Apr 3, 2010

Easter: The Basics

What Noah will tell you about Easter, in bits and pieces.

Easter is about God.
And the Easter Bunny.
Jesus covered in bwud.
Those men frow him. (throwing motions)
They use hammers. (hammering motions)
Jesus covered all in bwud. (drawn out emphasis on blood)
Jesus died.
I went to the cave. (I believe they did this at MDO)
Jesus was not there. (eyes wide, expectant)
Katie was afwade of the cave.
I not afwade. Miss Bwitney take me there.
Jesus is in heaven.
Jesus is in my heart.

Noah really gets hung up on the blood part. Says it over and over and as many ways as he can. If we talk about the Easter story, we spend over half the conversation on the "bwud". He finds it quite noteworthy - just so shocking and exciting to his safe little world. I find I can't argue with his simple (and unknowingly profound) emphasis on the blood. My salvation relies wholly on that part of the story.

I also love how expectantly he says "Jesus was not there" when he speaks of the cave, or tomb. He says it as if you, his audience, should have a big response to it. And, again, I find that I cannot disagree. My worldview and my eternity rely pretty heavily on that, as well.

If you probe any further into the heaven and heart part, you can be sure Noah gets real silly - tonight, throwing himself around on the couch, grinning goofy while his eyes roll to the ceiling, spouting out "dude" and asking to be carried to bed like a tortilla. But before that breakdown in conversation, Noah really does cover all the basics, the high points, of Easter. And I marvel to hear the words coming out his mouth. I marvel at how much more there is for him to learn. I marvel at the thought of watching him grow up in the Lord as the years go by. But this Easter, mostly, I marvel at how a child's innocent little brain is wired to learn about the Lord. I marvel at how moving it is to behold.

As someone who tends to boycott fussy Easter Sunday mania at church, I really appreciate the simplistic celebration of Noah's Easter message: emphasis on the blood, wide-eyed wonder that Jesus is not in the cave.

Jesus' blood.
The empty tomb.
Beautifully basic.

It makes for a happy and whole Easter Day in our family.
Wishing the same for you all as well - Happy Easter!


Emily said...

Brooklyn came home with the same type story, but she had a visual to bring home as she explained it... It really IS neat to hear their perspective of the God things.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I loved this post... and the truth in the simplicity of Noah's retelling. It reminds me of Jesus describing how we need to become like little children.