Aug 28, 2011

Not-so-Free Titan's Tickets

We were so excited when one of Josh's coworkers gave him a pair of tickets to the Titans game for yesterday. This was gonna be so fun ... and free to boot! 

Well, free if you don't count the cost to your mental well-being while you suffer in the wildly aggravating standstill traffic outside the stadium that makes you miss half the first quarter.  Free if don't count the overpriced $30 parking that is still half a mile's walk to the front gates.  Free if you don't count the $25 you drop on two burgers and cokes. Free if you don't count your innocence lost when you have to endure the drunken and relentlessly potty-mouthed old man sitting beside you.  Free probably because you are so high up you can't see any of the action anyway.  Free because the seats are so cramped and crowded.  And free, as long as you don't count the running babysitting meter at home that works its way up to $50 ... even though you left in the 3rd quarter and got home an hour early.  Free, except for the DQ and Starbucks stop you made on the way home just to calm your nerves.

Anyone else jittery and bummed after reading all that?  Cuz I am all over again!  Yikes!  Sorry 'bout that.  It was just such a surprisingly awful night.  So awful all we could do was laugh all the way home.

At least the weather was nice and there was a great breeze.  It helped to break up the stench of beer and jalapenos ... which worked well to disguise what I am sure was a wonderful stench from the vomit the poor grounds crew had to soak up just 25 feet away from us after half time.


Amy Faye Brown said...

You loved it and you know it! Made me wish I was at a Bucs game! Used to get lots of free tickets when I was part of the Kelly clan. Needless to say the children only went once for some of the same reasons you mentioned. We used to joke that we had to park in Brandon and walk to the stadium in Tampa. We learned early on to find someone's yard to park in because it was tons cheaper, but then we did have to walk past the prostitutes and drug dealers. It was Tampa after all. But we had awesome seats righ in the end zone with a lot of the crew from Fox 13. At least you got to experience a pro game!

Kimberly said...

I cannot IMAGINE taking my babies to a game like this. That was last night's UPside. That I didn't have to worry about them there. Oy!

Emily said...

bwwwaahhhhahahaha! Kimberly these posts are not joking....KILLING ME! That was some free night o' fun. In that situation, Lee and I would only be able to laugh too....but at least you didn't do it with kids in tow....there's one little glimmer of mercy God gave you in this humorous 'blessing' he gave you :) hahaha!!! Killing me.

Kimberly said...

Well, knowing you are so amused only adds to the "free" value package. Ha!

Heather said...

Football games can me so fun, but so horrible too. We went to a Redskins game a few years ago and we had the exact same experience. We were sitting in the players family section and the whole row in front of us was one of the main stars of the teams family...we could tell by all the same #'s on the clothes, shoes, hats, etc. Meanwhile, the 20 something yr old sister was buying the teenage boys Vodka drinks and then these boys would sit on the ground in front of us and drink away. I could barely even watch the game I was so distracted and distraught by what was going on. We left there thinking the same thing as you...NEVER BRING OUR KIDS HERE! But then we went last year and had a great time. No one directly around us was getting trashed so it was so much more enjoyable. I think we've got tickets to a few games this year, so hopefully it will be better!

Adrian said...

So bummed it was such a lousy night. . . LOVE me some football! We owned tickets before Cole was born (kiddos come and luxuries like that seem to disappear. . . ha!) and LOVED it! Not only was the team great that season, but we were mid club section, nice 'neighbors', and could stroll inside while watching the game if the weather got bad. You MUST give it another try :)

Kimberly said...

I do believe you, Adrian and Heather. We have some friends in SS who swear to the same good experiences. They have season tickets with their parents and the are committed to taking us one time their parents can't go so we can leave a game with a much better taste in our mouths.

I'll look forward to that, then, and give pro football games the benefit of the doubt til then. :)

So funny, Adrian, I wouldn't have pegged you for a football fan.