Jan 11, 2011

Snowballs and a Snowman

It is far too cold to play outside like we did yesterday.  And it's also still spurting snowy mess.  But I had mercy on Noah and let him go out for about 10 minutes while Anna napped today.

He was pleased about that.

He was not pleased that I would not come outside with him.

He was pleased, however, when I told him he could throw snow at me instead.

He was not pleased that his snowman was not coming together like he thought it would.  He just did not understand it when I said he needed to pack the snow in tighter.

He was pleased when I had mercy AGAIN and came out to wad up a few snowballs for him.  Apparently I lost him on the snowball making terminology.  He says I should have said "Squish it all up." He has a point.

And once we'd sufficiently adorned our weenie snowman, he was pleased to use said snowballs to pelt the house.  He's hopeful the snow will last til Friday when Josh gets home so he can have a real snowball fight.

Tomorrow is another no-school snow day, so I imagine we'll move on to snow angels and snowcream.  


Amy Faye Brown said...

Noah, if I were there I would so totally go play with you in the snow! So very jealous...all we're getting is extreme cold and rain.

Kimberly said...

Noah likes that idea. He says, "I want you come over pway wif me."

Emily said...

you're a good momma!