Sep 30, 2010

Getting It

It's like Anna waited until she was precisely two-years old to come alive.  She just gets it now...with so many new things; that, or maybe now I am just getting it that she has gotten it.  She understands more, says more, attempts more, accomplishes more, and gets frustrated more when she can't do all that more the way she sees it happening in her head.   Still, every day - no, every hour - I seem to remark to myself or Josh about something new I notice about her or what she's up to.  It's totally fun to see her discovering and processing and engaging with the world around her in new leaps and bounds.

One of today's new things she did:  "Riddit!  Riddit!" (trying to jump whilst on all fours) "Riddit! Riddit!"

What? I thought.  I didn't get it until I saw what she saw on TV.

 Me:  Are you being a frog, baby?  Ribbit?
Anna:  Uh-huh.  Riddit!

I didn't even know she knew what a frog was.  Amazing.

Sep 29, 2010

Quote: Social Networking

I watched a show called Melissa and Joey last night.  Melissa's nephew, Ryder, was doing a history report on the 80's (I know, oy)!  He asked the nanny, Joey, what it was like to live way back then (again, ouch).  Commentary about living in caves waiting for cell phones to be invented followed.  And then this quote.

Ryder, incredulous:  How did you text people?
Joey: You know, it was crazy, man.  Back then, when we had meaningless information, (pregnant pause) we just kept it to ourselves.


Sep 28, 2010

He Says/ She Does

He Says:
  • After a nice man gave him a peppermint, Noah got to the car and said he didn't like it.  After throwing it away he said, "I just wike real candy."  I couldn't agree more.  I'm not much of a peppermint fan myself.
  • Noah has a list of backup names for Chewie.  He likes to call him Boy and Baby Joshua.
  • When Josh talked about his pineapple upside-down cake, Noah said, "Dat's so siwwy (silly).  I gonna call dat monster upside-down cake."  Cuz that's not silly?
  • On the way to school this morning, Noah wanted me to know something.  He said, "Mommy, you no weave after we get in da cwass.  First give me a kiss and a hug, OK?  I need a kiss and a hug."  Apparently Josh always does this when he drops Noah off, and Noah much prefers Daddy's exit to my "Bye, Baby" as I scoot out the door with Anna.  Who knew?
She Does:
  • Anna is having puppy envy I think.  She keeps sitting in Chewie's bed, with or without him.
  • And when I put a water bowl on the back porch, she is in it in no time at all.  She stirs it, dumps it out, paints with it.  Apparently she thinks I put that out there for her.
  • I came upon Chewie just now with a table prepared for him in his bed ... complete with two chairs.  Anna is a gracious hostess, is she not?  Except for how she is watching him through a magnifying glass even now as I type. Chewie is a being a good sport about it, though.

Sep 27, 2010

Anna at the Dentist

I was so excited to take Anna to her first dental appointment ever today.  And as expected, she was totally chill for all of the check up.  Would not crack a smile for any of the hygienists no matter how much they tried, but still, totally chill for the important part - the teeth cleaning.

Dr. Ham spotted those canine teeth that are half in already and she says those two-year molars will be coming in pretty soon, too, as the gums in the back are already looking red and inflamed. Guess I'll load up on Children's Tylenol now - she's quite the irritable and cranky teether, you know.  Now that I think about it - I better grab a bottle of Tylenol for me, too.  :)


Once we got alone outside the office, she was willing to grin.  Here she is wearing her Cavity Free Club ribbon and saying "Teeth" instead of Cheese.  

Way to go, Big Girl!  Next up, two year check up later this week....and multiple shots.  Yikes!

Sep 25, 2010

All Two Soon


Anna turned two today.  I close my eyes, breathe it in, and lament that "all too soon the clock will strike midnight, and she'll be gone." Already, parts of her are gone as new parts of her emerge. While fascinating and thrilling and altogether fulfilling to be a part of that, it is also sobering, emotional, and bittersweet. My word, I love this little girl. I never could have planned how much I would enjoy her and her ways. Goodness gracious, a child is a gift. Anna, you are a gift. I know it's your birthday, but the biggest gift is mine.  I love you, I adore you, I am holding on to you in every way possible.

