Sep 20, 2009

Anna baby vs. Noah baby

Comparing a few more baby notes as Anna nears her first birthday:

Noah had stuffed toy loveys, Anna favors blanket/pillow... kind of

Noah always wanted a bottle straight out of bed, Anna doesn't

Anna chokes on food a lot more than Noah did

Anna slept through the night 2 months later in life than Noah did

Anna started walking at the age Noah had just started crawling at

Anna walked 5 months earlier in life than Noah did

Noah was more likely to fuss in stores, Anna hangs in there just fine

Anna is impatient and emotional, Noah not so

Anna's never had a diaper explosion, Noah had more than several

Her second toe is longer than the first, his second toe is shorter

Anna needed a breathable bumper, Noah never did

Anna walks around holding her milk to her body, Noah never did

Anna transitioned in 1 weekend to milk, Noah took a week or two

Anna likes to head bonk with loved ones, Noah loved that too

Anna walks with arms straight up, Noah held them out to the side

Anna gets into the trash. This was never an issue with Noah.

We feed Anna new foods w/o fear. Noah did not have the same freedom as a result of his trio of food allergies.

Anna has 2 teeth, 2 more cutting, and 2 more on the way. Noah had not even one at this age.

Anna uses sippy cups a whole 2 months before Noah did at that age.


Unknown said...

That was fun to read. It'll be so interesting to see how this baby will be different from Jacob. I'm hoping for an easier baby but knowing how easy Jacob was, makes me worry a little of what she'll throw my way. :-)

Emily said...

Anna chokes on food more than Noah? I don't believe it. Really. I remember Noah always choking on food.
Yay for Anna being like my girls with the holding the sippy cup against her body. CUTE!
Nat gets into the trash...daily. Brooklyn never did either.\

That was really fun to read.

Kimberly said...

Really? I don't remember Noah choking that much. Too funny.

Kate LaCasse said...

OK, the one that really shocked me was about Anna never having a diaper explosion. Wow... I'm jealous.