Sep 29, 2009

Noah the Disciplinarian

Josh blew his nose just now and the sudden noise of it scared Anna pretty bad. She shrieked and fell face down on the floor and just cried and cried. Noah heard the commotion and asked what happened.

Josh: I blew my nose and it scared Anna.
Noah: Daddy go time out.

In other news , we are packed and ready to head to the airport first thing in the morning. And since Noah missed the ice cream man while he was napping today, he is dead-set now on seeing an ice cream man at Disney World instead. He will not be distracted from his missed appointment. When I mentioned to him that he would have to help his cousin Brooklyn be brave on the rides, he was fine with that plan but had one thing to add - that he needs to see the ice cream man.

Priorities, people. Priorities.

Sep 27, 2009

Wet, Wet, Wet Weekend

Josh met his sales quota for the year! Woohoo!
And so...we got our go ahead to build a screen porch
Found (and panicked) and quickly removed a tick on Noah
Got medical checkups for adoption done on Noah, Anna, me
I have had some repeated high blood pressure readings
High Blood Pressure? Seriously? Makes me feel old
Anna's Birthday - Go Big One!
Took down the living room picnic table
Mimmie and Papa came up to bring Anna b'day presents
Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain, Rain
Noah got run over by the little boy next door on his bike
Noah cried alright and shook it off and kept splashing in puddles
Wrapping things up and planning and starting to pack for FL
We leave Wednesday - 2.5 days to go
Retired Noah's Baby Bjorn potty - It's Big Potty or Bust!
Looking forward to seeing Josh's family and Noah's birthmother/g'father

Sep 26, 2009

Where Jesus Lives

Noah had me reread a Sunday School Lesson to him today. We got to talking about Jesus. I said something about how Jesus wants us all to come live in heaven with him someday. And it occurred to me that Noah might not know what heaven is. So I asked.

Me: Noah, do you know where Jesus lives?
Noah: In the Bible!
Me: Well yes, kind of. Jesus lives in heaven.
Noah: With Caillou?!

I have no idea.

Then, later today I was telling my mom about the conversation. She asked him again where Jesus lives. Noah's answer: church!

Sep 25, 2009

Quote: Gene Pool

We heard this hilarious line on a TV show called Fringe that we are just catching up on tonight. Said by the character, Walter Bishop, who is certifiably crazy, but a scientific genius.

"We are all victims of our own gene pool. Someone must have peed in yours."

Today's "Anna"versary

So today, on her birthday, we went to the dr. for Anna's 1 year check up and some shots. This did not bring on a celebratory birthday mood (as you might imagine) but it had to be done. We even got Noah a flu shot, too. Wouldn't want him to miss out on all the birthday fun. :) For the record, on your birthday, Anna, you weighed in at 17 lbs. and 12 oz. putting you in the 5th %ile. In other words, a lightweight. And this really shocked me because I was ready to swear that you were rounding 20 lbs. Go figure. You were 28.5 inches tall landing you in the 25-50%ile.

After this and a good nap, we dropped Noah off at his gym class while we went to lunch with Anna. It was at Shane's Rib Shack that she partook of her first french fry ever.

And partook and partook.

After we got home, Noah went down for his nap. Anna was riding high on birthday excitement and did not nap for hours. She was in a VERY silly, very awake mood.

We took that alone time with her to let her open a couple presents.

We knew good and well that once Noah got up, he would take over her present opening. ;) And he did.

He even went so far as to name Anna's new pull-toy dog himself. He decided on Jacks after we told him he couldn't name it Cookie Monster. And he made many a lap around the house with that plastic canine. And Anna walked right behind them, grinning all the way.

After Noah finished off what few presents were left, we moved on to the cake. We just got a little $8.00 mini-cake since the real birthday party is happening at Memaw's next week anyway.

Here is a before shot of Anna - meaning, obviously, before she got her hands on the good stuff.

Here is the underwhelming after.

You'll notice she is not all that messy. But she did do her share of squashing and smearing the food and dropping it into her lap and finally tried to get rid of the sticky mess by flinging it off her hands as well as she could. If I had a shot of me cringing, it would go right here.