Profile of a Two-Year-Old Anna
  • Interests: anything water, accessorizing, having things done her way, microwaving, steering
  • Enjoys: puzzles, watching TV, brushing her teeth, being read to, climbing, drinking, band-aids
  • Turn Offs: Being poked by Noah's foam sword, Sudden loud noises, Being left behind, eating
  • Vices: Using her step stool to get into trouble, being short tempered, picking her nose
  • Strengths: obedient, smart, curious, feminine, loving, good snuggler, sits still while I do her hair
Favorites of a Two-Year-Old Anna
  • Foods:  Milk, Sweet Potatoes with Marshmallows, Cake, Bananas, Cheese
  • Songs: not a one
  • Shows: Curious George, Max and Ruby, Dora the Explorer
  • Books: Goodnight, Max, Dora Scavenger Hunt, Poke-A-Dot 10 Little Monkeys
  • Toys:  Stepstool, Balloons, Dress Up Stuff, Play Kitchen Stuff
  • Activities:  Being Outside, Water Play, Hide n Seek, Riding Wagon, Watching Home Videos
One- and two- word phrases she says lately:
Moi (more), Bye Bye, No No WoWah (no, no, Noah), Dawty Shoe (dirty shoe), Wait me (wait for me), Goddit (got it), Did it, Do it, Doo wah (Dora), Cunnin (coming), Mon (Come on), Din (thank you), Wunny (running), Baynet (blanket), Oh dit (hold it), Gone, Oh, Uh daa (what's that), Piddy (pretty), Winnoh dow (window down), Baybane (airplane), Baybay (toothpaste), Wide (slide), Bet (barette), Gaygown (playground), Maa maa (medicine), Buttit (bucket), Woom (room)

How Two-Year-Old Anna is Like Her...
mama - short-winded on the phone, easily frustrated, very sensitive to light and heat
daddy - loves a bath, loves to be outside, prefers pancakes for breakfast
brother- silly, loves Curious George, balloons, and wearing hats outside, stays in bed

Treasuring Two-Year-Old Anna bits and details
  • She counts "Two, two, two"
  • Keeping with the 2 theme, she weighs 22 lbs - still 5th %ile
  • She is 35 inches tall - 75th %ile
  • Wears size 6 shoes, and size 18 mos. clothes
  • Is so pleased with herself when she puts socks on her hands
  • Gets real preoccupied with tags in the side of her shirts
  • Always says "piddy" when she sees what I am dressing her in
  • Puts real muscle into grabbing my neck and hugging me
  • Fake cries a lot to garner sympathy or to try to at least 
  • She can go up/down the stairs solo - but not without me holding my breath
  • She lays all up in my space on the couch, on my pillow and under my blanket
  • She's got a Mama's girl streak in her
  • Not a woman of many words, but she's a woman who knows her mind
  • Likes to have the blanket spread out of the floor so she can sit on it
  • Proudly twinkles her fingers in the air and announces "Did It!" when she's done something
  • She doesn't like to be dirty, sticky, messy
  • She cannot, cannot, cannot seem leave the barrette in her hair alone
  • I tell her she is beautiful every day, more than once. Is that bad?
  • She's likes to take her purse with her when we leave the house
  • She is a back sleeper, a light sleeper, sometimes sleeps sideways in her bed
  • She wakes up in the morning with wild frizzy bed head in the back
  • Likes to be held close, pulls my arms to be wrapped around her
  • Bedtime Routine - Kiss Daddy, Kiss Noah, Kiss Chewie, Scale the stairs (slow and distracted) to brush/floss teeth, drink from a rinse cup, and turn the light on/off several times.  Beelines for her room, always grabs 'Goodnight, Max' to read and now she tells me what happens on each page. Climbs in bed, points out that her clock is asleep, gets tucked in, kissed, and has me turn her glowworm on.  Holds Piggie close, says "Night, Night", I turn out the light (no nightlights needed), shut her door, and she goes straight to sleep. 
  • Still getting her last 4 teeth, top and bottom canines
  • She'd guzzle milk all day instead of having meals if we'd let her
  • Napping 2-4 hours a day lately
  • Does not like it when I get on the computer. 
  • Is Learning to play Hi Ho Cherry-O and Candyland
  • Does not like to sit in buggy seats anymore - prefers the basket or walking
  • Her teacher at MDO is Mrs. Joyce.  Mrs. Joyce reported recently that Anna is not sharing well.
  • She's gotten good at jutting our her bottom lip before crying
  • She does not cry often.  She pouts and whines and gets grumpy, though.
  • She's so proud to be getting a vitamin every day like her brother
  • She misses Noah when he is not home.  She fusses about him when he is.  She loves him, follows him, tries so hard to keep up with him.
Celebrating a Two-Year-Old Anna
For your birthday, we went to Discovery Center at Murfree Spring (a children's museum in Murfreesboro).

At home, you had a Dora and Diego birthday cake and 2 balloons waiting for you after your nap.

You chuckled to yourself while you ate the cake with your fingers - in little pinches at a time.

Noah sang you Happy Birthday all day. You opened presents from Mama, Daddy, and Noah.  They were a pony backpack (via b'day money from GG), a gumball machine toy, a Leapfrog laptop, Max and Ruby beanie babies, and a card with spending money from Memaw and Papa John. And let's not forget your jewelry box and lip glosses from Mimmie and Papa, too. 

So many treasures for my treasured Anna.What is a girl to do?
Take it all in, soak up the love, and smile big 'cause she's just turned TWO.

Happy Birthday, Baby Love.

Sep 24, 2010


I don't know which is more shocking.

That Josh tested out Chewie's new bark collar himself - put it to his voicebox and barked repeatedly until he got shocked.


That Josh was shocked by the shock.  He yelped, threw his arms in the air, and rocked his chair back in physical shock to the shock.


