Apr 19, 2010

Weekend Highlights

Taking Noah to the library for Story Time, just me and him.

Recognizing (mommy-bias aside) that my son was the best behaved boy in the room.

Not being able to help myself when this happened:

Spending hours and hours outside fixing things, playing, watering, playing, mowing, playing, reorganizing the patio, playing, and getting sunburned. And playing.

Adding a few things to the swing set: Rails on the slide, Extra handles on the ramp, A tether tennis ball to the side, Steering wheel to the top thereby turning it into a pirate ship.

Melting when, after recovering from a very emotional time-out fallout, Noah looked up at me with tear-stained cheeks and wide-open eyes and said "I still wuv you, Mommy. And I not do dat again."

Mobilizing supplies into an arts-n-crafts tackle box.

Inadvertently winning a giveaway on Robin's Chicks: $40 gift certificate for Ribbons and Curls

Scoring a sand/water table for the backyard for only $7 from a yard sale.

Finishing a long and VERY rough draft retelling our experience with our first adoption.

Watching Up in the Air - excusing a certain scene and a handful of ugly words at the beginning, it sure was well-written, well-told, well-shot, and well-acted. Good story.

Not necessarily a highlight, but certainly mentionable - Getting hooked on 16 and Pregnant episodes after channel surfing Saturday night. Oh my word. I couldn't look away. And WE can't stop thinking about all the thoughts, issues, emotions, and reality checks that a show like this brings up. Wow.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Wow! Only $7?!?! That's a serious good deal!

As for the adoption rough draft... I was just thinking of it the other day and wondering how it was coming along. ;)

Kimberly said...

Didn't I warn you, Elizabeth, that I might procrastinate worse than you? :)

Hopefully it'll be in your inbox by the end of the month. :) But I make no promises that it will be polished. I am finding it near impossible to keep details and thoughts in order.