Jan 7, 2010

Highs and Lows

We're back from FL, flew home yesterday afternoon. Looking forward to posting some pics and highlights from our time together with family and at Disney again. But for the purpose of this post, there are a couple other highs and lows to report in the meantime.

Highs and Lows in Florida - You will remember back in October that we suffered through record high temps for that time of year in Florida. Well, we came full circle with this second trip. There were record lows almost the whole visit. We froze our booties off - but mostly because I didn't pack coats and hats and such. Who knew to expect that?!

High and Lows in Tennessee - The high? It's snowing this morning! Just started. Schools are closed all over Nashville, so there is an air of excitement in the air. Noah is especially looking forward to making snow angels. The low of our time back in Tennessee already? Anna fell and busted her lip open shortly after we got home. I suffered a mild heart attack at the sight of the the blood coming from her face, but we all recovered and no stitches were needed. :) Now Anna just has a nasty, bloody, mushy-scabby, fat lip to deal with for awhile.


Emily said...

her face is PRICELESS...that's a "you better feel sorry for me. YOU somehow must have made my legs/feet trip. Yeah that's it. So feel BAD"
What a funny little girl!

Kimberly said...

Yeah, her look seems to suggest that that lip is a free pass for anything she wants and that i need to get a clue about that.:)

Unknown said...

Look at that pitiful little face. Get that sweet girl some ice cream. LOL

I can't wait to hear about your trip. It's too dang cold here too.

Laura Koslowsky said...

Glad you are back! I've missed your posts. What a cute little sad face on Anna. She is definitely working you.