Amens: Isaiah

Takeaways from The Message translation of Isaiah. Oh my word.  This book could also be called, "Laying it DOWN."
  • Isaiah 1:12,13,14 - When you come before me, whoever gave you the idea of acting like this, Running here and there, doing this and that - all this sheer commotion in the place provided for worship?  Quit your worship charades.  I can't stand your trivial religious games: Monthly sacrifices, weekly Sabbaths, special meetings - meetings, meetings, meetings - I can't stand one more! Meetings for this, meetings for that, I hate them! You've worn me out! I'm sick of your religion, religion, religion while you go right on sinning.
  • Isaiah 30:15 - God, the Master, The Holy of Israel, has this solemn counsel:  "Your salvation requires you to turn back to me and stop your silly efforts to save yourselves.  Your strength will come from settling down in complete dependence on me - The very thing you've been unwilling to do."
  • Isaiah 42: 8,9 - I am GOD.  That's my name.  I don't franchise my glory, don't endorse the no-god idols.  Take note:  The earlier predictions of judgment have been fulfilled, I'm announcing the new salvation work.  Before it bursts on the scene, I'm telling you all about it.
  • Isaiah 43:13 - "Yes, I am God.  I've always been God and I always will be God.  No one can take anything from me.  I make; who can unmake it?"  (I also love the NKJV as well.  "...I am God.  Indeed before the day was, I am He; And there is no one who can deliver out of my hand; I work, and who will reverse it?")
  • Isaiah 43:21 - ...a people custom-made to praise me.
  • Isaiah 43:25 - But I, yes I, am the one who takes care of your sins - that's what I do.  I don't keep a list of your sins.
  • Isaiah 45:6,7 - "...I have no god-rivals.  I am GOD, the only God there is.  I form light and create darkness, I make harmonies and create discords.  I, GOD, do all these things.  Open up, heavens, and rain. Clouds, pour out buckets of my goodness!  Loosen up, earth, and bloom salvation; sprout right living.  I, GOD, generate all this."
  • Isaiah 45:21-25 - Who told you, and a long time ago, what's going on here?  Who made sense of things for you?  Wasn't I the one? God? It had to be me, I'm the only God there is - The only God who does things right and knows how to help.  So turn to me and be helped - saved! - everyone, whoever and wherever you are.  I am GOD, the only God there is, the one and only. I promise in my own name:  Every word out of my mouth does what it says.  I never take back what I say.  Everyone is going to end up kneeling before me.  Everyone is going to end up saying of me, 'Yes!  Salvation and strength are in GOD!'"  All who have raged against him will be brought before him, disgraced by their unbelief.  And all who are connected with Israel will have a robust, praising, good life in GOD!
  • Isaiah 46:5 - So to whom will you compare me, the Incomparable?  Can you picture me without reducing me?
  • Isaiah 46:11,12,13 - I've said it, and I'll most certainly do it.  I've planned it, so it's good as done.  Now listen to me:  You're a hardheaded bunch and hard to help.  I'm ready to help you right now.  Deliverance is not a long-range plan.  Salvation isn't on hold.  I'm putting salvation to work in Zion now, and glory in Israel.
  • Isaiah 51:4,5,6 - Pay attention, my people.  Listen to me, nations.  Revelation flows from me.  My decisions light up the world.  My deliverance arrives on the run, my salvation right on time.  I'll bring justice to the peoples.  Even faraway islands will look to me and take hope in my saving power.  Look up at the skies, ponder the earth under your feet.  The skies will fade out like smoke, the earth will wear out like work pants, and the people will die off like flies.  But my salvation will last forever, my setting-things-right will never be obsolete.
  • Isaiah 66:1,2 - GOD's Message:  "Heaven is my throne, earth is my footstool.  What sort of house could you build for me?  What holiday spot reserve for me?  I made all this!  I own all this!"  GOD's Decree.  "But there is something I'm looking for:  a person simple and plain, reverently responsive to what I say."

Oh my word, our GOD is amazing.  Amazing in power, in love, in patience, in mercy.  Oh my word. How lucky are we?

Sep 23, 2010


I totally ate chocolate chip cookies and milk for breakfast.  

Noah did not have school today and Anna did.  So Noah got to go with me to a playdate.  And he totally announced his destination to everyone we saw in Target.  I kept telling him to call it a playgroup (sounds much less baby/girly) but he totally ignored me on that one.  Playdate it was.

At Target, I had to hit the bathroom.  Which means Noah had to come with me.  I must have flushed the toilet with my foot.  I didn't even realize I had done it that way until Noah totally said, "Dat was a cool trick with your foot, Mommy."  I'm cool like that, you know.

On the way home from the playgroup, Noah had to go to the bathroom so bad that I totally had to stop the car on a country road, empty a cup and let the boy fill it up again. 