Josh did quick and immediate bath duty, while I did damage control and cleanup in the kitchen. After a bath and a nap (finally!), Anna woke up to enjoy the rest of her day. As luck, and her personality would have it, she spent her last couple hours playing with not a single of her new birthday gifts, but the only paper products the day brought her way - a couple birthday cards.

Until she traded them up for Noah's napkin.

Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today you are one year old. When you woke up this morning, Noah and I came to get you out of bed and we sang to you the birthday song. Then we gave you a birthday present - a toy piggy bank that you have not stopped playing with yet except to get a bite to eat. Noah can't seem to get enough of it either. :) When your daddy wakes up we will all go to your doctor's appt. and pick up your mini-ducky cake on the way home. Noah is more than excited about that part of the day. We may have to strap him down so you can make a mess of it all by yourself. I can't wait to watch you taste it and make that rite-of-passage birthday cake mess all over your face.

Can you really be 1 year old? Was it really only a year ago we headed back to Huntsville Hospital to have you? Was it only a year ago that I was scared silly at the prospect of you being delivered by c-section? Was it only a year ago that I heard that first raw cry of yours but couldn't see you over the sheet that blocked my view during the surgery? Oh little girl, is it only a year that I have known you? Wow - what a year can do to your life, to your family, to your heart. I'm not gonna lie, in some ways it has felt like a lot of years. In others, it just seems like it can't be true. You are a trip, baby doll. You are our girlie treasure. Today (and again next week with family) we get to specifically celebrate you.

Anna at 1 yr. old:

Loves books, especially lift-the-flap books
She lets you read 1-2 pages before she wants the books back
Enjoys being held and cuddled
Does not like tomato-based sauces...yet
Favorite foods: bananas, ham, Pasta Pick-ups, Yogos, cheese
Has a sensational smile...when she decides to smile, that is
Is very choosy about when and for whom she will smile
Raises her chin up like a ham when she grins real hard
Like to root and roll around on beds and couches
Makes stinky diapers not long after getting up in the morning
Is most offended/upset when Daddy and Noah go outside w/o her
Wakes up around 6:00, Naps twice a day, Bedtime around 7:00
Prefers Daddy's company to anyone else, Noah is a close second
Loves to climb: on furniture, stairs, chairs, stools, people
Is easily irritated and/or angered
Has never peed on us during a diaper change
Loves to be given Motrin/Tylenol, Does not like Amoxycillin
When music comes on, she kind of bops and jerks to it
Didn't clap until last week, Has waved and waved for awhile now
Loves putting stuff in things and things in stuff
Plays really well by herself when Noah is not around
Fave toys include anything made of paper: pages, magazines, plates, pics, napkins, tissue, postcards, wrappers, boxes, tp rolls, cards, wipes
Tucks her arms in and under her chest to sleep (in bed/when held)
This often results in her sticking her entire arm down our shirts
Loves for us to play "Where is Anna?" (peekaboo) with a blanket
Cracks up when she chases Noah or when he chases her
Is an organized thinker: puts things away, sets groups together
Signature move for silliness, drama, fury: Throws her head back
Quirks include: batting/squinting her eyes while shaking her head
Answers in the affirmative by murmuring "Uh huuuuuuh"
Answers in the negative by shaking her head
Is TOTALLY interested in anything I am doing in the kitchen
Shouts, and hoots, and squeals, and jabbers when she's having fun
Her hair is growing in lopsided...longer on the left side in back
Still has a blonde patch of's just harder to spot now
Wants things in their places or she can't go on with play or meals
Experiments with food: drops, squashes, smears, puts it in her bib
Shows me to her high chair when she is hungry
Loves to climb and clamor all over us when we sit on the floor
Prefers Noah's shoes to any toy in the house
My fave shirt of hers has an owl on it and says "I give a hoot"
1st crawl at 8 mos.
1st table foods at 9 mos.
1st stood w/o assistance at 10 mos.
1st tooth at 10 1/2 mos.
1st steps at 11 mos.
1st fight with Noah at 11 mos. (over his tape measure)
1st whole milk at 11 mos.
Her crawl looked more like a one-legged scoot
Before the blackout curtains, she woke up every day at 5:30
Until recently, she'd lay her head flat down on her high chair tray and pull her foot up to her ear
We have recorded her every feeding and nap the whole year

All for now...b'day cake pics and dr. appt. details to follow.
Happy Birthday, Anna!

