Jan 18, 2010

Sign Language

Josh just left to take Noah to his allergy shot. Anna had a meltdown because the boys were leaving without her. So I scooped her up, dramatically ran her to the front porch, and we waved bye-bye like fools to Daddy and Noah as they honked the horn and waved back at us. Anna's tears disappeared into grins and giggles amidst all the waving and bye-bying. And I swooped Baby Doll on upstairs and put her down for her morning nap.

After I plop her in her crib, she doubles over her legs and lets me cover her up with her second blanket while she pulls her piggie or bunny close. When she cooperates like this you know she is ready to zonk out. And this got me thinking about all the other cues she gives to express one thing or another in a day. I can NOT wait to hear her talking in the coming months, but I also treasure the bit of sign language she uses to express her little self in these, her early toddler days.

Bathtime, please: She puts both her hands on her chest and rubs her shirt side to side in a scrubbing motion...and then she heads for the stairs.

I want to color: She stands under the crayon shelf at the computer and says "uuuh" and points to the colors and her coloring book.

I'm hungry: She tries to climb up the chair to her booster seat. Or she tries to pull the fridge open to get to her milk.

Come with me: She will come around the corner, make sure she has our attention, point at us, and then walk out.

Move!: She will grab Noah's shirt and pull/push him forward to try to get him out of the big red chair so she can sit there.

Brush my teeth: On my way upstairs at her bedtime, she opens her mouth, makes the uuuuuh sound and sticks her finger in her mouth and waves it all around in there.

Can I have some sanitizer?: She stands by the Germ-x and pats and rubs her hands together, a hopeful look in her eye.

I'm sleepy: Her little body collapses on our shoulder and she lays her head down and tucks her arms under her body. Or if she is not in our arms, she crawls around on the floor with her head scooting on the floor in front of her.

Shoes/Jacket/Socks, please: She brings these to us or points to them if they are too high to reach.

Do me, too: When I put on chapstick, she rubs her fingers on her lips to get me to put some on her. When I put cheek chapstick on Noah, she rubs her fingers over her cheeks until I put some on her, too. When I put on my make up, she watches longingly and waits for me to dab her with powder or blush.

Banana, please: She reaches from her booster seat to the counter beside her where the bananas are...even if we are out of bananas.

I'm uncomfortable or nervous: When we set her down in a room of new people, she will stand there and not move and barely look around or respond to anything, me included, even if we walk away from her. She just stands there and bats some serious puppy dog eyes at the floor or up from under her down-turned face. Sucks. People. Right. In.

I'm excited!: She shrieks, runs, waves her arms all around like the most adorable little crazy person you ever saw.

Oh, no! Help!: If she has messed with something and broken it, or knocked it over, or almost knocked it over, she freezes, holding whatever it is in that frozen spot and cries out all upset until we come and save the moment and fix it back like it was. This happens with tree ornaments, Santa figurines, stair gates, books, stacks of stuff, and her shoes and socks when she is in the car seat and is about to drop them.

I'm not happy: As I have said before, she collapses into a little puddle on the floor and cries and wails and turns all red and splotchy. And then checks to see if you are even watching her dramatic rendition of agony and disappointment at not getting her way.

That's not what I wanted: If you offer her something that was not what she was trying to communicate that she wanted, she will take it, scowl real hard, and THROW IT DOWN! (this little behavior is so frustrating to behold...one, because it's ugly, and two, because SHE is so frustrated at not being able to communicate, poor thing)

Night, Night: She blows kisses to Daddy and Noah as I carry her from the room. The kisses come complete with that "mmmmmmmwaa!" sound and a toothy grin and yet another bye-bye wave.


Unknown said...

She'll be telling you exactly what she wants and how she feels in no time! :-)

Anonymous said...

Very cute descriptions! I remember some of my kids "sign languages"...oh so sweet. : )
LOVE the picture of Anna...bee-u-tee-ful blue eyes!