I am totally serious when I say that Anna came home from MDO today with an Accident Injury Report detailing a crib collapse involving my daughter during a fire drill.  Say what?! Apparently they carted the babies out in the crib.  Multiple babies, rolling along, and the thing falls apart.  Anna totally got pinched in the fall, but she is totally proud of her purple band-aid on the inside of her right elbow.  She has pointed it out to me a total of 3 times now in the last half hour.

In total, Chewie got poked and prodded with sticks, fingers, thermometer, and needles 8 times at the vet today.  Poor thing.  I was totally cringing for him every time.  They drew blood from his NECK for crying out loud.  And it was just plain ungodly how far that stick was pushed inside him to gather a fecal sample.  Totally upsetting.  Chewie was totally cooperative for the vet and tech, but I was totally tense. Poor baby. 

Chewie has totally started living up to his name.  Poor bunny.  Poor Belle.

Sep 22, 2010


Turns out Brown #5 was destined to be 4 legged and furry. Say hello to our new dog, Chewie. I gotta say, adoption plan b is not at all unpalatable.

Josh always brings something home from his trips. From New Orleans, pirate and ladybug beads. From a local trip, dinner. On Monday, he brought home the bacon - if by bacon you mean wiener dog. It was a pretty big surprise. I still keep saying, "I can't believe you did this." It's a good surprise, but still. I can't believe he did it without telling me!

Dachshunds are near and dear to my and Josh's heart. It's just going to have to be one legacy we pass on to Noah. I tell him he is one lucky boy to have a pet. He agrees. (btw - he outgrew his dog allergy last year, so that is not an issue)

While it doesn't feel like Jake and Charlie (it makes me miss them even more, in fact), it does still feel like home to have a dog again. The wagging tail, the rooting under blankets, the ears cocked back in curiosity, the warm and wet tongue, the soft and shiny coat, the easy company, and especially the click clack of puppy toes on the floor. That is home indeed.

Noah is all kinds of thrilled, nervous, and drunk with love and pride over his new puppy. We're having to teach him how to be the boss with the dog and not run from him needlessly or allow him to lick him to no end (which, oh my word, Chewie loves to do). Anna's cool with Chewie as long as he doesn't get in between her and her Dora. That calm around any dog is a big deal for her. Until recently, she screamed in terror at the sight of anything on 4 legs, near or far. Getting to warm up to playing with a dog at Noah's soccer practices lately has really mellowed her out and shown her there is nothing to fear. Now she grins and giggles so hard at his attention that she can hardly say his name. It comes out "Choi." Noah is a different story. It's Chewie, Puppy, Chewie, Chewie, Puppy at every turn. He is on overdrive for sure. I have to make Noah calm down so he doesn't overwhelm the dog. How funny is that that it's not vice versa?

As for Chewie, he has really been the best case scenario for our family. The transition to having a pet, and somewhat suddenly at that, has been almost seamless. Except for a few errands for food, toys, and a little more fence for the backyard, making our home Chewie's home has been a piece of cake.

Chewie Fun Facts:
  1. His story is much like Charlie's was. He comes from an elderly woman who just couldn't keep up with a young dog like he needs. Like Charlie, we discovered him from a newspaper ad. And like Charlie when we got him, he is older than a puppy, red, miniature, so soft, and cost $200.
  2. He was named Snoopy. We changed it to Chewie. Noah had asked for a dog named Chewie (I know not where that name came from - he just says he thought of it) and that night Josh comes home with Snoopy unannounced. Charlie was called Harley before we got him, so it's so funny how this dog got a new-but-similar sounding name as well. And like Charlie, he responds to his new name better for some reason.
  3. Chewie's best feature (and my only must-have when we talked about what our next dog would be) ... he is HOUSEBROKEN.
  4. He is so mild tempered and gentle with Noah and Anna. He is very submissive and obedient with Josh and me. He does seem to prefer our attention to the kids, but I know that will change as he gets more used to our family. Maybe not. I am a likable girl. ;)
  5. He is so great on a leash. Doesn't run ahead and pull. He's so cool about it, Noah can hold the leash and I don't have to worry about it getting yanked out of his hand. Not that I think Chewie would run anyway. He's very docile.
  6. He is overweight. Turns out his previous owner fed him almost exclusively table foods. He's only been with us since Monday night, but he has yet to eat. I think he's holding out for a spot at the table. Not gonna happen. Extra weight on dachshund backs is not good at all. I took him for 2 walks yesterday. Noah keeps him running and jumping. And I picked up some weight control Iam's for him. Operation Chewie-Loses-Chub is on!
  7. His bark sounds like Jake's. Strong and clear and loud.
  8. Unlike Jake and Charlie, we won't make him sleep in a crate. This is new for us, but I think with his mild nature and his routines from his previous owner it will work out fine. He will, though, stay in a crate or the back yard when we are not home.
  9. He has not marked any territory in the house nor has he bothered with any of the kids' toys. And trust me, they are well within his reach. He's just not interested. Older dogs rock.
  10. I already said this, but he makes me miss Jake and Charlie really bad. I think it's because the feeling is just not the same. Now that my heart belongs to my babies, I can't identify with a dog like I did with the two I had BEFORE kids. Sad, but true. Maybe the connection will grow over time. Maybe not. Still - I am totally digging how well Chewie fits our lifestyle.
Welcome home, puppy.

