Mar 24, 2009

Spring's First Casualty

Seems as though March has drawn first blood already. Noah took his first of what I fear will be many tumbles in the coming months. He cried alright, but I suspect it was just for show and sympathy...which I doted on him of course, but only because it meant I was going to get the boy back in the house without a fight. ;)

Seriously though, I guess it would be too weird and cumbersome to make him wear knee pads all summer. And a mouth guard. That's too bad. Confession - every time he runs, I visualize and fear him falling on his face and knocking out teeth. I just know it is coming and I dread it. Every time he picks up the pace and runs, I cringe.

1 comment:

Emily said...

oh man...I cringe every time too...and we've even had to go to the ER from an inside the house fall!