Jan 30, 2010

For the Record

Our last home study visit was supposed to be three weeks ago. Because of the snow we had then, it had to be rescheduled. Josh was out of town for most of January, so our next available spot in his schedule for Alisa to come again was yesterday. And, as luck would have it AGAIN, it was postponed AGAIN for snow. And since I went into this adoption planning and counting on waiting and set-backs, I am very at peace with it. So, pending some other reason for a cancellation between now and then, our case worker is coming on Wednesday to meet our chilluns, catch us up on one class we missed and, in doing so, complete our home study. Which means we are looking at having an approved home study by the end of February.

In the meantime I have found an organization that has lifted my spirits and given me hope and encouragement about finding a prospective older child for our family. The Heart Gallery of America. This site and its state links have sucked up a bit of my time in the past week or so. I love this group's mission and the effect they have had on adoption.


Laura Koslowsky said...

So exciting to hear you could have an approved home study by the end of Feb. It gives me chills to know your child is our there now waiting for you to locate her. We're praying for you all.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Hooray!!! I'm so excited for you guys! And as for the Heart Gallery, I'd seen it prior to our emails and this post and like you I love it. It's SO easy to spend oodles of time scrolling through profiles! So easy and like you said so encouraging.