Sep 21, 2010

Pop Quiz: Today's To-Do List

Which of these things does not belong? Or rather - did not used to belong ...

Today's To-Do List
  • Get Noah to school, dress for school pics
  • Get Anna to MDO, offer Ms. Joyce condolences
  • Go to Target, buy phone charger, Candyland, bedspread
  • Exercise, walk the dog
  • Take Noah to his allergy shots, pick up milk on way home
  • RSVP for Graeme's b'day party
  • Remind Josh to replace fire alarms after cleaning

Sep 19, 2010

Weekend Bits

~ Noah shared his most recent bible verse for school: Phuwippians 4:19. Phuwippians is now my favorite book of the bible. :) It's hard to express the feeling that sweeps over my spirit when I hear scripture coming out of his mouth. But it's good.

~ Wrapped Anna's birthday presents

~ Watched movie, football, football, football

~ Garage Sale Shopping - waited too late on a purchase (Power Wheels Pink Cadillac Escalade for Anna) and missed out completely by an hour :( The hunt continues...

~ Noah's 2nd soccer game - boys against girls this week, Noah scored a goal sure was nice of his coach to position everyone so Noah was a straight shot from midfield as long as he kept it going himself. preschool soccer is a hoot - ha :)

~ Under the Stars Family Campout complete with weenie roast, smores, and outdoor movie

~ Neighborhood Family Fun Day complete with jumpy castles and junk food

~ Planted a tree in Anna's room

~ Released a little birdie in Anna's room

~ Tried new recipe that met with our stamp of approval - Shepherd's Pie

~ Sonic Blasts/Creamslushes ... just because

~ Visited FBC Gallatin for 2nd time

~ Ran errands - Kohl's, Homegoods, Toys R Us

Recipe: Shepherd's Pie

There are a million ways to make this recipe, I know. I have never made even one. But this weekend, I tried one version of this pie provided by a new friend. What I loved about this recipe -its basic ingredients, its quick preparation, and it was just plain and simple good. And for the first time ever, Noah (while still chewing his first few bites) told me I should make this again. File that under: Huge Success.

Shepherd's Pie
  • 1 lb. ground beef
  • 1 can tomato soup (do not add the water)
  • 1 can green beans
  • mashed potatoes (I used instant, next time I'll use 2 pkgs.)
  • 8 -10 slices of cheese
Brown and drain the ground beef, add tomato soup and green beans. Put that in the bottom of a 9x13 dish, top with potatoes (spread evenly). Lay slices of cheese to cover entire top. Put in oven at 375 until cheese is bubbly.

Sep 16, 2010

Well Played, Well Prayed

  • After soccer practice tonight, Noah huffed his way into the car and managed to frustratedly stammer out, "I NEVER NOT GONNA WIN! (read - I didn't win (read - didn't score a goal)) Doze uvver kids always run faster dan me!" Oh, my poor boy. Being short stinks. I told him we just gotta practice running more to get quicker and eating more so he can get stronger.
  • After I got onto him for not obeying right away, he answered me by singing a song they learned at school (to the tune of London Bridge). "I will listen and obey, and obey, and obey. I will listen and obey, yes, yes, yes." I was putty in his hands after that serenade. Well played, Noah. Well played.
  • At bedtime, we prayed about show and tell tomorrow because Noah needs some divine intervention to help him decide which of his treasures to take to school. And then Noah asked me to pray for the caterpillars that had hatched all over the soccer fields today (it was quite disgusting, if you ask me, but the kids were fascinated and rightly so). So we prayed that they would be safe and grow into many butterflies. Me? I just pray I don't wake up screaming from a dream where they are crawling all over my body. All those nasty crawly things gave me the heebie jeebies for a solid hour.


I showed Noah a picture of the new bedspread I have my eye on for him. He liked its design just fine. But he wanted to make sure it was comfortable first. He said, "Dat bedspread comfany? Keep my toes warm?" (Noah translator: comfany = comfy)

This also makes me laugh about this word b/c it reminds me of a boyfriend I had in high school who could not say "comfortable." To him it was and had to remain, "comfterful."

