Sep 22, 2009

WPTM #16: Jesus Love Me

What Parenting Teaches Me #16: Jesus Loves Me

When Noah sings "Jesus Loves Me" you sort of lose him in his pronunciation of a lot of the verses. You know how little kids are (adults, too, for that matter) when they can't quite remember or make out the words to a song, they sort of fill in sounds to the best of their ability and at least keep the tune in tact. A gray area, if you will. But you can bet your bippy, when Noah gets to the important part, the chorus, the heart of the song, he is as clear and as confident with those words as they come. "Yes, Jesus wuv me. Yes, Jesus wuv me. Yes, Jesus wuv me. The Bible [tells me] so." There is no doubting what he is saying. Those words, and that message, are crystal clear to him and his audience.

Excusing the fact that Noah is singing in his underwear, it kind of paints a pretty little picture of what's important that we know (or not get all worked up over) from Scripture. There are things that are a little gray, things that you have to study to understand, things that Christians will argue about and disagree on til the end of days, but one thing (the most important thing) is clear and leaves no room for confusion. Jesus Love Me. The Bible speaks with authority. The rest is just details.


Emily said...

OMG! That Jesus loves me song is one for the records for sure! He will love to see that when he's older.

Laura Koslowsky said...

I love how Noah adds in your family members on the the chorus too. Adorable!