Mar 4, 2009

What Would JeeJees Do?

Just this morning...

Anna reaches with all her might for Noah's monster truck but can't quite make contact. Noah spots her and his toy. Uh-Oh. He is at a crossroads.

Never fear, my friends. That sweet boy reaches over and pushes his toy into her hands and helps her get it to her mouth. And as if this precious scene isn't already enough for a mama's heart, he answers me this way when I comment about how he handled the situation.

Me: Noah, you are such a good brother to share with your sister.
Noah: JeeJees. (Jesus)

That's right, baby. Jesus teaches us to share.


Amy Faye Brown said...

What a lesson Noah has for me in this. If I would only stop and ponder what Jesus has taught me before I act I could save myself and others a world of heartache.

Emily said...

That really is pretty stinking cute! awe! I need to teach Brooklyn that!

Unknown said...

How sweet! I would totally cry on that one:-)