Sep 15, 2010

Lately: Listed in L's

Looking forward to:
  • Josh and Noah camping out for an Under the Stars Family Campout in a local park this weekend.
  • Our two nights at Disney World with both kids while we are in FL this Christmas.
  • Taking Anna to her 2 year check up and her first dentist visit
  • Our overnight getaway to another Nashville spot for Anna's b'day
  • Redoing Noah's room now that I am mostly done with Anna's

Laughing about:
  • How I curbed Noah's sudden bouts of peeing in his pants by drawing a line the sand. I told him not to let the pee pee be the boss and come out whenever it wants. HE has to be the boss of the pee and always get it to the potty first. And I told him if he can't manage being the boss of his pee pee, then I would be the boss again. Since he does not like having to go potty every time the thought occurs to me (which is quite often), he has successfully taken over that responsibility again and there have been no more accidents. Noah is so proud of being the Boss of the Pee Pee again. And seriously - how can you not laugh about a title like that?
  • Noah wanting to get my parents a puppy
  • How there are NO peanuts in Honey NUT Cheerios, but there ARE peanuts in the Target brand of chewy, gummy fruit snacks.
  • How Noah got in trouble at school for relentless roaring. Yes, roaring. Apparently, a classmate has had enough of his daily dinosaur/bear routine at recess and Noah did not get the hint.
  • How Noah apologized to Anna for roaring at her and making her cry - "I sawwy, Anna. I not be a bear anymore."
  • How Noah, after watching me clean the front of the fridge, asked if I was going to sell it. That boy has a heightened awareness of my purging tendencies. When he couldn't find a toy today, he asked if I sold it or threw it away. (for the record - no, I didn't - he just wasn't looking in the right place - give mommy a little credit!)

  • MOPS
  • Having girlfriends to gab with on a weekly basis, sometimes more
  • Feeling mama-pride over my Noah who was Student of the Week last week
  • Trimming the budget even more by canceling our home phone service
  • Hearing more and more words from Anna every day - total vocabulary growth spurt
  • My new cell phone which doubles as our home phone - it's nothing fancy but it is a step up from the phone I had for the last 3 years
  • Cleaning out the fish tank. It's strange and sick, I know, but somehow I derive pleasure from vacuuming that bad boy at least twice a week.

  • Josh is out of town again this week - New Orleans
  • Noah's Power Wheels car finally bit the dust - Now he actually has to pedal a bike
  • We have a snake. It's dead on a glue trap waiting for Josh to come home and get it. But that can only mean there are more somewhere nearby. SHIVER!
  • All the driving coming up in the next 3 months - I am not a good traveler
  • Anna's newest bumps and bruises to her head - she is suddenly tall enough for the counter tops to take a swing at her as she goes by

  • My new cell phone - I can finally access the web on a cell phone and I celebrated that freedom by downloading my first ringtone ever - Sugarland's Stuck Like Glue
  • To have confidence in my decisions, to say no and not feel bad or conflicted about it, to know my limits

Sep 13, 2010

An Anna Fix

I think I haven't talked about my Anna girl on the blog much lately. It's just because I know I will post about her big time next week for her birthday. Yay Big Two! But in case anyone has wondered what the little miss has been up to, I offer this shot from this weekend.

My parents came up for Noah's first soccer game and they brought Anna some early birthday presents that just sent her into orbit - a delirious pink and girly orbit. She got a glittery jewelry box, that tiara in the picture, flower bud hair clips, more bracelets than she can wear at one time, a cash register complete with coins, dollars, and a credit card, and an outfit that she'll have to grow into because she is still so stinkin' tiny. It was the 3 Lip Smackers lip glosses she got, though, that took the cake. She slathers them all over her chin, cheeks, and mouth. And then she does it a little more just for good measure. Her eyes go all vacant and her little mouth purses up, she is so taken with the power of applying some "make-up" of her own. She is also furious when you take them from her.

I have time to post two posts today because she is still napping after 3 HOURS. That girl is growing, I just know it, to be suddenly so tired every day. Her hair is getting longer, she is teething 4 teeth, and she's gonna catch Noah in the height department within the next year, I fear. Poor Noah. Anyway, here's a little more Anna love just to get us all through til I post about my birthday girl's big day next weekend. :)

Recipe: 3 Packet Roast

I do not go for pot roast. Never have. I can not make myself like the flavor no matter how it is prepared. Yuck.

But I found this totally easy recipe from someone in my SAHM Meetup group and she raved about how delicious it was. So I thought, what the heck? I'm not a close-minded girl. Maybe this could be a roast that I could tolerate. And even though I accidentally poured in one wrong packet (taco seasoning) and had to spoon it out as best I could, the end result still tickled the taste buds in a good way. I stand corrected. There is at least one version of pot roast I can do. It is as follows:

Three Packets and a Roast

1 packet of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing (powder)
1 packet of Italian dressing (powder)
1 packet of Brown Gravy (powder)
1 cup of water
1 roast

Place roast in the slow cooker. Pour packets of seasonings on top. Pour water over that. No mixing needed. Cook on low for 6-7 hours, depending on size of the roast. Add desired veggies for the last two hours.

The resulting gravy was tasty and I may or may not have sopped my petite potatoes in it over and over again. Yum. I even ate the carrots, which I never do. I like my carrots raw. But this, this was tasty. Hope you enjoy it, too.

Sep 12, 2010

Herding Cats

Noah's soccer career has officially begun! This weekend he was on the white team, White Fury, and they played the orange team, Orange Crush. It was a highly competitive display of emerging athletic prowess.

