Mar 3, 2009

Hard to Say

It is hard to say what kind of mood I am in lately. I feel real inbetween, but I can't say what I feel I am between. I have a lot on my mind and none of it seems to go together in any sort of reasonable way. I don't have the energy to put the energy into a serious post. Nor do I have the heart to do a more lighthearted post. Such a predicament.

But several things I know.

1. I need to deal with my still hurt feelings and anger about a situation for which I have been asked to not talk about on my blog. So I won't.

2. I am getting too used to not having any friends to talk to. Lately I just chat it up with the most random people. And really, I don't mind that one bit. Leaves me quite open to share myself with people that might need to be shared with.

3. I need to be in prayer more.

4. The book I am reading is really, really good. And so is the bible study I am doing. (Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult, and Esther by Beth Moore)

5. Candy sticks make crying toddlers stop crying.

6. You can lead a boy to a potty, but you can't make him go. Not every time at least.

7. I am never, ever, ever watching The Bachelor ever again. I am getting too old to watch such stupid programming. What a crock. What was I thinking? And why does this season's outcome infuriate me so?!


Emily said...

Now I get it...I was wondering why you hadn't posted in a while.
I love you man.

Amy Faye Brown said...

I am praying for you and whatever hurtful situation this is to be resolved. I stay in trouble about what I blog about being accused by my hubby for revealing or saying too much. I just respond that it's his fault I don't have any friends except for my cyber ones and I can be myself on my blog and not some mousy preacher's wife. :)

Bill and Melodie said...

I totally agree with the candy sticks and the bachelor! Never again, I'm DONE!

I know you HATE talking on the phone, but anytime you need to chat, feel free to call me! In fact, you may want to give me a call later today, after I update my blog this afternoon... : )

Unknown said...

I'm praying for you Kim. I'm so there with you on the in-between feeling. Email me if you want to chat about it. Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Oh the Bachelor!!! I was SOOO hot about that! I was so ashamed of myself for getting sucked into that garbage. I'm totally done with that show. But..then again the ultra fab Jillian will be the Bachelorette! AHHHHH....I have a few months to rid my mind of that crap and try really hard to not watch it.

Alison said...

Sorry you are still dealing with junk - no fun - hang in there. I'm just an e-mail away (since I know you won't call :).

Melodie and I went to supper and I watched the season finale of the Bachelor because we had been talking about it. UGH!! I had watched a few of the earlier episodes for the Huntsville girl, but hadn't been keeping up. I apparently shouldn't have turned on the TV again - that man needs some counseling!