Mar 8, 2009

Happy Bir

"Happy Bir" is what is left of the candy decals on the cake Josh and Noah made for me last night. I am a sucker for those sugary candy decals. Earlier in our marriage, Josh would buy sheets of them for me for my candy indulging moments. I would gobble them while I kicked his booty at Tetris. Ahhhh, the good old days. Oh well, bring on the next decade of new days. After an email pep talk from my sister-in-law and mother-in-law, I am slowly and steadily overcoming my paranoia about turning 30. It can't be that bad. Can it? The 30's are the new 20's anyway. (Besides, I still technically have two more days of blissful 20's left in me. I got the cake early b/c Josh and Noah are leaving for Florida on my actual birthday.)

Since the cake is half eaten and minus its original message, I submit this photo as proof of the sweet gift my boys made for me. There is also a lovely bouquet of roses and gerber daisies and a happy birthday balloon, too. However, Noah has taken custody of the balloon and beats it with his other balloon at every chance he gets. And really, that is more entertaining anyway. His inner warrior has really come out of his a safe sort of way, of course.

And I can't help but share this next photo as proof that I can match cake wits too...or that I did once upon a time. Noah still had all his allergies for his last birthday, so I had to make a cake for him that would not have egg or peanuts or milk in it. Thank you Publix for having really off-the-wall type ingredients and mixes!

This year, now that Noah is free of the milk and egg allergies, we will just let Publix go ahead and make the rest of the cake for us, too. :) Something to the Thomas the Train effect, I imagine. And how cute is it that Noah will turn 3, right after I turn 30? We can reuse my big 30 candles for his 03. :)

Look at pregnant Kimmie from a year ago! Well....let's just say that my real birthday present from Josh this year is his undergoing a certain little procedure for keeping THAT from happening again. :)

See? You can have your cake and eat it, too.


Emily said...

you CRACK ME UP! That last bit....poor Josh...that should make for a good story!

Memaw said...

"Happy Bir"! I sent you a card and will send your gift by Matthew (Josh) whatever his name is.

Heather said...

Ha! I'm sure Josh wouldn't say that it was a "certain little procedure"... :)

Heather said...

Oh, and turning 30 has been fine. I, too was very sad of the day. No more's official, I am an adult!

Anonymous said...

I'm very jealous of your birthday present. ;)

Alison said...

Happy (late) birthday!! I thought of you yesterday and never got an e-mail off.

I can't believe you like those sugar things...yuck!

Oh, and Garet won't be too far behind Josh....