Just kidding. It was a group of six 4 and 5-year-olds and this was their first game ever. There were tears, there were stumbles, there were goals made for the wrong teams, there were some pooped out kiddos and some significantly abbreviated quarters as a result. And there was proof of their coach's affectionate likening of preschool soccer to herding cats.

It was precious. It was fun. It was a successful day.

Noah scored one goal for the other team. And, in the heat of the moment, he also picked the ball up and ran with it once. On the upswing, he did score a goal for his own team. And he did not cry or fall or give up at any point in the game. Most importantly, he had fun. And we were so proud of him.

My boy in action.

Sep 9, 2010

Quotes: Family Issues

I don't mean to be a downer, but these are the two quotes I saved from my reading of Wicked. I hope they do not apply to you and yours. I am sure that for most of you they do not. However, in all honesty, they scream a sad truth I still experience firsthand in my relationship with my parents. Ick. Ridiculous issues I have struggled to field for almost 20 years.
  • How deeply bound by cords of family anger we all are, thought the Witch. None of us breaks free.
  • Maybe the definition of home is the place where you are never forgiven, so you may always belong there, bound by guilt.
The book I am reading now, entitled I Quit!, has me thinking about these emotions and the family dynamics that they involve. In particular, I just finished a chapter about anger, sadness, and fear. Now I am in a chapter about blame. As a result, certain historical family things are on my brain and make my heart rate rise just thinking/typing about it. And then I realize I still have anger about someone's anger and unforgiveness towards me. It's just gotta stop! So while I cannot control choices and emotions that roil and erupt within my family of birth, I am so glad I can make a point to not perpetuate these habits in the lives of my children and my husband. And in so doing, I can keep it from growing in the lives of my grandchildren and on.

It would kill me for two quotes like the ones above to be the legacy I leave with my children.
No. No. No.
I refuse that.
And I praise the Lord he allows me to recognize that.

Sep 7, 2010

Recipe: Crunch Bars

I don't usually make desserts. What is the point when you can just buy them? Still, I tried this one because it made me curious. Crackers and chocolate? Really? Prove it.

Seeing as how I ate 6 all by myself in as many hours today, I guess I'd have to admit they have proven themselves. I admit it - They are delicious and addictive. And they give you a serious got milk? attack.

Crunch Bars (taken from Kraft Food and Family magazine)
  • Saltine crackers (I used club crackers)
  • 1 stick of butter or margarine
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 pkg. (8 squares) Baker's Semi-sweet chocolate, chopped (I used Nestle semi-sweet morsels)
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts (I used almonds)
  1. Heat oven to 400.
  2. Place crackers in single layer in foil lined 15x10x1-inch pan.
  3. Cook butter and sugar in saucepan on med-high heat until butter is melted and mixture is well blended, stirring occasionally. Bring to boil; cook 3 min. without stirring. Spread onto crackers.
  4. Bake 5-7 min. Immediately sprinkle with chocolate; let stand 5 min. or until chocolate is softened. Spread chocolate over crackers in pan; sprinkle with nuts. Cool. Break into pieces.

WPTM #24: You Did For Me

What Parenting Teaches Me #24: You Did For Me

When people coo over my babies and say kind things about them, they are automatically on my good list. When people compliment my babies and give them candy, coins, balloons, what have you, they get big grins and thanks from me. My heart swells with pleasure as if I were the one being adored. It might as well be me because of how intimately connected to Noah and Anna I am. They own my heart; they ARE my heart. So when you are good to them, you have been good to me.

This sort of transference makes me understand even more what Jesus is saying about the heart of God when he says in Matthew, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." I have always gotten the point of that message, the facts. But now, with the heart of a mom, I totally get that, the sentiment. The love I feel for my babies gives me a better view of the depth of God's love for people.

WPTM #23: Be Still

What Parenting Teaches Me #23: Be Still

Oh my word, some days changing Anna's diaper is just plain vexing what with all the twisting, grabbing, kicking, reaching for things she does. Or Noah - try bathing him or putting lotion on him without him giggling and wiggling away because it tickles so bad. And don't get me started on how difficult it can be to get clothes on either one of them without having to raise my voice to get them to stand still, face me, and focus on what we are doing. Some days, sometimes, all I want is a little momentary cooperation so these small tasks don't turn into long, arduous events.

And then it hits me - Are we the same kind of distracted, fidgety, and over busy when it comes to the Lord and what he has in mind for us to cooperate with, receive, or learn. I think yes.

