Sep 9, 2009

Up and Down Day

Noah, you've had a rough begin with at least. This morning Anna started on her checklist of revenge. She busted your lip with her hard head. And only Daddy could calm your upset. As luck would have it, you got her back in about 10 minutes by smashing her thumb under the step stool. She cried so hard her lips turned purple before she caught her breath. And then you fell apart crying from surprise and/or sympathy. Thankfully, Daddy was nearby to tell you it was alright. Then you got downstairs and slipped in your socks and landed right on your kneecaps on the hard stone floor in the kitchen. We had to call in Daddy again to quell your tears. I suspect you were milking that bit about needing Daddy but we didn't mind indulging you today since Daddy was working from home...and you are just so cute when you are crying.

A little lovin', a little playin', a little eatin', and a little Max and Ruby later, you giggled your way into nap time while I stroked your hair and told you one by one all the people who love you and about how we are going to see Mimmie and Papa this weekend and after that how we will see Memaw and Papa John and Holly and Hannah and after that, heaven help us, Mickey Mouse and Lightning McQueen! We talked about how we'll ride the Monorail at Disney and see a big big tree, but before that you'll ride your blue swing in the back yard after your nap. You gobbled your nap time snack (shark chewies), and bid me "bye bye, mommy toot!" as I walked out your door - the grin on my face a reflection of yours. How could any little boy not have a happy trip into dreamland with all those good tidings? It's just not possible.

Here's hoping you wake up still on the upside of your day.


Emily said...

Oh my goodness! What a tough start to the day...thank goodness for Daddy's...haha. I've left rooms at bedtime with grins on my face...actually, I woke up from my nap today with Brooklyn in my bed...she climbed over the gate I had put up...but then as soon as she realized I was awake, she talked my ears completely off for a solid 30 minutes. talked about everything under the sun in her world. I decided it was ok...I rather enjoyed the little chatterbox. These are good times aren't they...

Heather said...

Oh, poor fella. Glad Josh was there to assist in all the upsets this morning. Know how that helps!