Sep 23, 2009

Miraculous Healing

Noah fell and hurt his arm a little bit ago. When I offered him my sympathies and my support, the little opportunist jumped at the chance to negotiate for a more entertaining expression of my sympathy.

Noah: (carrying on) I hurt muh arm! (more carrying on)
Me: Oh, poor baby. Here, let me try to make it feel better.
Noah: Noah watch Mac and Wubby (read Max and Ruby) arm feel bedder.

So watching Max and Ruby we are.

Sep 22, 2009

WPTM #16: Jesus Love Me

What Parenting Teaches Me #16: Jesus Loves Me

When Noah sings "Jesus Loves Me" you sort of lose him in his pronunciation of a lot of the verses. You know how little kids are (adults, too, for that matter) when they can't quite remember or make out the words to a song, they sort of fill in sounds to the best of their ability and at least keep the tune in tact. A gray area, if you will. But you can bet your bippy, when Noah gets to the important part, the chorus, the heart of the song, he is as clear and as confident with those words as they come. "Yes, Jesus wuv me. Yes, Jesus wuv me. Yes, Jesus wuv me. The Bible [tells me] so." There is no doubting what he is saying. Those words, and that message, are crystal clear to him and his audience.

Excusing the fact that Noah is singing in his underwear, it kind of paints a pretty little picture of what's important that we know (or not get all worked up over) from Scripture. There are things that are a little gray, things that you have to study to understand, things that Christians will argue about and disagree on til the end of days, but one thing (the most important thing) is clear and leaves no room for confusion. Jesus Love Me. The Bible speaks with authority. The rest is just details.

Miscellany at the Moment

I heard my first Christmas commercial on the radio today. I think that sets the record for me for the earliest signs of the Christmas season. That, and the fact that Hobby Lobby is already DECKED out with Christmas stuff.

Last night Noah chose to sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" at bedtime. This farm was a bit unorthodox, although Noah finds it to be quite normal. This farm had a toot, a robot, and a baby - complete with a toot toot here, a Daddy wobot there, wah, wah, wah, wah, everywhere a wah, wah, Oh DahDahno had a fawm, E I E I O.

Anna has started trying to run or at least walk a lot faster. It is hilarious and nerve-wrecking all at the same time. And lately, she makes a wonderful caboose for the train Noah likes to lead. Or is it a parade? At any rate, Noah marches and whoo, whoos around the house and Anna follows behind him (grinning like a silly monkey) holding the end of the tape measure he is holding. Lap, after lap, after lap, reminding Josh and me how glad we are to be in another house with a circle pathway through the entire downstairs.

Noah tells us that he sees George in the clouds. What?! (Josh says he gets the George from George Washington on the coins they are collecting - so that must be it.) He also says he sees a pig and a dinosaur.

Anna keeps grabbing a wipe while I am changing her diaper and she wipes my arm over and over again. She smiles her toothy smile when I stop and look at her. She thinks she is hilarious.

I keep finding light switches turned on or off that I did not turn that way. I am pretty sure I know who the 3.5 year old culprit is.

I am taking Anna's VTech play table and walker to the consignment shop today. Add them to the recently departed tons of onesies, bottles, formula, cloth bibs, gummy grins, jars of baby food, and rear-facing car seat and I think it is safe to say that Baby has left the building. We have upgraded to a full-fledged Toddler and I am relishing all the little freedoms that those changes entail.

How I know Noah and Anna are mine: Like me, Noah eats pickles straight from the jar. Asks for them multiple times a week. And Anna shares my salt and vinegar chips with me without even the slightest pucker.

I grinned the whole way through Dancing with the Stars last night. Just a big goofy grin for 2 hours. It was fun to watch and I can't wait to see the girls dance tonight.

We leave for Disney in 7 days!

