback by Noah's video game skills and the tricks that Noah has learned to do so quickly on his ATV game. Tricks Josh says he couldn't do himself when they first started playing a few months ago. Noah overheard Josh and I discussing this and he was quick to jump in and make Daddy feel better. He said, "Daddy, dat ok. You twy again when you get older." Ok. So that one's not exactly a Lost-in-Translation sound byte. It's just funny.

The Hiding Place

I finished reading The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom, today, and not without a bit of conviction and tears along the way. And certainly not without marking up some good writing and worthy quotes.

- My sister Betsie, though seven years older than I, still had that slender grace that made people turn and look after her in the street. ... when Betsie put on a dress, something wonderful happened to it.

- ... head bald as a Holland cheese...

- Adventure and anguish, horror and heaven...

- Oh Father! Betsie! If I had known, would I have gone ahead? Could I have done the things I did? But how could I know? How could I imagine this white-haired man, called Opa - Grandfather - by all the children of Haarlem, how could I imagine this man thrown by strangers into a grave without a name? And Betsie, with her high lace collar and her gift for making beauty all around her, how could I picture this dearest person on earth to me standing naked before a roomful of men? In that room, on that day, such thoughts were not even thinkable.

- And so the shadow fell across us that winter afternoon in 1937, but it rested lightly. Nobody dreamed that this tiny cloud would grow until it blocked out the sky.

- I know that the experiences of our lives, when we let God use them, become the mysterious and perfect preparation for the work He will give us to do.

- Suddenly the organ music swelling from the open door was for us, the arm he offered me was the moon, and my gloved hand resting upon it the only thing that kept me from soaring right over the peaked rooftops of Haarlem.

- Black. Black as fear itself.

- ... and then, from deep in his throat, half-sung, half-pleaded, came the words of the ancient prophet, so feelingly and achingly that we seemed to hear the cry of the Exile itself.

- Thoughts were enemies.

- Even in the strict silence this human closeness was joy and strength. ... How rich is anyone who can simply see human faces!

- ... the next time I was permitted a shower I would take with me three of my Gospels. Solitary was teaching me that it was not possible to be rich alone.

- Life in Ravensbruck took place on two separate levels, mutually impossible. One, the observable, external life, grew every day more horrible. The other, the life we lived with God, grew daily better, truth upon truth, glory upon glory. Sometimes I would slip the Bible from its little sack with hands that shook, so mysterious had it become to me. It was new; it had just been written. I marveled sometimes that the ink was dry. I had believed the Bible always, but reading it now had nothing to do with belief. It was simply a description of the way things were - of hell and heaven, of how men act and how God acts. I had read a thousand times the story of Jesus' arrest - how soldiers had slapped Him, laughed at Him, flogged Him. Now such happenings had faces and voices.

- There are no "ifs" in God's kingdom. I could hear her soft voice saying it. His timing is perfect. His will is our hiding place. Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will! Don't let me go mad by poking about outside it.

- ... bringing the message that joy runs deeper than despair.

Word collecting: shorn, wizened, woebegone