Apr 10, 2010

Welcome, Spring!

This morning was so, so chilly outside. But the sun kept shining and now it is bright and warm out. I watched the kids climb and fall on the swing set and play with chalk while Josh dug dirt and planted grass beside our new patio. Along the way of watch and play, Noah, Anna, and I were tickled to spot this nest in the tree in our backyard.

I had to pick each of them up and hold them just right around the branches for a better look at the pretty little bird eggs inside. And we quickly got away after stealing our glances so that we didn't make the mama bird fret at our nearness to her nest.

Is there anything so sweet, so natural, so fragile as little blue eggs nestled together in a bird nest tucked tightly into the crook of a tree, veiled behind fresh new leaves and blooming white flower buds?

Welcome, Spring!

1 comment:

Emily said...

So neat!!! What a good teaching moment too...I love going around our yard and just talking to the girls about how things work and grow...good times!