Mar 22, 2009

Weekend Potpourri

We got Noah a tricycle yesterday and quickly learned (although I kinda suspected) that pedaling is harder than it looks. Noah doesn't get it and gives up quickly.

Got Anna a new stroller today, one that does not need her carrier. We are about to kick that bad boy to the curb. She is just not the baby carrier type of baby that Noah was.

I saw the movie Duplicity yesterday and it was good, but too involved, complicated, and convoluted to provide the relaxation and break I was really looking for. I really had to concentrate and think hard to keep up and understand what was happening.

There are birds building a nest on our grill again, up under the cover just like happened at our last house, last summer, except this time I don't have a hound I have to worry about keeping from eating the baby birdies when they come. We also have a bunny that frequents our back yard several times a day. Noah loves it!

I am out for mole (or more) of those critters is ruining our back yard - not to mention causing Noah to trip and fall a lot when he is running around.

There were two yard sales going on across the street from our house yesterday. I loved the constant flow of people in and out and around. Really felt like spring.

If I want to get a good night's sleep when Josh offers to take the night with Anna, I have decided I will have to actually LEAVE the house and stay in a hotel (which of course I am not going to do - but a girl can dream). So even if I don't have to get up with her, I can still hear her crying and carrying on and you know a momma can't hear all that and still sleep like it's not happening. (Memo to me - this is just for a time, it will pass, things will get better, you are gonna miss this, they grow up so fast, etc)

Potty Training has been non-existent with Noah since his FL trip. I am thinking he will get into it again when I can let him pee standing up in the back yard...or just standing up at all. Oh, my, the experiences I can see coming our way.

Anna's ok with sweet potatoes, but really took to the bananas. What she is not ok with is having her face wiped with any sort of wet cloth afterwards.

Looks like "me and the gym" just might stick. I am kind of liking it.

Anna screamed for 2 1/2 hours straight last night!

We are retracing our church visiting visits. We went back to another church (Freedom Church - quite like our last church in AL) last night for their Saturday night service. We'll see. It certainly felt more normal to be in a worship service where the room was not the size of a football field, you know?

On Beth Moore's blog there is a post where everyone named their favorite books...oh my word, I was in hog heaven! I ordered 4 more books on Amazon that day.

Also, I forget to say before, that Noah's birth family also sent presents for Anna...which I thought was so sweet of them.


Emily said...

so weird! We just bought a tricycle for Brooklyn too! A little red Radio Flyer one from walmart!

Natalie was NEVER a carrier baby...remember how we tossed that carrier to the attic after 2 months! AND I've said before, Nat also does NOT like her face being wiped...our girls are so similar it's kind of scary!

And what's even more weird...Lee and I were just talking not two weeks ago about how we ought to take turns renting a hotel for a night so we could get some good solid sleep...and sleep in too!

Heather said...

Found out the same thing about tricycles...we bought a big-wheel for Nathanael a few years ago and it was even worse than a tricycle.

Ha, about the hotel. A few weeks ago when Kore and I got a hotel room for the night, I woke up at 6:30am! AHH!!

You crack me up with all the book stuff. You go girl!

Alison said...

I totally thought a child could pedal a bike/tricycle when they could walk...boy was I wrong. Levi was about 3 before he could do it by himself.

Oh, and Garet and I got a hotel in town for my birthday. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep in any other way. I slept until 9:30!!! Loved every minute of it!