Sep 25, 2009

Quote: Gene Pool

We heard this hilarious line on a TV show called Fringe that we are just catching up on tonight. Said by the character, Walter Bishop, who is certifiably crazy, but a scientific genius.

"We are all victims of our own gene pool. Someone must have peed in yours."


Emily said...

you like Fringe huh? Think that it's something Lee would watch?...with me?

Kimberly said...

Well, I wouldn't watch it if Josh wasn't watching it. It scares me a little. I have to to not look at the opening sequence usually and then I am ok. But no, I don't particularly feel entertained by being freaked or grossed out. Thankfully, the whole show isn't on the too gross to watch level.

But yeah, good show, good acting, good writing.

sosagtsie said...

I've been wondering about that show. It looked interesting, but too scary/gross for my tastes when I watched the commercial for it. I'm afraid I'd be too freaked out!