Mar 25, 2009

Sponsor Fright

We just starting sponsoring a 10 year-old-boy in Ecuador through Compassion International. But now that we are officially linked to the boy, I feel very nervous. I just can't figure it out.

Josh says I have a fear of commitment. And I do, but usually about little, dumb type commitments. Not about the big things like marriage, adoption, children, money, etc.

Maybe it is just the newness of this. I have never sponsored a child before and I can't say I know exactly how this goes. Maybe it is the responsibility for helping this boy don't just go back on that, or let it slip your mind. Maybe it is because he is older and I don't know what he expects of us or if we will disappoint him with our contacts with him.

Or MAYBE I need to stop focusing on myself. Probably that.

1 comment:

Alison said...

At Christmas (during the Advent conspiracy) we felt very strongly that we should start sponsering a child...with the same birthdate as Levi. That child hasn't popped up yet, but we know he will in time.

Have you read Jan's blog about meeting her sponsered child? How cool would it be to take Levi to meet a child his age someday - I couldn't even imagine!?!?!