Sep 20, 2009

Anna baby vs. Noah baby

Comparing a few more baby notes as Anna nears her first birthday:

Noah had stuffed toy loveys, Anna favors blanket/pillow... kind of

Noah always wanted a bottle straight out of bed, Anna doesn't

Anna chokes on food a lot more than Noah did

Anna slept through the night 2 months later in life than Noah did

Anna started walking at the age Noah had just started crawling at

Anna walked 5 months earlier in life than Noah did

Noah was more likely to fuss in stores, Anna hangs in there just fine

Anna is impatient and emotional, Noah not so

Anna's never had a diaper explosion, Noah had more than several

Her second toe is longer than the first, his second toe is shorter

Anna needed a breathable bumper, Noah never did

Anna walks around holding her milk to her body, Noah never did

Anna transitioned in 1 weekend to milk, Noah took a week or two

Anna likes to head bonk with loved ones, Noah loved that too

Anna walks with arms straight up, Noah held them out to the side

Anna gets into the trash. This was never an issue with Noah.

We feed Anna new foods w/o fear. Noah did not have the same freedom as a result of his trio of food allergies.

Anna has 2 teeth, 2 more cutting, and 2 more on the way. Noah had not even one at this age.

Anna uses sippy cups a whole 2 months before Noah did at that age.

Recipe: Foil-Pack Taco Chicken

Mmmm, mmmmm! And easy, to boot! Taken from Kraft Foods Magazine.

Foil-Pack Taco Chicken

4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves
4 tsp. taco seasoning mix
1/2 lb. red potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced
1/2 cup thick n chunky salsa
3/4 cup shredded mexican cheese
1/4 cup sour cream

Preheat oven to 400. Sprinkle chicken with seasoning mix. Place 1/2 cup of potatoes on center of each of 4 large sheets of heavy-duty foil; top evenly with chicken, salsa, cheese.

Bring up foil sides. Double fold top and both ends to seal each packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Place on baking pan or sheet.

Bake 30-35 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Remove packets from oven. Let stand 5 min. Cut slits in foil to release steam before opening. Serve with sour cream.

Makes 4 servings, 1 packet each. Tastes just like enchiladas!

(notes - To prevent potatoes from sticking to foil, spray foil with cooking spray or use nonstick foil. I skipped the potatoes, but will try them next time. I also forgot the cheese in the packets, but it was just as tasty adding it on after chicken was cooked. Josh thought it would also save a step to just put them all in one big foil packet instead of individual ones. I'll try that next time too.)

Sep 18, 2009

Low Key Weekend

Anna gave us a couple heart attacks:
1. She fell and whacked herself in the face on a shelf -bloody nose
2. She scaled the entire staircase (!!!) after I left the gate open

I've been craving Banana Salt Water Taffy - shipment finally arrived

Counting down BIG TIME til Disney - We leave in 10 days

Went to the play fountain and also visited a new candy store

Taught Noah to play Go Fish

Noah got his first tattoo :)

Watched football all weekend - War Eagle, Go Bearcats!, WoohooWashington!

Anna is teething like a madwoman - 4 (FOUR!!) teeth coming in at once!

Anna wore her first jeans of the season - UH-dorable!

I am trying taking melatonin to help me sleep instead of sleeping pills - wish me luck

Sep 17, 2009

A Matter of Pride

Annabelle, I consider it a matter of pride and honor for the Brown family that you came home from school today with the following accolade on your notes page from your teacher followed by a smiley face drawing:

"Anna is the best bubble blower!"

Yes, yes. That's my daughter excelling in spit formations. Wouldn't have it any other way. She also gives Noah a serious run for his money in the category of "All Sounds Simulating Bodily Functions". If I'm being honest, she really sets the standard of exactness and hilarity, and Noah just follows her lead.

Mrs. Leanna also said you were quite fussy today, to which I said, "What's new? My girl's a moody thing!" In your defense, you sprouted your third tooth yesterday and I believe it's counterpart on the other side of your top gums is following close behind. Right now I can hear you moaning and fussing and jabbering away in your crib. Oh, please little girl, go to sleep!

You are a poor baby and an expressive one at that. Though you vex me and expend all my energies, I wouldn't change you for the world. You are interesting and kooky and smart, smart, smart. I am just beginning to know the many ways you will amuse, confuse, and surprise me... and challenge and change me.

I am so excited about you turning 1 next week. And I can't wait to post my list of all your other particulars in honor of your day. I am so proud of the little person you are.

