Jan 27, 2011

Miscellaneous Moments

I was not willing that my girl should fall so far to the floor anymore, so we switched out our taller table for this smaller one we have been using as a changing table in the play room for the past two years.  We can all relax now that we don't have to worry about dramatic tumbles from bar-height chairs onto stone floors.  It looks so much roomier in this eating nook, too, which I love.  I think I am gonna paint the table black.  This shorter table has presented one unforeseen problem, though; now Chewie can almost reach it with his nose.  So it's only a matter of time before I find he has jumped to the chair and to the tabletop to help himself.  Groan. 

The action on my end table after Noah has been there.  This dragon does a few cool things and is the prized possession Noah is taking to school tomorrow for Show-n-Tell.

Noah 4-wheelin' it in the snow.  Schools have been closed again - two days this week so far.  Noah's school has been open, however, which is all well and good.  But we let him stay home the first day anyway, just because snow is novel and fun and Daddy was home to enjoy it with them.  And for crying out loud, it's only preschool. 




Emily said...

you used that table as a changing table?! INTEresting. I like the cozier look too. After I drop brooklyn off, I'm going to hobby lobby to get some wall shelves and some of those round embroidering hoops for B's room...thanks to you for that idea, I can't WAIT to get on it!
I love you man, but I no longer want to come north to live near you...WAY. TOO. MUCH. COLD. AND. SNOW.
I'm actually missing my humid heat right now...glad you guys are enjoying it! Clearly the kiddos love it.
and guess what?! Brooklyn has successfully completed her first cold withOUT a trip to the doctors office due to tonsillitis/strep. That means, she did not miss school, she had no fever with it, will not be missing ballet tonight, and we will not have a doctor bill coming our way for her. (huge sigh) Thank you dear ENT Dr Dunn for removing the issue!

Kimberly said...

Yep - that changing table we have in the playroom. The two sides fold down so that it is a narrow rectangle of a table. Worked great.

Such great news about the easier cold! No mom ever celebrated a cold like you do today over that one. :)

Can't wait to see the hoops decor! Love it already.

Emily said...

ohhhh that's right. I didnt' realize the sides were folded down, I do remember the rectangular table you used though. Good for you. So are you selling the tall table on craigslist, or keeping it for when they're bigger?
And I know, I told Lee I'd been waiting for her to get a cold(he looked at me like I was crazy)- so I could see how she handles it now. A little twisted I know...but after all the dr visits we've had just cuz she caught a simple cold...ruh-diculous. But ruh-diculous no more!

Kimberly said...

Nah, we going to keep it to put in the dining room (aka, our playroom) whenever we need that much more eating space or whenever we put the house back on the market.

And no, we don't plan to be on the market anytime soon.