Mar 30, 2009

Munchy Fodder

For weeks Noah has referred to a certain something that we could not figure out as a "munchy fodder". Munchy fodder?! What the heck?!

And try as we might to have him point it out, say it again, or better explain himself, Josh and I have come up with nothing as to the mysterious meaning of Noah's munchy fodder. The closest Josh came to what we thought he might be saying was some version of the "God our Father" song-style blessing that they sing at school. The way Noah sings it it comes out "Dod dar fodder" and so on and so forth. But "Dod dar fodder" and "Munchy fodder" still didn't seem to make a whole lot of sense to least not together.

And then it hit me today in the car as Noah and I were driving home from a blissfully pleasant trip to buy groceries. As I turn a corner, a truck with a really loud engine roars past us. Noah pipes up from the back seat with his ever-loving "Munchy fodder!" Now he hadn't SEEN the truck, but he did HEAR its distinct rumble...its distinctly motorcyclish rumble. AH HA!

Me: Noah, do you mean motorcycle?

Noah: Uh huh!

Me: Baby, it's not munchy fodder. It's motorcycle. Mo-tor-cy-cle.

Noah: Mun-chy-Fodd-er.

Yeah - what he said.
Clear as mud...but clear at least.


Heather said...

I love kid language! It's kind of neat to have a little language between mommy, daddy, and the child that really no one else underdstands. Nathanael used to call milk, "coo coo". It took us for ever to figure it out. We had to start writing it down for our babysitters, so when he asked for his "coo coo" they would know what to give him. :)

Emily said...

so cute!

Kate said...

Ha ha! I've been struggling to understand E's new words.

Alison said...

Levi says "fodder" in their prayer song too!! "God our fodder..."