Sep 15, 2009

Beloved of Jesus and Noah

Every night, Josh and Noah sing a song as part of Noah's bedtime routine. Not surprisingly, Noah's song of choice tonight was "Jesus Loves Me". And lately, whenever he sings this one, he adds the names of family or school friends into the chorus. Tonight, however, someone new made the cutoff. It went something like this:

Yes, Jesus love me.
Yes, Jesus loves Noah.
Yes, Jesus loves Mommy, Daddy, Anna, Ice cream man
The Bible tells me so.

Sep 14, 2009

Recipe: Meatballs

I got this recipe a couple years ago from Kraft Magazine. It is super easy, super fast, and super tasty. I may try to improve upon it soon by making my own meatballs instead of already prepared ones. Of course, that would add to the prep time, and I really appreciated whipping up the meatballs, pasta (ditalini - nice and tiny for Anna to chew easily), and veggie on the side all in about 10-15 minutes tops.

Simple Sweet 'N Sour Meatball Simmer

12 oz. frozen prepared meatballs
1 pkg. frozen stir-fry vegetables (I always skip this ingredient)
1/4 cup apricot jam
1/4 cup Catalina Dressing
2 T soy sauce

Combine all ingredients in large skillet.

Cook on medium-high heat 10 min. or until meatballs and veggies are heated through, stirring occasionally.

Serve over hot cooked rice or pasta.

For extra flavor, add 1/2 tsp. each ground ginger and garlic powder to the sauce while cooking.

Sep 13, 2009

Short Order Weekend

Noah got to ride a zip line at his gym class - so cool!
We hit Opry Mills: Is it a mall? Is it a theme park?
Watched Football and Nascar - our weekend was complete!
Dug out Noah's VTech VMotion game system and gave it a go again
Went to visit with my grandmother and aunt at my parents' in AL
Prepped for Josh going out of town again early Monday morning - Ugh!

Sep 12, 2009

New Walkers Inventory

There is a specific video in our collection of Noah videos that Josh and I uh-dore - one of our favorites. It was taken a couple weeks after Noah learned to walk.

This week, we caught Anna on video with some of her own emergent steps. We love the similarity between the baby moments and the matching videos. The only difference is that Anna is only a week into her walking, so she is moving a little slower.

Sep 11, 2009

Opry Mills Indulgence

Josh and I agree that one of the best parts of having kids is getting to be a kid again....except this time no one tells you what to do. :) That said, I don't know which kid got more spoiled today, Noah or Josh.

We decided at the last minute to head over to Opry Mills this afternoon. More specifically we headed to the Build-A-Bear Factory. (Noah's lifelong bear love is Calvin who came from a Build-a-Bear Factory, so we are trying to carry on the tradition with Anna - plus her birthday is coming up.) We are bound and determined to find some sort of lovey for Anna to form an attachment with. We laugh about how she is just a cold-hearted snake of a girl because she has never had a comfort object, blanket, or even a paci - never shown any interest in anything of that nature. She has always rejected or ignored anything we've planted in her path. We don't give up easy though, ergo - the trip to Build-A-Bear. She did actually choose this bunny though when we put it and a bear in front of her.

Of course, on the way home, she threw it down 3 times before I gave up giving it back to her.

Noah helped make the bunny with love and a little trepidation. The sound of the stuffing blower really unnerved him, but he powered through with my help. Regardless, he was fascinated with the process and gave her bunny's heart a hearty kiss before he stuffed it in. :) He vetoed a couple shirt choices for her bunny, as well. Bunny ended up with a "peace, love, hugs" tee.

Of course, we didn't get to the bear factory without passing the carousel first. Noah and Anna both rode it, which means Josh and I both rode it. Josh and I were a little dizzy and queasy when we got off. Then I felt bad that Josh's mom got stuck riding it last May when she was in town. Sorry, Carol! Won't happen again. :)

Then, we gave in and let Noah ride the little train that makes its rounds around the mall. Josh rode with him because we were just not comfortable with letting Noah out of our sight for that long, train or no train. Josh did admit to a slight case of embarrassment at having been a part of the spectacle of that train weaving in and out of foot traffic in the mall.

