Jun 30, 2021

Juney Things

Anna and Noah's garden coming right along.

Still not too old to rock a milk mustache.

New garden clogs.  Thanks, Aldi!

Lasa drew our family ... that's Angelique at the top, holding baby Lasa.  It was interesting to me that she drew that time frame.  Just wanted to note it here.

VBS has come and gone for this year.  Anna and Noah volunteered; Anna led worship songs and helped in the marketplace, Noah worked with the 3 yr olds. Lasa loved every bit of attending every day and still has those VBS songs stuck in her head. 

Got some ropes set up for where fences will eventually go - this one, around Josh's orchard.

First tomatoes!  We have hornworms plaguing them now.  First time for us!

Lasa officially learned to tie her shoes this month.  Checking things off our summer bucket list.  She also lost two more teeth.  Up to 8 gone now!
We love, love, love all the wildlife we enjoy every day.  Deer (and the sweetest little fawns lately!), groundhogs, turkeys, cats, coyotes (from far off), turtles, bats, heron, chipmunks, ducks, and now a turtle! Though I guess we did already have turtles in our pond.  This guy is different though!
We are looking forward to adding a kitten to the family, which means we need to move the rabbits out of the back porch space.  That means the barn-ish construction needed to get underway.  This thing will hold chicken and rabbits.  But for now, it is for rabbits alone.  This was the first weekend's work underway.
Finally got my Christmas present hung up.  Not a lot of room for swinging on our little front porch, but it'll do.  It's so super comfy and sports the BEST evening views.  I simply adore this spot.

Introduced Noah to his first every Reese's cup magic ... in a peanut-free version of course.  He really liked them. Glad!
Speaking of Lasa and losing teeth and tying shoes, she hit another fun milestone this month ... swimming at last!  Face underwater, kicking, and paddling and all.  She is so proud.  We are too! And relieved.

Another quick visit with cousins.  This time was an overnight visit when we dropped Anna off for her CO trip.  It was weird for the cousins to not have Anna and Natalie around this time.  So funny!
Emily did us a huge favor and cut Noah's hair for us.  Despite the first grimace on his face, it went just fine. Ha!
Another summer hit list item checked off on the way back home from that AL trip ... checking out this new local Lego trading post of sorts.  Really neat!  We also met Josh there and went to lunch with him. Felt SO WEIRD without Anna.  And then it felt weirder when we left Lasa with Josh to finish the day at work with him, so Noah and I were down to just us two.
Great moving milestone, only six months after moving in, was clearing out the last, last, last straggling moving boxes still in the garage.  The motivation to get it done?  The arrival of our long-awaited farm vehicle - the Kubota. 

Had our last official Community Group get together of this year.  So love these dear friends.  They have walked with us through the most challenging year+ of our lives.  I will always think of them with the warmest, most thankful heart for their friendship, support, care, counsel, steadiness, and love.

 Other summer bucket list goal - letting this guy try driving for the first time.  Eek!  It went fine though.  He is gonna do fine.  Taking it slow still!  Next stop, permit.  He is starting in the study book for that and doing well with the quizzes already.

I had a few really low key days and I spent them well - reading.

Took our girl one lovely evening to the new pedal park near us.  It was altogether darling!  So thankful to have this so close to home!

Rabbit love, every day of the year.  Valley girl is just the best of them all.

Lost in her own world.

I think giant leaves are just so neat.  And beautiful!

Enjoyed dinner with the Graffs recently.  Hearts always so full after such sweet, at-home fellowship.

And finally, we got the camp trailer cleared out (we'd been using it for storage of workshop stuff since moving; that stuff is now stored under the house til Josh gets a shop again one day) and listed on Craigslist and sold.  Thankful!  Helps offset the cost of the Kubota!