Jan 16, 2011

WPTM #25: Selfish Praise

What Parenting Teaches Me #25: Selfish Praise

Noah has begun to sincerely experience and communicate gratitude lately.  When I allow something that he is excited about, when I relent and do not insist on something that he does not want, when I surprise him with fun and good things, he bubbles over with joy, gives me spontaneous hugs, and says, "I wuv you, Mommy!"  Other times he says, "You nice mommy!"  And I sure do grin to hear his sweet words, to see his excitement.  But I also know his gratitude is temporary and is more about his selfishness than it is about me.  Later on in the same day when I make him spend some quiet time in his room or scold him for something, I hear him mutter to himself, "Mommy mean!" or "I no wike Mommy!"

Hmmmmmm. Kids ...they sure do paint a clear picture of us grownups before the Lord, don't they?

Embarrassingly, I recognize myself and most Christians doing the same thing.  On a day that something goes right - when a loved one is healed, when a dramatic situation is resolved, when we are excited about some happy thing - it is easy to hear God's praise fly - "God is so mighty!"  "Our God is great!"  When I hear these true things lately, I sort of cringe because all I notice is the absence of such praise every other day of the week when it is no less true.  It makes the testimony seem like nothing more than fair-weather praise.  That is a shame to me because our God is mighty and our God is great even when a loved one dies, even when we are cheated, even when our hearts are broken, and even when we just plain don't get our way.  Ick - I hate to think of how I have approached the Lord and his praise in such a self-seeking way before.

Father, let your Spirit guide me in your praise even when the circumstances do not.  I don't want to approach you with a childish heart that is only gladdened in you when it gets its own way.  Your goodness is so much bigger and more perfect than that. 


Emily said...

Makes me think of Polly Anna's attitude among the not so great times in life. *I"m so corny* I've felt that frustration with God at times too, but surprisingly that movie makes me remember to look at the same time at what IS provided....ex. my kids are like ALWAYS sick...geez man, but flip side, my kids ALWAYS get in to see the doctor when needed and are helped fairly quickly=blessing. WHY do I have a peanut allergy kid in my peanut loving family? Flip side, the Lord gave me that *paranoid mommy* intuition 2 years ago to not give her anything with peanuts=blessing.

I really enjoyed that WPTM lesson...you're so insightful!

Kimberly said...

It deals with the same thing we read in that "Why I'm Ungrateful" article we saw on FB, too, don't you think?

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I've thought on these words for days. They are true ones to which I certainly say AMEN.

And I agree with your sister: you're an insightful one my friend. And my life is better because of it. Thanks for keeping it real and sharing what God is teaching you.

Kimberly said...

Awww, thanks y'all! I'm blushing...