Jan 20, 2011

Noah: Progress Reports

Noah is such a good boy at school and I prize that for him more than academic success. 

Sampling of Noah's letter writing at 4 1/2.  He can trace really well by now.  He struggles with writing letters independently, which is fine with me.  We never intended for him to master this stuff in pre-K.  We knew he'd need the practice before Kindergarten though and that is just what he's getting ... but without the pressure and grading and such.  I am in love with seeing him write his own name at the top of his papers.  In love.

Noah's hair is on project status these days.  We haven't let it get this long since he was a baby.  We'll go with it for awhile and see what it does.  I am in love with his curls. 


Memaw said...

Memaw has always loved his curls.

Unknown said...

Totally agree with the no pressure, just practice mentality. I am more proud of character praise over academic (although that's important too). I tried to let Jacob's hair grow once and it didn't get too long before we had to cut...weird hair texture here. I love Noah's curls!