Aug 1, 2011

First Day of K: During

For the record, I am not so anxious about Noah starting kindergarten as I am anxious about trusting others to protect him from anything with peanuts in it.  It really is all about the life/death allergic reaction that lurks around every corner.  What will he do without my Mommy Superpowers to protect him?!

Anyway, I got the boy and his gear to school

and he was ushered into his new classroom

by his adorably sweet teacher, Mrs. Miller - (no picture ... yet) - because she had to hurry back over to a screaming classmate who was CLEARLY not ready to let his momma leave his side.  His momma finally did leave and she was all crying, too, which I understand - that's not the way any momma wants her baby's first day of school to go.  I'm just so glad my baby was all big boy about it and wasn't a bit flustered.  He is gonna do great today.  I have no worries for him on that front.  He'll rock it. 

It's only a half day.  It's really mostly for kindergarten testing.  But they are eating lunch in the cafeteria ... where mommy's worst fears come to life.  :{  I'll be there in no time to pick him up and ask him a million things.  Can't wait to hear Noah's take on his first day of school.  I bet you anything he won't have much to say ... he'll be in too big a hurry to play his video games.  Mark my words.


Amy Faye Brown said...

I don't know why but I'm crying.
Oh, what a great milestone.

Kimberly said...

Reading that you were crying, totally made me water up again when I was reading it in the car riders' lane. You stop that!

Emily said...

hahahahahhahaah~!!!!!! Kimberly, you crack me up...and stop crying.....

I feel bad for NOT crying....I'm actually looking forward to another day with only 2 kids in the house!!!! Is that bad?! hahahaha

Kimberly said...

I love that that was how the day hit you, Emily. It is really refreshing and honest and totally not needing to be apologized for. Own it!