Apr 13, 2010

Notes from Play Today

Anna discovered the delight of blowing dandelion seeds off the stem. While I didn't have my camera in hand, I took so many in my mind as I watched her in a yard of green spotted with fluffy white flowers, her lips all pursed out in front of her as she got the hang of blowing, her eyes so focused on what she was doing, she never once cracked a smile, but I knew she was satisfied with her work.

Noah discovered that you can twirl around and the seeds fly off just the same. Trouble was he kept getting them in his mouth and then he'd look to me a little shocked and start sputtering to get them off his tongue. He also collected dandelion bouquets with Brandon and would shake the seeds wildly and watch them look like a cloud coming down. Noah played Tag, You're It (never Tag, but always Tag, You're It according to him) and Brandon was a good sport about giving Noah chase and pretending he couldn't catch him as easily as he could. It was pleasing to watch Noah run and run and run and squeal and giggle and talk. He was so positive about never being able to catch Brandon - he just followed my example and would say it was his turn after awhile.

When I took Anna's shoes off to come inside, she fell apart crying at the sight of the red imprint of the sandals on her feet. She sort of pulled away from her feet like she could get away from them. And once I washed them off, she was all antsy because they were wet. Just stood and arched her back and froze like she couldn't move. She is so funny about a mess or anything foreign on her body. She got uptight about the spray-on sunscreen earlier today, too, now that I think about it. I so wonder what these tendencies will translate into later in her life - maybe she will be squeamish about blood and needles and such, just like me. I bet she won't like touching raw chicken either.

Oh my word. Noah talks a lot. A. Lot. And it doesn't help that before he will say anything he insists on your responding first to his query for your attention. It always goes, "Mommy, guess what?" And then I have to say, "What?" And then he starts answering and loses his focus and then starts again with "Guess what?" Or if he gets to a really good ending, he says, "THEN, guess what?" Heaven help me. I told Noah several times today that he talks too much. And then I grinned at my saying so - at being in that place in life where a preschooler is talking my ear off and I can't think straight. While momentarily annoying, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I spent 3 small chunks of the day today watering the new grass Josh planted by the patio. Usually, Josh would do this, but since he is out of town, I am the watering deputy. And I was surprised by how calming it is to stand and water grass. I quite like it.

Today, also, I used an entire can of wasp spray hunting and harassing ... well, wasps, obviously. We have another can that I am sure I would have used as well had it not been, ironically, stored in the deck box that is now their current nest location. Whose bright idea was that?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're such a great writer. No pictures yet I can picture it all! Jacob also makes me respond before he tells me anything.