Aug 1, 2011

First Day of K: After

The only reason I got any of this information out of the boy was because he was belted into the car and HAD to humor me on the drive home.  Then he beelined to the play room for his precious minutes with the Wii. After his first day of kindergarten, I found out:
  1. His day was "gooood!"
  2. Yes, he wants to go back.
  3. He made new friends and they were all very nice.
  4. He likes the fishtank in the class.  The fish's name is Goldie.
  5. He likes the tower (loft) in the room. 
  6. They didn't go the gym today.
  7. But, yes, he DID use the boys' bathroom with the urinals and all.
  8. And, oh yeah, he needs tennis shoes for next time.
  9. He made a friend named Wuke (Luke).
  10. He doesn't remember anyone else's names.
  11. Luke likes Super Mario Bros. on his Wii just like Noah. 
  12. (mommy grins because the Super Mario lunchbox she let him get helped him make a friend)
  13. The teacher had him read letters like D E F G.  :)  He told the teacher he can read words and that his daddy makes him read books every night.
  14. NO ONE at lunch ate peanut butter sandwiches.  Someone offered him food but he said no.  (mommygrin here)
  15. He liked the lunch I packed and he ate it all.  He specifically liked the meat.  (ham)
  16. He asked if he'll be 6 when he goes back. 
Too bad we have to wait a week before he gets to go back.  This week was for testing only.  Next week there will be two phase-in days, and then the following week starts the full day schedule.  Still wondering when will be a good time to chat with the teacher about how things will work with Noah's allergy and epi-pen.  And I'm hoping next week there will be more information/feedback from the teacher than just piling the kids back in the cars.  It is so foreign to not get more face time with the person in charge of my baby.  I feel like such a rookie.  I just don't know how this goes from the parent side of back-to-school.  Am I being worrisome to want to actually speak to her?  Hmmmm....

Anyway - Such a great first day of school for Noah.  For us all. :)


Cindy said...

Glad he had a good day!

Can you email the teacher this week?

Kimberly said...

Don't think that hasn't crossed my mind! If things are still so rushed next week during phase-in days, I certainly will just email her about it or even just to ask when would be a good time for me to have 10 minutes with her. I thought if I emailed her already she might red-flag me as one of THOSE parents that can't get out of her hair. :} She hasn't even gotten a chance to see all her students yet ... she is doing these testing days all week with only portions of the class at a time.

Aren't you so glad you have me to give you these heads up for next year? :)

Memaw said...

I just read the play by play account from the Mommy perspective. I just remember crying. Noah has been so well prepared by his parents. It is great to see how he handles things. He will do great, I am so proud of him and his parents. Sorry Anna is
sick. Wish I could be there to spend time with her.

Amy Faye Brown said...

Smiles all around. So glad his day was wonderful!

Trent and Jennifer said...

So glad he had a good day! I know what you mean about being rushed. I like to know exactly what's going on and ask a million questions and felt completely "out of the loop" last year in the begining. I also wanted to know how he did on the testing (they don't tell you until parent/teacher conference btw)
Will's teacher was very nice about all of the questions and made time to talk with me (and the other parents) each time I came to drop him off. The k teachers do walk them to the cars in the afternoon all year and are great about chatting during drop off too. You'll love the parent/teacher interaction! Oh, and the PTO is a great way to meet other mom's in the school (especially in your class) and gather even more information!

Kimberly said...

Ha - I thought enough to ask about the testing results at registration and she said like you did, that they'll share that at conferences. But MAN, I would love to know now! :)

When you say drop-off, you mean in the mornings right? I was wondering today if we are supposed to walk them in every morning or if they do curb drop off or something. (Crossing my fingers I will still be allowed to take him to the room for awhile at least and not just because it's a long walk back to the k rooms!)

You have been so helpful with all my Union questions, Jen. Thank you!!

Emily said...

I had a hard time getting much out of Brooklyn in the car....but she wouldn't stop talking the moment we sat down at the table for her after-school snack :)

She had a great day!

Kimberly said...

I can totally see her little mouth going a mile and minute detailing all the stuff from her day. :)

The White Family said...

I think you should email the teacher and let her know that you would like to set up a time to talk to her. I don't think that is overbearing at all. In the email mention that you'll be happy to help with...(whatever you think she might need help with...parties, snacks, cutting out stuff, etc.). I don't think you should feel bad talking to her about Noah's allergies and you should do it before he goes back again.

Trent and Jennifer said...

You are very welcome! They let you walk the kids in to the classroom as long as you would like to but strongly suggest you stop doing it after the first 2 weeks. I wasn't very happy about that, and I took advantage of the full 2 weeks and spoke to Mrs. Crane each morning even just to say "hi Will's here". The last few times, I would walk to the end of the hall, then to the first corner, then just to the front door, etc. It made it easier for me (Will probably would have been fine from the car at day 2!). But eventually, you will just drop him off at the sidewalk and never even get out of your car! (and you'll feel okay about it too!)
Anyway, the teachers will chat or answer questions when they bring the kids to the car in the afternoon. They also give you lots of info in the "take home folder" that he will get and I felt very informed all year.

Kimberly said...

Oh my word.

Deep breaths, Kimmie, deep breaths.

Kimberly said...

As it turns out, while I thought I was all about him going to kindergarten - I now realize I was REALLY just all about him going to kindergarten while I held his hand the entire time.

Must. Adjust. My Expectations.

Must take more deep breaths.

Unknown said...

Glad his first day went well! I was able to talk to Jacob's teacher by dropping him off in his class and through the occassional email. If I were you, I would go ahead and send one, maybe just acknowledging that you don't want to bombard her with a lot at once but you wanted to bring his allergy to her attention as it's the biggest concern that you have for Noah. I don't think she'll be turned off by that at all.

Jacob wouldn't let me drop him off at the curb and I didn't mind. I walked him to the school door every single day and got my hug and kiss right there. It made me cry a few times to see his little self in the sea of big kids, with his back pack that seemed to hang to the back of his knees. Ahhhh. I even cried on his last day of school. I'm a weirdo!

Kimberly said...

I was almost keeping it together until you did that whole "little backpack engulfed in a sea of big packpacks" image. With as little as my boy is, I'll be holding his hand for years!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I love how you know what it's like to have "those" parents as a teacher. ;) Though I agree that an email where you share your willingness to help with whatever she needs should be well received. By now you've probably already sent that email though... I've been out of the loop this week.

Kimberly said...

Haven't sent the email yet...crossing my fingers Monday offers a moment to touch base with her for a second...