Sep 6, 2010

Labor Day Lollygagging

What a glorious Labor Day weekend it has been here in Nashville. The first cool days of the season - sunny, but cool breezy, cold at night and in the morning. Glorious. We enjoyed the time off and together with a bit of:

Camping in the backyard (until Noah flipped out at 2 am)

Roasting marshmallows

Setting off rocket balloons in the yard and cul-de-sac

Winning another blog giveaway - what fun!
Watching college football (what else?!)
Playing outside, outside, and outside

Trying new recipes (Enchilada Casserole, Baked Spaghetti, Crunch Bars)
Playing our newest diversion on iPad - Angry Birds
Painting Anna's room (well, painting stripes/polka dots)

Hearing "No", "Mine" and "Stop" from a grumpy Anna all weekend
Going to the neighborhood playground and pond
Trying to ditch the sleeping pills (it's going ok)
Visiting a church for a second time and ruling it out
Cutting Noah's hair and wiping Anna's nose
Romping and running at Kids Kingdom Park

Feeding the ducks
Glaring from one of many time-outs (this one at the park)

Oh My Words!

I slowly worked my way through the book Wicked. I can't say I enjoyed it really (it's not a light read at all), but I certainly learned a lot of new words.

Words I had never, ever heard before: mendacious, maunt, somnolence, lambent, vertiginous, badinage, ersatz, etiolated, amanuensis, louche, disquisitions, verdigrisian, sfumato, prehensile, fromp, spiniel, margreaves, sigils, ostlers, splenetic, zigguars, untrammeled, sententious, sophisters, ennui, truncheon, cudgel, baize, harridan, susurrating, cenotaph, sybarites, eyrie, contralto, antiphonal, aegis, turgid, palanquin, baldaquin, palavir, crenellations, bantam, doyenne, hellebore, usufruct, tripe, gormless, hinterland, tippets, skark, fewnets, inglenook, deshabille, hasps, bronchiating, breviaries, reconnoitering, libretti, colliery, troika, demesne, ormulu, deliquescence, moue, crepuscular, ovoid, trapunto, mountebank, tipple, betide, bruited, parlous, poxite, tippler, incunabulum, scarabee, fylfot, gammadion, carapace

Words I had heard, but still liked reading again: nabob, leathern, torpor, overmuch, riven, recitatives, barmy, frisson, fiddle, demur, coterie, dotage, dulcet, agog, iconoclasm, smarmy, torque, toddy, surfeit, noblesse, feckless, lambaste, maelstrom, witticism, aplomb, misbegotten

Words I just liked the sound of: widdershins, gobbet, lolloping, scree, codswallop, jollity, dropsical, flimflammed, knobjawed, tomfoolery, bombastic, pratfalling, hardscrabble, gabble, dogsbody, blitzkrieg, frippery, bumbershoot, pigspittle

Sep 5, 2010

Amens: Luke

Notables from The Message from the book of Luke.
  • Luke 1:28 (Gabriel to Mary) - You are beautiful with God's beauty...
  • Luke 1:45 - Blessed woman, who believed what God said, believed every word would come true!
  • Luke 1:58 - ... God had overwhelmed her with mercy...
  • Luke 6:26 - There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests ... Your task is to be true, not popular.
  • Luke 6:30 - If someone takes unfair advantage of you, use the occasion to practice the servant life.
  • Luke 6:37 - Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier.
  • Luke 6:47 - These words I speak to you are not mere additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundation words, words to build a life on.
  • Luke 7:16 - They all realized they were in a place of holy mystery, that God was at work among them. They were quietly worshipful - and then noisily grateful ...
  • Luke 9:3 - He said, "Don't load yourselves up with equipment. Keep it simple; you are the equipment..."

Sep 2, 2010

Ladies Man

We get friendly comments and adoring grins all the time about Noah. People ask how old he is and say how cute he is. They talk to him like he's a baby even. Often. More than is normal for most 4 yr. olds, I think, but I can't be sure cuz that little ladies man is the only 4 yr. old I've ever had. I think it has something to do with how short he is. People think he is 2 or 3. And honestly, short or not, he IS dang cute. Today, moments after a cashier buttered him up with greetings and stickers, Noah asked about this phenomenon. He said, "Why all da people always say I so cute?"

Noah attended a birthday party for a friend this past weekend. As we got ready to leave the house I let Noah pick which of two shirts he would like to wear. He pointed to the one with the monster eating his socks and thoughtfully said, "Ummm, I fink Katie will wike dat one."

As I got Noah dressed yesterday in his chapel uniform, Noah asked me, "Mrs. Cindy wike my pants?"

Noah has always, always loved having us smell his feet and then exaggeratingly act completely grossed out by it. We affectionately call this ritual "stinky feet." It's been a harmless role play ... until now. We got home from Noah's first soccer practice a couple nights ago. I set Noah up on the counter to remove his cleats and shin guards and my little ladies man lit up all of a sudden. There was a twinkle in his eye and toejam between his toes as he asked me, "Mommy, smell my feet!" I love the boy, so I smelled the feet. But this time, there was no exaggeration needed. Stinky feet, indeed.

Noah, Anna, and I were playing with a Little People set the other night. We set up the table and chair and positioned the Mommy and Daddy and Baby around it. As we started to pretend to eat, Noah interrupted with wide-eyed concern, "Wait! We forgot to pray!"

And let me not forget the most thoughtful gesture he makes ... calling me from where he sits on the potty, "Mommy, come see dis poo-poo! It giant snake!"