Jan 22, 2011

A Couple 2, 3 Things

I saw a hilarious YouTube video this week and somehow, someway the phrase "couple 2, 3 things" was my favorite part.  I might make it a recurring post here in Kimberlyland.  :)

So, a couple 2, 3 things from our snowday and Saturday...
Josh was home for this snow!  Called off a dinner meeting Thursday night to be home for the snow and school closings on Friday.  I love that man.  Better still, he came through the door with a tube of cookie dough. 

First thing Friday morning, Josh bundled both our babies up and took them outside.  The snow was too powdery for snowballs and snowmen, so he did the sled-dog thing and let them offroad it on the powerwheels instead.  That was a good idea, too, because it was too icy to let them walk or run around anyway.

Back inside, we watched two movies and built a fort/bear cave.

We cooked chili in the slow cooker all day for dinner with some friends and their kids whom we haven't gotten to see since soccer season.  That was such a refreshing visit.  They also brought a ton of hand-me-down Duplos for Anna and some Thomas stuff for Noah.  Poor things, all we gave them was slow cooker chili and cornbread!  I think we owe them another dinner!

Chewie is one chilly dog these days, so I put him back in his sweater to curb all his shivering.  He makes doggie apparel look good, I think.  He thinks Josh's chair is his and he sits perched there looking out the window and barking at anything that moves or flies.

After the first postage scale I bought on eBay was dead-on-arrival Thursday, I quickly got it refunded and then ordered another on Amazon with free two-day shipping.  I was beyond tickled when it arrived in one day and worked great from the get go.  I even sent my sister something I had to weigh just to break it in.  I like this feeling - being a post office unto myself! 

I lost my patience with handing off our fish to a friend who can't seem to get back in touch with us, so I went ahead and put the tank, accessories, fish and all on Craig's List for $25 and it sold within 3 hours.

Now we are selling two rocking chairs and I'm crossing my fingers they are gone before Monday.

Speaking of selling, I also got my first disbursement from Amazon for the books I sold a couple weeks ago.  $45 was never so sweet.  And Josh has begun hunting Lego sets on deep discounts and selling them on eBay.  Between Amazon, eBay, Craig's List, and consignment sales, our inner salesmen are having a hay day around here.  ;)

Anna is trying really hard to get herself in the ER.  This week alone, she has fallen off her bar-height chair at the table onto our stone floor TWICE!  There is no sound so sickening as that of your baby's head hitting the ground. Then yesterday she cut her toes - I know not how.  Carpet burn? And then while playing with Play-Doh, Noah cut her finger with the scissors.  There have been many red, watery eyes from Anna this week, to say the least.  And a number of band-aids.  Small detail - Anna will claw at her gaping mouth after a fall and you think she is suffocating or bleeding from the mouth somewhere.  She is not.  That is just how she panics apparently.  And accordingly, at the sight of it, I do, too.

They did have a Play-Doh Potato Head creation to show for the scissor episode, though.  Those Shrek ears were given to Noah by his teacher on Thursday's green and gold school spirit day.  Pretty cute.

I just got home from a morning at Panera with a handful of girls from my mom's meetup group and from MOPS.  I am in such a good mood and I think the girl time has everything to do with it.  And it doesn't hurt that Josh had both kids down for naps by the time I got home and as I type he is installing a shelf in my wildly crowded downstairs closet and another in our pantry.  I ♥ home improvements almost as much as I ♥ my handy and helpful husband.  And girl time.


Emily said...

we have a girls night out tonight at Olive Garden...I can't remember the last time I've been to one of these without calling it playdate! No kids...only women. ahhhhh. I love my family but women really do need other women. Can't wait to get outta here!!

Fun list to read! And poor Anna! I LOL'd (hehe) at picturing her claw her mouth in a freak out way. But still. Glad she's ok!!

Memaw said...

You are just having too much fun, girl. I enjoy my "visiting" days
with my two friends from church. We
go to the nursing home or to homebound church members. Sometimes,
we eat out.
Sorry to hear of Anna's bad events.
I guess its part of growing up. We
had a lot of falls, slips, tumbles but no broken bones.

Kimberly said...

Broken bones - don't even think it!

Heather said...

I LOVE THAT VIDEO! Did you see both? Kore showed it to the teenagers the other night and they loved it too. Her facial expressions just kill me!

Kimberly said...

I sure did - but the first was still way funnier. :)

My niece got a kick out of the videos, too. She's still quoting from it I believe.