Sep 25, 2009

Today's "Anna"versary

So today, on her birthday, we went to the dr. for Anna's 1 year check up and some shots. This did not bring on a celebratory birthday mood (as you might imagine) but it had to be done. We even got Noah a flu shot, too. Wouldn't want him to miss out on all the birthday fun. :) For the record, on your birthday, Anna, you weighed in at 17 lbs. and 12 oz. putting you in the 5th %ile. In other words, a lightweight. And this really shocked me because I was ready to swear that you were rounding 20 lbs. Go figure. You were 28.5 inches tall landing you in the 25-50%ile.

After this and a good nap, we dropped Noah off at his gym class while we went to lunch with Anna. It was at Shane's Rib Shack that she partook of her first french fry ever.

And partook and partook.

After we got home, Noah went down for his nap. Anna was riding high on birthday excitement and did not nap for hours. She was in a VERY silly, very awake mood.

We took that alone time with her to let her open a couple presents.

We knew good and well that once Noah got up, he would take over her present opening. ;) And he did.

He even went so far as to name Anna's new pull-toy dog himself. He decided on Jacks after we told him he couldn't name it Cookie Monster. And he made many a lap around the house with that plastic canine. And Anna walked right behind them, grinning all the way.

After Noah finished off what few presents were left, we moved on to the cake. We just got a little $8.00 mini-cake since the real birthday party is happening at Memaw's next week anyway.

Here is a before shot of Anna - meaning, obviously, before she got her hands on the good stuff.

Here is the underwhelming after.

You'll notice she is not all that messy. But she did do her share of squashing and smearing the food and dropping it into her lap and finally tried to get rid of the sticky mess by flinging it off her hands as well as she could. If I had a shot of me cringing, it would go right here.

Josh did quick and immediate bath duty, while I did damage control and cleanup in the kitchen. After a bath and a nap (finally!), Anna woke up to enjoy the rest of her day. As luck, and her personality would have it, she spent her last couple hours playing with not a single of her new birthday gifts, but the only paper products the day brought her way - a couple birthday cards.

Until she traded them up for Noah's napkin.


Emily said...

Puh-recious! I can't wait to get to know that girl in a little over a week! We miss you guys! Looked like you had a blast for her 1st birthday...sadly, and contrary to Anna's, Natalie got the major shaft due to mommy's long lingering giant tonsillitis. She was shafted. We'll make up for it next year!

Ellen said...

Happy Birthday Anna!! I can't believe she is already a year old. Looks like she had a most wonderful day. :) And, love the french fry faces. :)

Kate LaCasse said...

Elliott would have loved the cake! He's such a ducky fan!