Sep 12, 2009

New Walkers Inventory

There is a specific video in our collection of Noah videos that Josh and I uh-dore - one of our favorites. It was taken a couple weeks after Noah learned to walk.

This week, we caught Anna on video with some of her own emergent steps. We love the similarity between the baby moments and the matching videos. The only difference is that Anna is only a week into her walking, so she is moving a little slower.


Emily said...

OHhhh so so cute of anna...I wonder what is it about the arms being up in the air...Very cute comparison!

Kimberly said...

Somehow it balances her. She does it every time!

Emily said...

Probably because her legs are so long it's like learning to walk on stilts... :) She's so cute!

Emily said...

oh and I LOVE the new artistic...

Kimberly said...

Thanks! I am still trying to decide if it's a keeper on the blog or not. You know how I change my mind frequently.

Kimberly C said...

I love the walking videos, Kimberly! They're just tooo cute... Too bad Anna decided to start walking after I moved back to ATL.

Unknown said...

Awwww. Those videos are just so so cute. It makes me wanna pull out Jacob's "new walker" videos and watch them.