Jan 24, 2010

Sunday at the Circus

Guilty! We may have looked like we were pulling out of the driveway and headed to church this morning, but really the Browns were Barnum and Bailey bound. To hear Noah tell it, though, he was headed to the cotton candy and the popcorn.

We attempted a pose with a clown at the pre-show but Noah turned out to be a little anxious about those guys. He much preferred the view from our seats instead.

Anna's favorite part was the horses.

Then she zonked out and did not wake up until the closing act.

Noah's favorite part was the elephants.

My favorite part was the tigers.

Josh's favorite part was these guys but I don't know what you call them. Acrobats?

All in all, not a bad show. I was a little underwhelmed with the lack of energy I sensed from the performers, or maybe it was the crowd. And for some reason the acrobats, clowns, jugglers, tricks, swing/rope acts, and all just didn't impress me like I thought they would. I don't know. Maybe it's just not the same as an adult. Noah was scared of the cannons and explosions and noise, but still asked to come again. We might. But I think it's safe to say we have the circus out of our system for awhile.


Emily said...

I admit it. I'm jealous. We were inches from getting to our seats in 2008 for that circus...not fair...not fair. I'm not sure who was looking forward to it more, me or Brooklyn. Next time Barnum and Bailey...come to macon, we're getting the best seats you've got!

Laura Koslowsky said...

The circus doesn't quite compare to Disney World, does it? We took David to Barnum and Bailey when he was 2 and I remember having a good time. It was fun to see some of the animals outside before the show. We went this past summer to a small town traveling circus. It was totally hokey, but had the last performing chimpanzees in the world...that was pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

You mean the circus has lost it's magic? Tell me it's not true!! Or, maybe you would have enjoyed it more if you hadn't skipped church to go! heeheehee

Kimberly said...

Ha! Touche, Mas, touche!

Laura: Hmmmm. Maybe monkeys would have done the trick. There were no monkeys. Dancing dogs, yes.

Anonymous said...

: ) : )

Emily said...

I've heard "touche" several times this week. Couldn't figure out when you know it is appropriate to say that...they all seemed to be used differently. I dictionary.com'd it. haha. now I know. You'll probably hear me use it now. LOL. :)