Mar 20, 2009

Products I've been loving!

Lubriderm Intense Skin Repair Lotion - As I have said before, I originally got this for Anna, but I started using what was left on my hands on myself and I don't think I will use another lotion ever again! It really makes a big difference in your skin for a lasting amount of time...especially in tough spots like elbows/feet...hence the intense skin repair formula. Another feature I love is that each time you press its pump it only dispenses a small amount at a time. No more lotion pumps dispensing more than you can use in one pump and having to wait for a gallon of lotion to soak in. We have even switched Noah to Lubriderm Sensitive instead of Eucerin. (I'm not knocking Eucerin - I am just that impressed with this Lubriderm formula).

Crib vibrator - I seriously don't know how we would have survived with Anna without it - especially when we first started having her sleep in her bed and not the vibrating bouncer seat. We turn that baby on for every nap and every bed time and every waking in the night. It stays on for 10 minutes. It even has a feature that will make the vibrator come on again when it hears her cry. It also plays music (including the cry feature) and it has a light to shine in the crib when needed at night. Love it. The brand is First Years, I believe. I would go check to make sure, but you know who is asleep and I am NOT risking waking her up.

On Demand - What's not to love about having tons of movies and shows ready for you at the touch of a button? So great for schedules that change regularly and for kiddos. And while I am at it, I am in love with that DVR, too. Alison, you are right. Watching a show 20 minutes after it starts is wonderful as I fly through commercials. It's like adding minutes to your day! Especially with how Noah's bedtime falls right around 7:30ish every night.

Dishwashing packs instead of gel - Just another little convenient invention that I just started using and love.

Insulated thermos - When Noah was a baby and we had to feed him at night, we would have to heat a cup of water, put the bottle in the water, and wait for it to heat. Take 5-10 minutes sometimes and feels like 30 when the baby is screaming to be fed. I don't know what took us so long to figure out that we can have hot water ready and waiting for us all night by putting heated water in a thermos. When Anna wakes up, we just pour, shake in the formula, and go. Wonderful.

Baby video monitor - I have said before how much we have loved having this. But it is a point and product that is worthy of repeating. IT IS FANTASTIC! Once you have one, you wonder how you ever lived without it.

Private connection baby monitor - For you worriers out there that think someone is spying on you and your baby...there is a monitor to secure your connection. We just got this one for Noah's room when his original monitor fizzled out on us. Just a cool feature.

BeBe Sounds Angelcare baby monitor - We got this for Anna when we thought we would have to put her to sleep on her belly and the idea just worried me to no end that she would fall victim to SIDS if we did. This monitor's alarm goes off if it does not detect movement for 20 seconds...movement as sensitive as breathing. But it has a million other really cool features, but the one that has been invaluable to us is its cry feature. We have it set to only come on when her cries reach a certain loudness. This keeps you from hearing every little grunt or noise babies make in their sleep and also keeps you from hearing cries that don't turn into anything that needs your attention in the night. It also affords you those 5-15 extra minutes of sleep when baby just coos in bed before deciding she is ready to get up. Also, I have loved how it tells me the temperature in her room. It even has a way to set the alarm to just vibrate. And its bedroom unit has a soft glow nightlight as well. We also like the temporary mute button for when we are just waiting for her crying to stop upon her falling asleep. IT HAS JUST BEEN A FABULOUS GOD-SEND! More expensive than regular monitors, but I wouldn'd do a baby again without it. Then again, I'm not doing a baby again anyway. But you get my point.

Dove Gentle Exfoliating Bar Soap - Just feels good on the skin. Love it.

Red Tulip - This little gift shop near my home just puts me in a good mood. I love going there. Such unique, funny, special, pretty, and creative stuff.

PBS Sprout - 24 hour preschool programming. I would sorely miss this if it ever went away. Not that Noah watches it 24 hours, but that it is always playing something age appropriate. Always.

Honey Maid 100 Calorie Pack Cheesecake Delight Bars - OH. MY. GOSH. Delicious little snacks. And only a 100 calories per bar. Unless you eat 5 of them in one sitting. :)


Alison said...

How many monitors do you have??? :)

Glad you love the DVR!! I honestly couldn't imagine life without it!

Kimberly said...

Alison: Only these 3! :) We need one for each kid's room, and then the extra video monitor that is downstairs. :)

Unknown said...

what a neat post! You have the best baby gadgets there. I know those weren't around just 4 years ago. I'll have to check those out when we have a #2 or maybe if you're done with the baby phase you'll sell them to me;-) hint hint.

Amen on the DVR and the gel packs. I started using those a few months ago and I just love them.

Oh...I am indeed coming to Nashville next week. I'll be flying in on the 29th and leaving the 1st.

Kimberly said...

Oh, Shannon, I am so excited! I just emailed you about us getting together!