Sep 18, 2009

Low Key Weekend

Anna gave us a couple heart attacks:
1. She fell and whacked herself in the face on a shelf -bloody nose
2. She scaled the entire staircase (!!!) after I left the gate open

I've been craving Banana Salt Water Taffy - shipment finally arrived

Counting down BIG TIME til Disney - We leave in 10 days

Went to the play fountain and also visited a new candy store

Taught Noah to play Go Fish

Noah got his first tattoo :)

Watched football all weekend - War Eagle, Go Bearcats!, WoohooWashington!

Anna is teething like a madwoman - 4 (FOUR!!) teeth coming in at once!

Anna wore her first jeans of the season - UH-dorable!

I am trying taking melatonin to help me sleep instead of sleeping pills - wish me luck


Elizabeth Bradley said...

So is the melatonin helping? Not sure if you're a hot tea drinker or not - I wasn't before moving here - but some people say chamomile tea helps with sleeping. It doesn't seem to do much for me. :)

Kimberly said...

You know, the jury is still out on that one. Too soon to tell since I have only tried it for a few nights so far. I believe I do feel sleepier, but it is still taking a while (almost an hour before I resort to a Unisom)to fall asleep. And I also worry I am over thinking it when I try to decide if I feel sleepy - it is that anxiety inducing for me...worrying about not getting to sleep. Also, it is certainly not helping me STAY asleep. I woke up every hour on the hour last night and then laid awake waiting for sleep to come again. But I am going to give it a try for a little longer before I jump ship and just go with my real sleep-inducing hero, Ambien.

Kate LaCasse said...

Oh, Peter's been using melatonin too! I think he likes it. I've used Ambien quite a bit. It does work wonders!

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth - I gotta say...the melatonin has really surprised me. It has worked well for me for several weeks now. So that feels good to be taking something natural and easier on the body instead of a stronger chemical night after night.