Sep 4, 2009

Mode of Transportation

I don't know if I ever communicated this on the blog before, but Anna crawls like a little hunchback. It's pretty unique and very amusing to watch. I finally got around to videoing it yesterday for memory's sake.

I say for MEMORY'S sake, because soon it will be just that...a sweet, but distant memory. Because Anna started walking yesterday!! (well, to be honest, she took 3 independent steps two days ago, but yesterday there was no stopping her and she did it over and over again, which proved to me that it was not some happy balancing fluke). Josh has been out of town this week, so I ended up squealing and giggling and oohing and ahhing to him over the phone as she did it right there while we spoke. Josh hated missing it and begged me to take a video of it for him. So here we have it. I am so excited about this milestone!

It takes me back to Noah's first steps, which by the way I was home alone for as well now that I think about it - so I called my parents to come over quick and see the miracle. I say miracle because that boy was so behind on learning to walk I feared it was never coming. He was 16 months old! Anyway, he may have taken a while to finally walk, but within 30 minutes of his very first steps he was practically doing laps around the playroom. I remember it well because we have 6 videos of it from the 15 I took at the time.

Poor Anna, I had to be told to even make 1 video of some of her first solo steps. Forgive me, baby girl. :) But, believe me, too, when I say I am no less proud of your accomplishment. 11 months old and walking is a big deal to your daddy and me. Noah, too, for that matter. Yay for Anna! We love you, little bird.


Alison said...

Yea! I really think life gets a lot easier when they can walk on their own!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So fun! I love her determination as she falls down, stands up, and tries again... over and over. :)

Emily said...

Oh those were so fun! It looks like she's going to have to bulk that left leg of hers up to keep up with the muscular development of her right. Since she used her right leg to crawl instead of both. So cute though!

Kimberly C said...

awwww, how cute! That's so exciting that Anna's starting to walk :)

Unknown said...

YAYYYY! I love seeing kids discovering something so new and this is just tooo precious! I love it! That crawl is just hilarious too. Hey! It works!

Memaw said...

have been away from the blog for a few days and
boy was I missing a lot! Our baby girl is walking and I can't wait until she is here
walking all around Memaw's house and having a
big first birthday party! You are having so much fun with your children - it is great to see and hear about!love you all