Jan 30, 2010

Snowed In

So of course all of Nashville shut down the day BEFORE the snow ever really made an appearance, which was yesterday afternoon. This morning there's about 4 inches (?) outside which is more than Noah's ever seen at once. And the snow is still coming down. Sadly, the snow is still not the good and sticky kind for making snowmen. Josh has it is his mind to go out with a spray bottle to make enough of it sticky for that project. I'm crossing my fingers it will work. Noah's hopes were so high when he went to bed last night. He is just itching to get one built.

Some snow shots so far...


Heather said...

Glad you all got your first snow! It is fun to play in...once. It's snowing here and up to about 3 inches so far with talks of up to 8 inches. After our 20+ snow fall we had back in Dec., I am not a fan. Boo snow. :) But, it does make for a fun family day because we can't go anywhere!

Kimberly said...

I hear ya, girl. I am an overall Boo on snow, too.