As if that wasn't enough, Josh took Noah back to some crazy candy kiosk they passed on their train ride. And all I know is I walked off with Anna and by the time I came back they had dropped almost $13 on a pound of gooey, chewy candy!

Noah kept eating and asking for more "giant snakes" on the way home. They were gummy worms, but I didn't correct him. I just giggled from the front seat and passed back the snakes. I did give him a countdown of 3 though. In the end it didn't matter, because when we got home the ice cream man was making his rounds...

Those are both my boys watching the leaves fall whilst they eat some more sugar before bedtime. Those bad boys are called Cherry Bomb Pop Juniors, I am told. I wouldn't know firsthand because I was upstairs putting a pooped out Anna to bed early after a banana and some more milk. And for your information, I think she was pleasantly surprised to be reunited with Bunny in her crib. Or maybe that was me.

Sep 10, 2009

Quote: Seen, Not Seen

All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fitness Dunce

Josh and I were out for lunch today while Noah and Anna were at school. I was lamenting the fact that I have been going to the gym for 8 months and have not lost the weight I thought I would have lost by now - I can't even say I have lost any at all. So we began brainstorming a list of more changes I could make to meet my weight loss goals. Dieting, NutriSystem, Calorie Counting, Alli, Strength training, etc. I tell you, I need constant coaching from Josh and my sister to even understand how all the pieces of exercise, food, and body fit together. And I get bored and impatient just working through those facts. My other problem is that I am not willing to make a full time job out of trying to eat right and work out - I just want to not be in plus size clothing is all. And I wanna get to that end quicker! That's when I had an epiphany... a specific thing that should cure my weight loss woes! The conversation went something like this and left us falling out of our chairs laughing.

Josh: yada, yada, yada, something about burning more calories than I take in...
Me: I need to find some pill that will cause me to burn more calories all day long.
Josh: Uh, that would be Speed, Kimberly.
Me: Ok, then. Where do I get me some of that?

Sep 9, 2009

Up and Down Day

Noah, you've had a rough begin with at least. This morning Anna started on her checklist of revenge. She busted your lip with her hard head. And only Daddy could calm your upset. As luck would have it, you got her back in about 10 minutes by smashing her thumb under the step stool. She cried so hard her lips turned purple before she caught her breath. And then you fell apart crying from surprise and/or sympathy. Thankfully, Daddy was nearby to tell you it was alright. Then you got downstairs and slipped in your socks and landed right on your kneecaps on the hard stone floor in the kitchen. We had to call in Daddy again to quell your tears. I suspect you were milking that bit about needing Daddy but we didn't mind indulging you today since Daddy was working from home...and you are just so cute when you are crying.

A little lovin', a little playin', a little eatin', and a little Max and Ruby later, you giggled your way into nap time while I stroked your hair and told you one by one all the people who love you and about how we are going to see Mimmie and Papa this weekend and after that how we will see Memaw and Papa John and Holly and Hannah and after that, heaven help us, Mickey Mouse and Lightning McQueen! We talked about how we'll ride the Monorail at Disney and see a big big tree, but before that you'll ride your blue swing in the back yard after your nap. You gobbled your nap time snack (shark chewies), and bid me "bye bye, mommy toot!" as I walked out your door - the grin on my face a reflection of yours. How could any little boy not have a happy trip into dreamland with all those good tidings? It's just not possible.

Here's hoping you wake up still on the upside of your day.

Sep 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

I love September and I love Fall - Welcome, Both!
I got my hair cut Thursday (inverted angle bob-type)
We went to our second PATH training Thursday night
Anna started walking Thursday - Woohoo!
Josh, Anna, and I went to lunch while Noah was at his gym class
Relaxed a LOT - Played outside a LOT

College Football - need I say more?!
Went shopping and out to eat as a family
Anna is really coming out of her a clown! :)
Anna cut her second tooth
Caved in and gave Anna another early b'day present

Almost completely transitioned Anna to milk
Anna walks and walks and walks now...and falls, too

Noah enjoyed his new game: Ants in the Pants

I skipped church for a migraine and Anna's nap
Noah learned about Jesus' "boo boos" at church
Got Noah new sandals to last the rest of the warm weather
~ His current sandals stink too much to wait out the season
Cut down all the bushes in front of our house

