Jan 14, 2011

Snapshots of Happy

Anna's happy about her new magnetic dress up doll.  I'm happy that she enjoys it so much. 

We were happy to eat (drink) some homemade snow cream - fresh from our front yard yesterday.

We were happy to play with friends at a playgroup today.

And we're even happier to have Josh back home today with sunlight to spare upon his arrival.  Josh had time to set his bags down and beeline it for the backyard with Noah to play in what was left of our quickly melting snow.

Noah was so happy to throw snowballs around for real.

I was just happy to see how happy Josh and Noah were to see each other.  Josh kept holding Noah.  Noah kept saying "I missed you, Daddy." Anna would have gotten in on the action as well if she weren't napping at the time.

I was happy to see Noah's beautiful snow angel. I know it's a stretch, but it IS there.  Look hard. :)

We're happy to be able to say we checked a snowman off our snow days activity list (sledding, snowballs, snow cream, snow angels, and now, snowman).  He's not much to look at, but he makes us smile still.


Amy Faye Brown said...

What a good Daddy!
I'm kind of digging the goatee.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Just went back to look at pictures again. Wow! Noah's hair. I love it! It makes him look older and like such a DUDE!

Kimberly said...

Are you sure that dopey look isn't where you picked up the "dude" feel?

Emily said...

I like the goatee too!!! Tell him to keep it! I'm trying ot get lee to grow his out, but he won't do it! ahhhhh.

Josh is a good daddy to drop his stuff adn set out to play. Kudos Josh!

Kimberly said...

Too late. The goatee came off that night. And it's a good thing, too. I couldn't take much more of seeing him playing with it with his tongue.