Jan 1, 2011

Our 11 Targets for 2011

1.  Scoring Noah a spot at Union Elementary
2. Renewing and updating both of our teaching certificates
3. Finishing nighttime potty training Noah
4.  Day potty training Anna
5. Couponing, Menu Planning, and maybe Meal Freezing
6.  New car for Josh for his....
7.  New job in some capacity in Lebanon Special School District
8.  Learning to sell on Amazon, eBay, and Craig's List
9.  Reading Anna her children's Bible
10.  Joining a small group at our church
11.  Home Improvements: Garage shelves, Bushes for front yard, Swing set mulch, Paint Noah's bed/room

Added to the 2011 To-do List: 
- Get Noah and Anna to the ocean, STAT!
- Learn to sew...at all.


Emily said...

we want to get on our garage shelves too! And I'm going to start doing more couponing also....and once a week grocery shopping...instead of once biweekly with a few short pit stops in between that clearly killedour grocery bills for the year.
Here's to saving money!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Already picked-up today's paper for coupons. Menu planning is a must that needs my careful attention. Sold more books on Amazon and have two to get into tomorrow's mail. I'm finding their commission is a little high, so may be looking for other avenues. Johnmark is getting antsy for some side jobs because he misses carpentry so much and we need the extra cash so I can continue to stay home. Our home improvement is a larger shower in the Master Bath and something for the front porch - don't know what, but I don't like what we've got.
WooHoo that our potty training days are gone! And, we're ALL going on healthier eating plans and exercise routines even miss skinny minny who just wiggled into a pair of jeans that used to be loose!

Kimberly said...

Thanks for the heads up about Amazon. I guess you might want to reacquaint yourself with eBay...

The menu planning and couponing is certainly more likely to get done if you have a partner. Today that was Josh. I seem to have lost my oomph. He even took off to the store to get the sale and coupon items we needed for this week's menu.

I'll start praying for opportunities for Johnmark for side jobs. Or else a really workable little job for you that you love anyway if it comes to that. :)

Adrian said...

Sounds great girl! I know you can do it :)
I'm going to recommend the Jesus Storybook Bible (if you don't already own it). It's AMAZING and my absolute favorite. We've read it through 3 times with Cole and are beginning #4. Noah and Anna would both love it!

Kimberly said...

I don't know what it was, but Josh was not diggin' that Bible. It came highly recommended (just like you) and they've been reading it for some months now. So I followed another recommendation for a Goodnight, Warrior bedtime bible. We're holding onto the Jesus storybook bible though...

3 times you've been through it? I guess that sounds about right. Noah went through his first bible about twice before they started the Jesus storybook bible. Wish us luck with the Warrior version. It's pretty cute and Josh seems to like it better for Noah so far. Crossing my fingers...

Emily said...

we have the Jesus storybook bible, adn Brooklyn likes it a lot, however, Natalie doesn't have the attention span for it, so it's hard to have our bible story time together while they're in two totally different attention span levels.

Memaw said...

Sharing God's Word with my grandchildren - you give me great joy.

Kimberly said...

God's truth gives me joy enough. It coming from my babies' mouths is just too much goodness. Today as we took the tree down, we spotted the railroad tie ornament down near the base still on the tree. Noah was beyond interested it in since it wasn't so cutesy, Christmasy looking like the rest. I gave him the context or the nail and Noah knew that part well - how Jesus was nailed to the cross by those bad guys. Conversation about it hurting ensued, would it hurt him, etc. etc. After I said again how Jesus died because of it all, Noah jumped in to remind me with all the eagerness a little boy can exude, "But Jesus rised up again!" (little hands in the air). C'mon Easter - Noah's got your number!

Unknown said...

If I could "like" your last comment, I would! :-)

Loving your targets for 2011. I try couponing off and on. It would help to have a partner and could make a lot of trips to different stores. I do save money following moneysavingmom.com and survivingthestores.com
Have you ever heard of CVSing? There is a whole hosts of blogs about working the CVS system to get most of your purchases for next to nothing. I love the idea but haven't really dived into it full on.

Kimberly said...

Awww, thanks, Shannon. You know as I was typing that sound byte I thought it could have been it's own little snippet post by itself. That boy is a never-ending supply of grinning moments for me. I am sure there will be more to come.

I am familiar with the CVS following. Like you, I am sort of still standing on the sidelines as of yet. Thanks for the links. I am collecting those bad boys every day. For the record, I have a date with Walgreen's tomorrow for a similar CVS for free item myself that I saw highlighted on a new blog I follow called Keeping Our Cash. Check it out.