Mar 18, 2009

Doctor's Orders

I always appreciated what a laid-back and easy baby Noah was. Turns out, I am appreciating his relaxed baby ways even more that I am facing Anna's more high-strung baby ways lately.

Two weeks ago we took her to the doctor about her unfriendly fussiness. Two weeks later, today, she is still fussy, if not fussier. In fact, I think you could easily categorize our little She-Ra as an all around raging, short-tempered, demanding tyrant. It has been so bad over the past two weeks that I took her back to the dr. today with my tail between my legs and asked her to please tell me again why she thinks this is just teething and to maybe double check on that in case there is still something else to blame. Two weeks of Motrin and Tylenol and teething swabs and teething tablets have done not a thing to appease her seeming pains. The dr. checked her over and agreed she is a totally healthy baby girl and decided it is not the teething bit after all then - given the lack of teeth or red irritated gums. We talked about a typical day in the house of Anna and her diet and the dr. gave me a set of highly difficult steps to follow to remedy her extreme moodiness. Read carefully.

Feed her baby food.
Get her out of the house more.
Get her on a routine.

What?!?! That's it?!?! The doctor went on to tell me how quick, alert, healthy, active, engaging, curious, and smart Anna clearly is. A real go getter she says. For this reason...she needs more stimulation. (Translation: She is bored and therefore frustrated). Hence all the irritability and screaming lately. But seriously, how was I to know? She wiggles and wants out of my arms, but when I set her down she lights up with fury. I think the real diagnosis here is this:


And it is for this reason that I feel like a baby dunce all over again. All the drama and worrying I have endured on Anna's behalf lately, and all she really needed was a little something more to do and to eat!? Noah was just too easy on us his first couple years. So really, this is all his fault, I guess. :)

(little note - this dr. visit was the first outing I did with both Noah and Anna all by myself where I wasn't really just out to drop one or the other off somewhere and Noah was an absolute angel for the entire hour we were there and waiting and talking with the dr. Just a perfect angel. See what I mean - too laid back for my own good)

And yeah, I have been putting off feeding her baby food. Probably out of my own fear of committing to another time consuming task in my day. It's funny, too, because with Noah it was just so novel to try new foods. We did it as soon as we could. He was 4 mos. Here Anna is a few days shy of 6 months and I have to have a medical professional tell me to feed my baby. Good grief. So I obediently went to Wal-Mart (my 2nd official venture out with Noah and Anna all by myself where no dropping off was involved) and I bought a ton of stage 1 baby foods. I got home and promptly fed her sweet potatoes. And she ate like a pro. Which only further supports the dr's claim at how quick she is. To date, I have only fed her baby rice 3 times. And I stuck with it for all of a few minutes before I let her off the hook (or maybe I was just letting myself off the hook). The point is, she took to eating much quicker than I expected. Fine. I give in. Bring on the baby food regimen.

And a routine? Well, that is just right up my organization skills alley. No more trying to figure out Anna's napping needs and timing. The doctor said to pick what I want out of the day for her and for me. Done. The first thing on our getting-a- better-routine for today was putting her down to nap the same time as Noah. And it turned out Anna didn't mind a bit.

Go me.
Go doctor's orders.


The White Family said...

You're so funny! I agree with your doctor...routine is great! Also, getting out is great! Connor HATES being at home all day and has since he was little bitty! He wants to go anywhere! I ask "do you want to go to the grocery store?" and he says "uh huh" and runs for the door! Join a Kindermusik class or something like that with Anna on a day when Noah is at school. Connor LOVES kindermusik. We started when he was 8 months, but we have younger babies in our class too!

Emily said...

I am grinning at how exactly the same our two baby girls are! I think Lee's words TONIGHT were, "Natalie's a rebellious hellion 9 month old baby!" Not even kidding, even I couldn't have come up with that description...and like Noah, Brooklyn was so much easier of a baby after her 3 month colic subsided. I know what you mean too about wanting out of your arms, but if you put her down, she falls apart, but she also doesn't want to go to sleep, etc. So we go outside a lot and she eats a lot of puffs and cheerious! Food always works. I feel for you though. Because it sounds to me like we're in the same boat.

Emily said...

oh and I also find that funny that you started your "routine" today...because I decided today was the first day I made Natalie cry for nearly an hour in order to put those girls down for their nap at the same time. I haven't had an hour of a break in weeks! And it was because Natalie would want to go down an hour or 1.5 hours before Brooklyn's naptime. It was painful, but I ended up getting 2 hours of peace. It was fantastic!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Sister Friend we must talk! Your daughter is only taking after her much older daughter! I was describing the difference between her and Aaron the other day to a new mom and it went a little like this..."she had a streak of defiance from the very instant of birth and he was happy go lucky and extremely laid back and not much since has changed." When they were both toddlers and would wrestle and rough house on the floor Johnmark gave them ring names. Rebeka was Renegade(because of her personality) and Aaron was Deezel (Diesel, with an urban pronunciation. And it was because of his size). Hang in there, enjoy it, because trust me the time goes by way too fast. Keep this in mind...she will become your dearest friend one day and that is something I'm struggling with - the boundaries of mothering and friendship.

Alison said...

Get her out, out, out! Kara is soooo much happier the more we are out of the house. It took me awhile to figure that out :). Once again, we have a lot in common here!

Heather said...

Glad to hear that the Dr.'s order's were just what you and little Anna needed. I think you'll come to many more stages of parent hood like "what in the world is going on here, I thought I had this whole parenting thing figured out". Funny how each kid in a family can be so different!