Aug 1, 2011

First Day of K: Before

Today is a big deal.  My baby is beginning kindergarten!!  I am swimming in a weird mix of emotions.  I've been up before Noah getting things ready so we can look like we have our act together by the time we get to his school at 8:00.  Kindergarten.  Oh, wow, I've looked forward to this day forever and I come to find it's not all unadulterated joy like I anticipated - though it is a joyful milestone to be sure.  I am surprised at how the simple fact that the moment has arrived has hit me over the weekend.  Do I feel some grief?!  Is that was this is?  Maybe just bittersweet something or other.  Oh, what a special day it is.

But for now it's only 6:39 and Noah comes down the stairs to tell me he kept his pull-up dry so he gets to play video games.  "After school I get to play video games, wight Mommy?" He makes sure I understand.  "Right," I say.

Then he says with earnest and alert eyes, "Mommy, I so excited I gonna go to kindergarten!!  You gonna say, "You wike kindergarten?" and I gonna say, "Yes, I wike kindergarten!"  And my heart smiles on him and his exuberance and his happiness about today.  I am so happy with him.  So happy my heart won't let me do it without tears. Seriously, watering up as I type - but not sad waterworks.  I don't know what this feeling is!

T minus 40 minutes til we get in the car ... with every last peanut allergy note/chart, epi-pen, checklist, many school supplies, lunch (slapped with 40 peanut allergy stickers.  Ok, just 2), camera, medical bracelet, extra epi-pen, and the boy.  Oh, the boy.  Oh boy!  What a big day.


Amy Faye Brown said...

I went to sleep praying for y'all (around 2 am when the hacking/coughing settled down). Can not wait to hear how this first day and week go.

Kimberly said...

Amy, I'm so glad we're friends.

Emily said...

awwwwwe...when you print this year up...what a sweet momentous moment of feeling from his momma!

You're so sentimental!

Heather said...

I love that they phase into Kindergarten. Nothing like that around here. First day, full day. No warm ups, besides one hour of Open House a few days before school. The biggest shocker for me was how tired Brooke was. She was used to still taking somewhat of a nap, big or small, and now she was "on" for 6.5 hours each day. Being well behaved, paying attention, and the other requirements of school is very tiring. I remember for like the first 3 months of school she would come home and have the worst attitude. I couldn't figure it out. She was this sweet little girl all during the summer and before and now this bad attitude, cranky girl was coming home from school. Then I realized that she was so tired, she didn't even know how to act once she got home and she just let it all go. After a few months of adjusting, our sweet little girl returned. :)

Kimberly said...

Ahhhh, yes, that makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the heads up!