Went through a lot of classroom stuff to reorganize/downsize
Grilled out with steaks - yum!
Reset up our Little Tikes playset for Anna to use

Steal my Heart

Anna is a choosy smiler. By that, I mean she doesn't just dole them out, doesn't smile easily or often. And usually does not smile for anyone but me, Josh, or Noah. She much prefers to take on the composure of one who is moody, stoic, or generally unimpressed by what is before her. BUT, the past few days she has emerged as a happy little thing, and a clown, at that. This means the smiles are on overdrive, and with it the clicks on my camera. I love this shot from earlier this weekend. Steal my heart, indeed.

Sep 5, 2009

Recipe: Chicken Poppyseed

This is not a new recipe to me; I have had it for years. Grew up eating it, in fact. But it is much too yummy not to share from my slowly expanding cooking repertoire. Plus, I have given it out a ton of times by request, so I know it's worth sharing. :) And it is so easy to make. Even better, it can be made and frozen (before baking) ahead of time. I always make it when I have free time in the day and refrigerate it until I am ready to heat it for dinner.

Chicken Poppy Seed Casserole

4 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
2 T poppy seed
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of celery soup
8 oz. sour cream
2 stacks of Ritz crackers, crumbled (I use 3)
1 1/2 sticks margarine, melted

Pour melted margarine over the crumbled crackers, mix well.
Add poppy seeds to mixture.
Put 1/2 of the mixture in bottom of 9x13 baking dish.
Pour cubed chicken over mixture.
Combine soups and sour cream, mix well. Pour over chicken.
Pour remaining cracker crumbs on top.
Bake uncovered at 350 for 30 minutes.
Serve over rice.


Sep 4, 2009

Mode of Transportation

I don't know if I ever communicated this on the blog before, but Anna crawls like a little hunchback. It's pretty unique and very amusing to watch. I finally got around to videoing it yesterday for memory's sake.

I say for MEMORY'S sake, because soon it will be just that...a sweet, but distant memory. Because Anna started walking yesterday!! (well, to be honest, she took 3 independent steps two days ago, but yesterday there was no stopping her and she did it over and over again, which proved to me that it was not some happy balancing fluke). Josh has been out of town this week, so I ended up squealing and giggling and oohing and ahhing to him over the phone as she did it right there while we spoke. Josh hated missing it and begged me to take a video of it for him. So here we have it. I am so excited about this milestone!

It takes me back to Noah's first steps, which by the way I was home alone for as well now that I think about it - so I called my parents to come over quick and see the miracle. I say miracle because that boy was so behind on learning to walk I feared it was never coming. He was 16 months old! Anyway, he may have taken a while to finally walk, but within 30 minutes of his very first steps he was practically doing laps around the playroom. I remember it well because we have 6 videos of it from the 15 I took at the time.

Poor Anna, I had to be told to even make 1 video of some of her first solo steps. Forgive me, baby girl. :) But, believe me, too, when I say I am no less proud of your accomplishment. 11 months old and walking is a big deal to your daddy and me. Noah, too, for that matter. Yay for Anna! We love you, little bird.

Sep 2, 2009

Cutie Pie Clothes 3

One last collage to round out some of my favorite of Anna's summer clothes. Seriously, I might as well be 6 years old and dressing and redressing my Barbie doll.

I can't even wait for the cold weather so I can start putting her in all the sweet stuff I got for her. Noah, too. Picking out kids' clothes and seeing them on my babies is one of those Mommy things I didn't expect to enjoy so much. :)

Sep 1, 2009

Are you sure?

Noah amuses (and confuses) me whenever I ask him this question. I am pretty sure he doesn't understand what it means. Here is how it usually goes.

Me: Noah, do you need to go potty?
Noah: No.
Me: Are you sure?
Noah (meaning yes): No.

And he continues right on out the door.

* For the record (and completely unrelated) - my favorite thing he says lately is "see you tomorrow." It comes out like this: See you monner!

Quote: Monday

Our pastor made this comment on Twitter yesterday. Cracked me up. Probably a reliable thought nonetheless.

David Landrith: I never trust my emotions on Monday!